Chicks Shave This???? HUH...



  • Fit_Vixen1
    EWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! I ran into a grammar school girl in the summer. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!! She had a stache & beard!!! Grossest part about it is that she was so happy to see me ( I WAS IN SHOCK TO SEE HER!!!) she hugged and hissed my cheek. Ew & ew & ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, she poked my face with her stubble!!!!!!!!!

    That's just not right!!!! Wax or epilate that ****!!
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    i was so hoping it was toe knuckles

    I do!!! :blushing:
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    From what I can tell, the article is not about shaving your face. It's about "dermaplaning." Which sounds more like exfoliation than something specifically for hair removal.

    Also, shaving your face (or any other place) will NOT cause hair to grow back thicker. It's literally impossible since you are not changing the way it grows out of the follicle below the surface of the skin. It just feels coarser because the end is blunted. That's just common sense, folks.

    Thank you! I've been a LICENSED cosmetologist for 15 years, and what you said is true. No need to get further into it. :)

    Don't care what you guys say or what the science is. The hair is thicker and darker, and there's no doubt in my mind about it. If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it's a duck -- not just "seemingly so".
  • falcon367
    Razor stubble on chicks ... acceptable in some places :wink: .... but NEVER the face. :noway: LOL
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    no way!!! if u shave it grows back thicker!!! i never touch my face cuz.... uh.. obviously i dont have to lol im not a he woman..

    this is true. and it grows back in sticking straight up and is never the same texture of hair again.

    I only know this because I am a licensed cosmetologist, and they actually touched on this top in cosmo school and how awful it is to do :)

    Is it really true that it grows back thicker or just that its a blunt cut so feels tougher and sharper? In that article there was another link to this site that says it does not grow back thicker, it just feels like it because the way regular razors cut the hair.
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    no way!!! if u shave it grows back thicker!!! i never touch my face cuz.... uh.. obviously i dont have to lol im not a he woman..

    this is true. and it grows back in sticking straight up and is never the same texture of hair again.

    I only know this because I am a licensed cosmetologist, and they actually touched on this top in cosmo school and how awful it is to do :)

    Hair can only grow back in as thick as the follicle allowed for in the first place. WTF school did you attend?

    maybe "thicker" was not the right terminology used in the original post from I forget who. but it can and does change the texture.. you can start with "peach fuzz" type hair and shaving it you rick a possibility of growing back more of a "sandy" and "rougher" texture if you will.

    No need to get snooty.. Pretty sure I went to a very accredited school, and have been doing this for 8 years.. yes, i know you have been in the industry longer... but I pride myself in this industry. and I am pretty sure Paul Mitchell is a very reputable school.

    Cutting doesn't change the texture of the hair the way you are implying it does. You should know that as a cosmetologist. You would need an actual chemical texturizing service ( or temporary with a product and mechanical heat tool) to acheive that. Even texturizing the hair through a cutting service you are actually just snipping into it to create smaller/shorter pieces for the longer lengths to bounce off of. If shaving caused hair to thicken how many balding men and women would do it in a heartbeat? It just simply doesn't happen that way.
  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    haha to be honest the people getting mad about this comment its only becuase they shave there face and feel like the non shavers are atttacking them.. calm down guys haha... if u shave ur face screw it! to each there own!!!!!
    would i?... HELL NOOOOOOOOOO but thats just me... i shave my girly girl-underarms-legs-and arms sometimes lol..

    soooooooo guys lets not get all mean to one another.. we should be on eachothers team.. GIRLPOWER!!!!!!! ya!!
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    haha to be honest the people getting mad about this comment its only becuase they shave there face and feel like the non shavers are atttacking them.. calm down guys haha... if u shave ur face screw it! to each there own!!!!!
    would i?... HELL NOOOOOOOOOO but thats just me... i shave my girly girl-underarms-legs-and arms sometimes lol..

    soooooooo guys lets not get all mean to one another.. we should be on eachothers team.. GIRLPOWER!!!!!!! ya!!

