So mad. Ready to give up, read me, and give advice!



  • and so you can-and I do too-it is not going to kill you,you are right-it just adds up and I was simply pointing out that that is where the weight gain might have came from since she probably just stored some extra fluids --thats all--:wink:
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    Do not give up.
    Another small change that makes big difference is not to eat your dinner late at night. Eat it so you have at least 3 hours before you go to bed.


    Makes no difference. At all. And you do NOT need a cleanse.
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    How much exercise have you done? Do not make the mistake of eating your exercise calories.

    Are you measuring the food accurately?

    Make sure you get 10,000 steps a day.

    Drink a glass of warm water every half hour - set your cooker timer to remind you. Have the water ready to drink with a straw.

    Before you eat anything, drink a whole glass of water slowly.


    Says the newbie who has lost 0 pounds.

    DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS. I lost 64 pounds eating back 95% of my exercise calories. You need to fuel your body to run properly. MFP already builds a calorie deficit in, so when you exercise it makes the deficit BIGGER. Too big a deficit can stall your weight loss and your body isn't getting the nutrients and energy it needs to operate. Also, I'm HORRIBLE at drinking my water (although I try to). How do you explain me and tons of other people here who have lost hundreds of pounds eating their exercise calories and not drinking 5 gallons of water a day? :smile:

  • warrinet
    warrinet Posts: 6 Member
    The first time I saw a weight gain after a week of exercising and eating properly, I assumed that something had to be wrong with my scale. I've had it for almost 10 years. So I immediately went to Walmart and bought a new scale. Lo and behold the new scale was wrong too. To the exact ounce. (Just kidding). Anyway, I was very disappointed but kept going anyway. The next week I was pleasantly surprised that I had lost two whole pounds. I took the new scale back to Walmart and I've learned to trust that if I keep going regardless of what my scale says, I will reach my goal. So don't give up. We can do this!!!:smile:
  • Walking is garbage. You need to incorporate weight training and high intensity interval training HIIT. The key is intensity. If you're not huffing and puffing and dripping sweat when you're done then you're not training hard enough. Cut out sugar, bread, pastas and pretty much anything processed and eat lean meats, lots of green vegetables, complex carbs and green tea or water. Get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep and stay consistent. If you have a cheat meal not cheat day fine but don't do more than one a week or you'll be back to square one.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Do not give up.
    Another small change that makes big difference is not to eat your dinner late at night. Eat it so you have at least 3 hours before you go to bed.


    Makes no difference. At all. And you do NOT need a cleanse.

    ^^^ Amen! I typically eat dinner 7:30pm and I'm in bed by 9:30pm on work nights. Cleanses are great to feel better if they are done RIGHT but not at all necessary to lose weight. And you're only losing water anyway. I'm not a fan of going even one day without eating solid food, unless you had oral surgery or something lol. The number on the scale is not as important as other factors, like measurements, how your clothes are fitting, and more importantly, how you FEEL!
  • jmariscal3
    jmariscal3 Posts: 57 Member
    I am not saying to fast to lose weight. I am saying that the fast assisted in beating out all cravings. Many people choose not to, and I was one of them. I tried it to beat the cravings because I had a habit of wanting all foods that were bad for me. After the cleanse I did not need it anymore and the foods I ate were what my body wanted. It is not for everyone. I threw that out there only because that is what helped me, but all people are different.
  • Lots of great posts! I got on my scale once and it registered a 6 pound weight gain overnight and I thought...awww hell to the no...and after making everyone in the house weigh was the batteries..they needed replaced.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Walking is garbage. You need to incorporate weight training and high intensity interval training HIIT. The key is intensity. If you're not huffing and puffing and dripping sweat when you're done then you're not training hard enough. Cut out sugar, bread, pastas and pretty much anything processed and eat lean meats, lots of green vegetables, complex carbs and green tea or water. Get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep and stay consistent. If you have a cheat meal not cheat day fine but don't do more than one a week or you'll be back to square one.

    ^^ he's right too. Walking is good for my 68 year old dad who is post triple bypass, post abdominal aortic aneurysm and has a tough of COPD and coronary artery disease but really not enough for a younger person who wants to lose weight and get in shape. HIIT and weight training are KEY. Moderate cardio eventually turned on me and after 15 years of working out I was getting out of shape! Then I started ChaLEAN Extreme and fell in love with heavy lifting. She also incorporates HIIT and interval training for a nice mix that never lets you get bored or complacent. Switching it up every 30 days is also important to avoid plateaus!
  • Please try to give up the diet soda (unless you are diabetic)! There are studies that show that people who drink diet soda are more overweight than the regular population. If you must have soda just drink regular, but even then only on special occassions. I've been there, I was a soda addict until a year ago; even the dreaded diet soda thinking I was being better. When I started using MyFitnessPal I gave up soda. It was hard for two weeks, but I made sure I carried my water bottle EVERYWHERE so I never had an excuse to "need" a soda. After a few weeks I no longer had the soda cravings. :) Also, try researching the Paleo diet (I'm doing that no and working on scaling back on the things, they completely do without). I know it can be hard but hang in there and keep pushing!
  • Sorie44
    Sorie44 Posts: 19 Member
    When I travel my sleep gets messed up. I
    f you flew on a plane that can cause edema.
    When I share a room with people I don't know, I get constipated (sorry to much info).
    There is so much sodium in restaurant food.

    get back on track logging your food and drinking your water and exercising.

