What's realistic to expect in 2.5 months?

I just found out I might be going down south in 2.5 months and while that is a nice get away, I just dread having to be in a bathing suit around my hubby and friends. I've got around 45 lbs of extra weight, mostly around my mid-section while being quite small boned otherwise. Even if I did everything right between now and then with diet and exercising, do I have any chance of being in decent bathing suit shape by then?

I know it's a lifestyle change that is my goal, but I'm just curious what other's have achieved in this kind of time frame when they got serious about it. I've got Jillian's body revolution coming (even before I knew about the trip) and want to start strength training again.

I'm not sure whether to ask this here or in success stories.

I just don't want to ruin my own trip not being happy with my body and am looking to see what other have managed to achieve in that time frame. Thanks in advance!


  • Carol_123
    Carol_123 Posts: 69 Member
    Thank God I have some MFP friends in my profile or I would be feeling very alone right now.
  • nickfr21
    nickfr21 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey, been on MFP for awhile, new to the boards. If you are motivated and rarely stray from your daily goals, 2 pounds a week is realizable, so ~20 lbs. However, life sinks in and it may be closer to ~10 lbs (pound a week) or less if you stray. I've found it important to celebrate what you have lost and get back to the wagon when you fall even if its going slower than you like. Either way, you're better off than you were before!
  • munzaga
    munzaga Posts: 10 Member
    I am not sure what is reasonable, to be honest. Especially on Jullian's plan as I am unfamiliar with it. I know that they say that the 2 lbs a week is supposed to be healthy. I am going to try to shed 20 in a month though. I know that sounds ridiculous-but seeing as how I just started and have a ways to go-I think it is doable. :) I know that the longer that you have been on a plan, the slower the weight seems to come off. At least that is my experience. You can do it! You can look fab in 2 months. Best of luck!
  • mlondon8509
    mlondon8509 Posts: 28 Member
    It is not advised to target more than 2 lbs per week, as this is not a sustainable or healthy clip. A reasonable expectation, if you are committed to your program and work hard would be to lose between 1 pound and 1.5 pounds per week. If your trip is 2.5 months out, that would be a bit over 11 weeks. Therefore, 11 to 17 pounds seems like a reasonable target in that time frame.

    Whether or not that gets you in "decent bathing suit shape" is really going to be 100% in your head. If you are able to stick to the program and improve your fitness and nutrition, you will have made a huge step towards a sustainable healthy lifestyle - which is way more important than how you look in your swimsuit on your vacation. That said, if having the vacation serve as motivation to jump start your progress, by all means use it!

    Good luck!
  • ailiel
    ailiel Posts: 18 Member
    mlondon8509 gave great advice. How far you get depends on how well you choose your new habits... will you try to rush things, and do things you can't maintain? Believe me, there is nothing more embarrassing than losing a bunch of weight before a vacation (*cough* family reunion cruise *cough*) and then showing up a year later heavier than ever. Not fun.

    I would say expect to lose ten pounds by your vacation if you implement some really good changes, and if you lose more, then let that be an unexpected bonus. Don't set yourself up right out of the door with an impossible goal and then get discouraged when you don't meet it.
  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    I've been on MFP for about that amount of time, give or take a week and I've lost 16 pounds so far. Granted I haven't done my weigh-in for this week yet (that happens on Friday), so hopefully you can tack on at least another pound to that amount. So I'd say anything from 15-20 pounds is a reasonable expectation. It could definitely be more though depending on how strict you are to staying under your calorie count as well as how much exercise you do each day. I know the holidays kind of tripped me up a little bit so that has to be factored in. As far as inches go I took my measurements on 12/28 and I had lost about 2 inches from my waist and 1.5 inches from my hips, once again I'm hoping it'll be more the next time I take them, but I only do that every couple of weeks. All in all it's really about how much effort you put into it. I'd say these results are definitely obtainable, but you could also probably have better ones if you are strict about eating right and exercising, I tend to allow myself a little more leeway than I should from time to time. Haha I hope that helps though!
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    Honestly, don't even think about dumping the 45 lbs or anywhere near it, forget that. Aim for 1 lb a week, and if it's been a while since you exercised, especially if you're over 30, don't go straight for jumping rope or plyometrics or anything nutty in an attempt to make this 'deadline'.

    Cause you could hurt yourself badly enough that the rest of your year, or even two, are goners as far as workouts are concerned.

    If you try to hit a nutty goal in that timeframe by using a massive dietary deficit alone, it's a near-guarantee you'll gain it back.

    The best way to do it for this holiday is the same as for the rest of your life. Slow and steady wins the race. Establish a base of fitness before going wild; use a moderate deficit.

    If you're starting 45 pounds north of the middle of a normal bmi range, 10 lbs is reasonable to shoot for, imo. No matter what, you'll look and feel tighter, you'll be more energetic - it'll be great!
  • jwvoakes
    jwvoakes Posts: 3 Member
    I think the key is sticking with your plan and not beating yourself up too much if you gain a pound or two. I started here when I hit my heaviest ever weight and what I've done is weighed myself 2x per week, Sunday and Wednesday. Sunday being my main check-in, and using Wednesday as a chance to regroup if I see an increase or whatever. I try to make sure that, when my weight hops back up a little, making sure that I really focus and get back to losing, so my chart shows a lit of little hills but the overall direction is towards less weight. I've lost around eleven pounds in 2-1/2 months. My original goal was to lose 25-30 lbs by February 23 (going on a cruise), but I'l be happy losing maybe another 5 or 6 lbs in the next 7 weeks.
  • Carol_123
    Carol_123 Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks everyone. Lots of great advice :) I was just curious what a little weight loss and exercise would look like in a couple months. Got a great email from one girl who only lost 12lbs but had a great body transformation pic from working out with similar stats as me. So if I did manage to lose 20lbs, that would put me at 150 and despite that being still 25lbs over my goal weight, I could make a significant change to how I carry that.

    I'm not doing this just for my vacation, I am doing this to get back to how happy I felt when I used to have it all under control. I know what to do, just haven't been doing it sadly for the last 10 years. Can't blame this on lack of education. I just have never been THIS heavy before to know what I can or can't do in the next number of months.