Looking for Friends!!!!

Hey there, I posted a few days ago but it wasnt very successful, so trying again. Looking for friends that are out going. Who like to chat, support, do challenges and maybe share their food diaries. I have 110lbs to lose so I'll be on here for a while. Ive tried everything under the sun and nothing has worked. So its time to do what everyone always said I should, but I was too scared...Time for a life change. I have to decided to live a mostly Vegan Lifestyle. I feel better when I eat this way. Let me know if your interested in learning more. (You dont have to eat like me to be my friend!!lol)


  • minikhan95
    minikhan95 Posts: 52 Member
    Hey! Feel free to add me. :) I will provide lots of support and voice my disagreement if you try to quit!
  • feel free to add
    I will offer support if I can x
  • jacalynn12
    jacalynn12 Posts: 2 Member
    I also have a lot of weight to lose. I'm currently at 230 and I want to get to 130 or so. I would love to be your support system, your cheerleader, and I will give you tough love if you need it. But I would expect the same from you. :))
  • Easnic44
    Easnic44 Posts: 41 Member
    feel free to add me could do with suppor and motivation and can also support and motivate backx
  • Zampa13
    Zampa13 Posts: 75 Member
    Add me if you like... I like to keep an eye on how others are getting on to keep me motivated.

    Im aiming for a 78 lb loss so will need motivation through the year!
  • shepanth
    shepanth Posts: 2 Member
    I'll be your friend :D You will just have to show me how to share my food journal. I just started this site and my goal is to lose 50 pounds, so I may be here for awhile. What I really like about this site is that I now have the freedom to eat whatever I want as long as I stick to my calorie counts. To have 'rollover' calories to equal to 3500, I exercise for the first time in my life after the mandatory PE in high school!
  • kristaleighwhite
    kristaleighwhite Posts: 39 Member
    Add me if you like - I need the support as well. :smile: I don't need to lose quite as much as you, but I have rarely missed a day of logging so I will be around to support if need be.

    Good luck!
  • Add me I will support you as I have a lot of weight to lose
  • schenzy
    schenzy Posts: 19
    I will be here for a while as well! Feel free to add me!
  • wormy80
    wormy80 Posts: 64 Member
    I am just starting on this site as well. I have about 100 pounds to lose. Feel free to add me and we can try to do this journey together. That goes for anyone else who has posted here as well. I look forward to meeting new people.
  • rascallycat
    rascallycat Posts: 248 Member
    Read my profile and feel free to add me if you would like
  • Hi my name is Maree and I live in New zealand and am looking for friends to support me through this weight lose:
  • Bobtheangrytomato
    Bobtheangrytomato Posts: 251 Member
    Aiming for around 80 lbs, and my food diary is open to my friends. Feel free to add. (Also, I've been vegan/vegetarian in the past and vegan made me gain weight. I found it hard to get low fat protein when vegan), but I'm sure there are plenty of long time vegans who can help you out, I'd look for a few vegan friends with open diaries.
  • Dani_M_1984
    Dani_M_1984 Posts: 17 Member
    Everyone free to add me because I could be doing with some support also :) I've just started again and have a long way to go. :)
  • Add me! I'm just getting starting and hoping to add friends too. I should a pic up and my profile finished this week.
  • twilson1157
    twilson1157 Posts: 3 Member
    Just started also. Wed all can use the support.
    I only eat seafood and eggs, not a vegan but feel healthier since I dropped other meats.
    I am diabetic, so I have some challenges.
    I want to lose 50 pounds!
  • cryswest57
    cryswest57 Posts: 141 Member
    I'm new too. You can add me. :)
  • ldonahue74
    ldonahue74 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm also looking for motivational friends. Anyone may feel free to add me, if they wish
  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    Hello You can add me . Please look at the end results. Celerbrate the small weigh loss. Positive thoughts sent your way. Peace and smiles Julie
  • Please add me i could use some support on my very long journey!!!! Its going to take time but it took time to get where i am right now. WE CAN DO IT!!!