P90x: I did it!!!!!

mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Just a small no scaler victory for me. Today I completed Week 2 day 5. In the Ab Ripper we have to do leg climbs and I did them today for the VERY first time! I can also almost do an entire roll up. Not yet but I am getting there. I am so excited.


  • catfan
    catfan Posts: 90 Member
    Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile:
  • ktmunchie
    ktmunchie Posts: 35
    You GO GIRL!!! I was SUPER excited when I could make it through the ad ripper for the first time. Celebrate all those small victories!
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Fantastic!!! You are inspiring me! I hope to move on to P90X at some point. For now, it scares me :devil:
  • monilark
    monilark Posts: 42
    Way to go!!!!!!!! Progress is always so encouraging!! Keep up the great work!
  • dinosgirl
    dinosgirl Posts: 157 Member
    Awesome! It's those small victories that keep the motivation alive. Hubby and I are doing INSANITY! right now but plan on following it up with P90X. I am excited and look forward to seeing what kind of results you get. :smile:
  • AshleyTaylor2017
    AshleyTaylor2017 Posts: 155 Member
    Which program are you doing? I am thinking about starting the lean program again.
  • CarrieHarrison
    CarrieHarrison Posts: 3 Member
    Awesome!! P90X is very tough program, more or less for the advanced. You must be very dedicated. I incorporate alot of P90X and insanity routines into my daily programs. The results are very rewarding and I love to mix it up. Good job!!!
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    I am doing the classic version of P90x
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    Thank you everyone. I was so scared of it but I always love a challenge. Did legs and back today and my legs feel like jelly but I am loving the results
  • JessicaFB
    JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
    Nice progress!! It only gets better!
  • cpatt
    cpatt Posts: 38 Member
    Great job! I am seriously thinking about switching back to P90x from Power90. I still do AbRipperX and Kempo because I love them!
  • oaker
    oaker Posts: 132 Member
    Great job. Can remember the first time I did Ab ripper, not sure about love, but I did hate it. Took quite a while before I made it thru the whole thing. Those pheiffer scissors were always the hardest for me. Again, great to hear you are getting stronger!
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    That's fantastic! I just started P90x and have only been through two rounds of ab ripper x and it is currently brutal. Glad to know it gets better, great job!!!
  • asm2260
    asm2260 Posts: 81 Member
    Great job! I am seriously thinking about switching back to P90x from Power90. I still do AbRipperX and Kempo because I love them!

    Check out those guns...watch out everyone....
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