    I wouldn't get back on the scales for a week. I bet your weight will be back to normal.

    I always remind myself that this is a lifestyle change...and life happens. Life will continue to happen. Just get up, brush yourself off and get back on the horse.
  • JohnDun
    JohnDun Posts: 140
    Walking is garbage. You need to incorporate weight training and high intensity interval training HIIT. The key is intensity. If you're not huffing and puffing and dripping sweat when you're done then you're not training hard enough. Cut out sugar, bread, pastas and pretty much anything processed and eat lean meats, lots of green vegetables, complex carbs and green tea or water. Get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep and stay consistent. If you have a cheat meal not cheat day fine but don't do more than one a week or you'll be back to square one.

    Dont give up on your goal, it happens, I check the scale if its up I dont really care at all, I know that am doing my best. I like the idea that the shirt I am wearing just now does not have the buttons ready to pop off and take some poor sods eye out, but 3 weeks ago it would have.

    As for the intense working out, I have started down that path. I would say that I do work on the treadmill for some of the things I do but I am doing interval training with it, after a warm up I will set the treadmill at an incline of 12 and speed of 6kph and just walk up that damn hill. Will then reduce it back down to 0 and 4kph...then minute latter do the same thing again. Gets the hold heart pumping and the tshirt soaking but no running involved, but its intense.

    Maybe another idea is NOT to weigh yourself for a few weeks, ignore the scales, they dont exisit, keep following your planned programme, do your exercises, drink the water, and make sure you go to the bathroom before you weigh yourself, some folk forget about this and the waste matter in your body can weigh a bit.

    Good luck and keep us all updated.....J
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Why are you weighing yourself after you have just got home from dinner? You should only weigh yourself first thing in the morning, naked after a toilet stop and before you drink or eat.
  • Shanel0916
    Shanel0916 Posts: 586 Member
    Could it be that you are possibly in denial about your eating habits, take time and truly evaluate your diary are you logging EVERYTHING you eat?
  • chubito
    chubito Posts: 5 Member
    If you are eating low carb and you ate something with high carbs in it when you were out, you probably gained a lot of water weight. Don't be a slave to the scale, take progress pictures every 2-3 weeks and also take your measurements. Often you are losing fat, but the scale doesn't reflect it. Also, drink more water. the more water you drink, the less your body will retain. Whatever you do, don't give up. You will always plateau for a while when you are losing weight, but giving up means that you have to accept your current body for the rest of your life. I know that isn't what you want to do. If you are completely stalled, you could always try intermittent fasting, or try following the keto lifestyle. You can find out more about keto @
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    Are you taking any medications that could cause weight gain? that's what my biggest problem was, I was put on a medication that made me gain weight quickly and isn't coming off easily. My Dr switched my meds and so now its starting to help alot but still a long way for me to bring the weight bk down to where I want it. If you take some medications they can make you retain water or mess alot with your metabolism. Or if its close to that time of the month I know I fluctuate around 4-5 lbs around that time. don't give up though....that happens to all of us.
  • HelpWanted220
    HelpWanted220 Posts: 31 Member
    Don't give up...Don't give the scale that much power. I too have had the same experience.

    It sounds like you had a great time, which is so necessary, and your body freaked out from being out of the "norm".
    I do think it was the colas and coffee and sodium.

    I agree with tons of water....but help your body out recovering and add some fresh squeezed lemon. I am not a lemon fan, so I squeeze an ounce (that is all you need) and chug an 8 oz and then another 8 oz and it works. I do that sometimes mid morning and then afternoon.
    Lots of water....

    You can do this and it is just a bump in the road!!! :smile:

    Curious what does lemon do for you???
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Walking is garbage. You need to incorporate weight training and high intensity interval training HIIT. The key is intensity. If you're not huffing and puffing and dripping sweat when you're done then you're not training hard enough. Cut out sugar, bread, pastas and pretty much anything processed and eat lean meats, lots of green vegetables, complex carbs and green tea or water. Get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep and stay consistent. If you have a cheat meal not cheat day fine but don't do more than one a week or you'll be back to square one.

    This is not true. Yes, weight training is a GREAT thing, it tones and adds muscle and therefore increases our TDEE. But saying someone who is just getting started on their journey is 'not trying hard enough' is utter bull. I eat carbs, fruits, vegetables, dairy, sugar, meat, etc etc etc and as long as I stick to my calorie goal (this includes eating exercise cals) and exercise moderately (this includes walking) I lose weight. It's when I give up on myself that the weight comes back on. I'm in this for the long haul now and I'll be damned if i'm going to be told my walking isn't good enough.
  • LoriIone
    LoriIone Posts: 88 Member
    I drank a lot of water yesterday. I am down 4 pounds! I am going to drink lots more today and do a good workout. Thank you everyone for your opinions! Thanks for all the kind words!