Advice about fitness routine (upgrade/improvement)

Hi all

I am in need of advice... For the last 31 years I hated exercising. Last year in September however I made a new attempt, and started walking. I go walking at least 3x a week for 4 miles (4 miles per hour), and I like it.
Last week I started jogging, appr. 10 minutes during my hour of exercise

And afterwards everything hurt, my legs were heavy and sore... The next days I walked, but could not jog... And this is what depresses me - how am I to make progress and become fitter? I would like to do more demanding cardio (jogging, high intensity step etc), more weight lifting (did kettlebells last night, and I love it, but needed to take breaks during the workout)

I am also watching the Biggest Loser. How do this people survive this? So many hours of exercise? And I am whining like a baby... Ok, I have some weight to lose, but not thaat much. And I struggle with squats and other exercises... I need to take breaks after 15 min doing exercising videos (like Jillians 30d shred)...

I would like to become fitter, and to do more. Weights, or more demanding aerobics... I could commit 5x week 90 minutes.... But somehow I wonder how I will manage, if I am always sore and my muscle hurt - and I am not overdoing it... it is simple jogging or weight training...

Any input would be highly appreciated


  • catjrow3
    catjrow3 Posts: 681 Member
    Sore muscles mean change though. When you do something different that your body is not used to, the muscles have to break down to accomplish this and rebuild so next time they can do it better . If you push through the sore muscles, then maybe after doing it a few times it will not hurt as much. Or, is the pain more like your knees are blowing out? Or just sore muscles? Sore muscles are fine!! Signs of change.
  • SGT_Reg
    SGT_Reg Posts: 186 Member
    You are doing exactly what you should be doing to become "more fit". Keep it up and keep making improvements.

  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    I agree. Push through it, if it's just muscle soreness. Everytime I try a new exercise, I am sore, but it's a GOOD sore. It means I've challenged myself. Once a workout stops feeling like a challenge (you can breathe easily, muscles don't get sore) you have to shake it up a bit. Otherwise you plateau and no changes will happen.

    You will know the difference between 'pain' and 'muscle soreness'.....obviously if there is a different excrutiating pain, stop. There is something wrong.

    Good luck and keep it up! (no pain no gain) lol
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    If you are wanting to do more running, I would highly recommend C25K (Couch to 5K). It is a free app that takes you through walking/running alternating so that you gradually build up your running time. It takes about 8 weeks or so until you are running 20 min non stop. Great program and that is how I began running. I am sure you would hear positive reports from other people re: C25K. It is a popular program. Look into it and give it a try!
  • fuego84
    fuego84 Posts: 35 Member
    When I get sore I feel like I actually accomplished something and my body is changing. Eventually the soreness will decrease and I push on to something more challenging. Do not forget to stretch after your workouts; it can make a world of difference.
  • rascallycat
    rascallycat Posts: 248 Member
    why is it one or the other? You didn't become unfit overnight. Do weight training a few times a week and jogging the other days (or other cardio) until you find a routine that works for you. The muscle soreness will eventually decrease some as you build up your endurance. Just keep going.. oh and do NOT watch the Biggest Loser.. it sets up unrealistic expectations.
    Never give up and NEVER quit! You can do it!
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    First, are you wearing the right shoes? Second, I feel your pain. I tried to incorporate jogging into walking and the shin pain was incredible. I just decided that there were less painful ways to get a good workout.

    I enjoy step aerobics. Find a program that has lots of different levels that you can choose from for your fitness level. My favorite and always go to is the old 1992 ish Jane Fonda low impact step aerobic video. You can still find them used online and any similar step will work with it, though I bought mine brand new back in the day. Its low impact, not a lot of jumping around unless you really want to. Its also a bit silly, but hey, it works for me, comes with abs at the end too. You can do it without a step, with the 6" step or add one to two more levels that add 2" each. There are 3 instructors and they all do the routine at different levels. I currently do it at the 6" level with 1 lb hand weights, can also add leg weights. In the past this routine led me to a lean, dancer's body. I bicycle for other cardio with little strain on joints. There are all kinds of programs you can use to get cardio without hurting yourself. Mild stiffness and soreness are to be expected, I am against anything that incapacitates me for days afterwards. I also love billy blanks and tae bo.
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    change can bring soreness I did my long run yesterday and finished and felt fine got my 6 miles I am going to be 65 and still losing and getting fit I am sore this morning because yesterday was longer than my normal daily run. I am heading out in a few minutes and I will walk the first 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile to loosen up and then run the remaining 4 miles once I am warmed up the soreness leaves that is how I make progress and get to go longer and faster.
    You didnt mention any stretching if you want to run you might want to learn to stretch before and after it helps
    Keep it up and you will make progress soreness isnt pain if you have pain cut back and get a Drs opinion as to what is going on
  • teddine
    teddine Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you guys! Very interesting and good points you are making... I will check out the application, incorporate stretching...
    And the "pain" is nothing serious/bad, just sore muscles and tired :-). I will push through it. I am quite excited, as this is the first time in my life I WANT to exercise...
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    Make sure you're eating back your calories in a quality form that will help the muscles recover.
  • Lone_Wolf70
    Lone_Wolf70 Posts: 2,820 Member
    When I started 13 months ago, I could barely workout for 10-15 mins without feeling like I was dying. They key is to fight thru the pain and keep doing it days after day and week after week and not even look at the scale for the first 21 days.

    In the beginning I would be lucky to burn 100-150 cals when I worked out and now if I dont knock out a 1,000 per day I feel like a failure. The one thing I committed to myself is even if the scale "betrayed" me I wouldnt stop and eventually you will see the differences.

    The other piece is nutrition. If you dont make changes there you will be putting in effort for nothing.
  • catjrow3
    catjrow3 Posts: 681 Member
    And eating enough. Eating your 700 or 800 calories a day will not fuel your muscles properly for your exercise!! You need to eat more!!