
My name is Rebecca I am 319 lbs and I want to lose 120 (to start with). I have a real hurdle though, I have NEVER liked fresh vegetables. And my husband won't eat any veggies except corn & carrots. Everytime I try to make something new he gets upset with me. So if I can get some advice on how to get over this hurdle please help me out :)

I am walking every day, and eating more chicken, and counting my calories. I KNOW I can do this! I am motivated and determined. But I know I can use all the help I can get too!!


  • ferrytrip
    ferrytrip Posts: 497 Member
    Hi Rebecca,

    I am in the same boat. I find I can eat vegtables if they are in a sauce, stew, hotdish or cassarole.
  • kbeech06
    kbeech06 Posts: 328 Member
    Hi Rebecca! Have you ever tried roasting your fresh veggies? It gives them a whole different flavour. Drizzle just a bit of olive oil on them and add some herbs and roast in a hot oven. YUMMY! As for hubby, I have no advice there....mine loves all the stuff I try to avoid! I loved broccoli and he doesn't. So I cook it for myself and fix him whatever he wants. Makes me an extra pan to wash...but oh well.
    Good luck...I'm just starting out here too!
  • heidikg22
    heidikg22 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi it if you have a facebook account it might be an idea for you to check out Terri Anns diet (thats the page) its hardly any veggies etc... which you are expected to eat and i feel it works only its very low in carbs and i do a lot of exercise so i find that i end up hungry in a few hours on it, i need my carbs! IT might be worth a shot for you though it sounds as if it would work for you
  • Hi, Rebecca,
    I need to lose at least 100 pounds, so I'm here for the long run. Will send you a friend request. We can do this together.
    I try to avoid the bad carbs, and eat a lot of veggies. Love them! Keep trying different recipes, and someone old me once every 5 years your taste changes. So what you didn't liked 5 years ago, now maybe taste good. I had that with seafood.
  • hamilton040
    hamilton040 Posts: 60 Member
    Welcome and good luck :)
  • Thank you ladies :) I bought some fish. I have never cooked fish. I heard that about tastes changing too. :) I love brocolli, peas, green beans, corn, carrots, celery...just none of it raw. Haha. I bought some veggies and I am planning on buying a lot more fresh fruits and veggies next month when I get paid. (I only get paid once a month). I have been surfing pinterest finding all kinds of awesome recipes!!

    Okay, what are the worst things to eat when it comes to carbs??