    I don't shave my face and I'm not mad, but I also work in this field so I feel obligated to correct fallacies when they are presented.
  • ReachingNEON
    ReachingNEON Posts: 68 Member
    FOR THE RECORD.. I do NOT shave my face!! LOL I mean..not ALL of it..and since my skin is very thin (roscea or something) it is very painful to epilade it..or whatever.^-^ Different people do different things..if someone does it I don't have a problem. :)
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    more girls need to shave above their *kitten* haha

  • Harriann84
    I adore how judgemental most of you are. Have none of you ever heard of hirsutism? It's a condition where the body grows excess hair EVERYWHERE. It is also a side effect of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

    I do have to shave my face. Every other day. Not only to appear "normal" (whatever the f**k that is) but because it's complicated trying to explain to my daughter why the doctor's can't fix it.

    I exfoliate, shave and moisturise my face. I also have to shave most of my body. I am not ashamed but I would be devastated if a friend spoke of me the way most of you have of women doing it for beauty reasons.

    I have no choice. I have had VERY painful laser treatments on it and it still grows back. I have waxed, bleached and plucked it. Shaving is the only way I can manage it on my budget and even then it's not cheap. I have to use decent products.

    Thank heavens for my husband. He doesn't care about stubble when I kiss him and my cheeks are wet from tears because I have an affliction I can do naff all about.
  • RiverDancer68
    RiverDancer68 Posts: 221 Member
    more girls need to shave above their *kitten* haha


    Double :huh:
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I adore how judgemental most of you are. Have none of you ever heard of hirsutism? It's a condition where the body grows excess hair EVERYWHERE. It is also a side effect of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

    I do have to shave my face. Every other day. Not only to appear "normal" (whatever the f**k that is) but because it's complicated trying to explain to my daughter why the doctor's can't fix it.

    I exfoliate, shave and moisturise my face. I also have to shave most of my body. I am not ashamed but I would be devastated if a friend spoke of me the way most of you have of women doing it for beauty reasons.

    I have no choice. I have had VERY painful laser treatments on it and it still grows back. I have waxed, bleached and plucked it. Shaving is the only way I can manage it on my budget and even then it's not cheap. I have to use decent products.

    Thank heavens for my husband. He doesn't care about stubble when I kiss him and my cheeks are wet from tears because I have an affliction I can do naff all about.

    I have a friend who shaves, and she does it because she doesn't want to have to deal with the 'inbetween' stage that people who wax have to have (the hair has to be a certain length before you can wax).

    She's still beautiful. And an amazing friend. And **** everyone who says they wouldn't want her stubble touching them when she kisses their cheek.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    no way!!! if u shave it grows back thicker!!! i never touch my face cuz.... uh.. obviously i dont have to lol im not a he woman..

    this is true. and it grows back in sticking straight up and is never the same texture of hair again.

    I only know this because I am a licensed cosmetologist, and they actually touched on this top in cosmo school and how awful it is to do :)

    Hair can only grow back in as thick as the follicle allowed for in the first place. WTF school did you attend?

    maybe "thicker" was not the right terminology used in the original post from I forget who. but it can and does change the texture.. you can start with "peach fuzz" type hair and shaving it you rick a possibility of growing back more of a "sandy" and "rougher" texture if you will.

    No need to get snooty.. Pretty sure I went to a very accredited school, and have been doing this for 8 years.. yes, i know you have been in the industry longer... but I pride myself in this industry. and I am pretty sure Paul Mitchell is a very reputable school.

    Cutting doesn't change the texture of the hair the way you are implying it does. You should know that as a cosmetologist. You would need an actual chemical texturizing service ( or temporary with a product and mechanical heat tool) to acheive that. Even texturizing the hair through a cutting service you are actually just snipping into it to create smaller/shorter pieces for the longer lengths to bounce off of. If shaving caused hair to thicken how many balding men and women would do it in a heartbeat? It just simply doesn't happen that way.

    Okay so the confusing part for everyone here is, yes it does appear thicker. The reason being is when hair grows naturally the end of the shaft tapers off with wear. The base of the hair shaft will not get thicker but the new ends of the new growth will look thicker than they were before. Over time they'll be fine as the end as the ends wear away as normal.

    I didn't go to cosmetology school but I shave my legs and stuff so duh.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    I adore how judgemental most of you are. Have none of you ever heard of hirsutism? It's a condition where the body grows excess hair EVERYWHERE. It is also a side effect of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

    I do have to shave my face. Every other day. Not only to appear "normal" (whatever the f**k that is) but because it's complicated trying to explain to my daughter why the doctor's can't fix it.

    I exfoliate, shave and moisturise my face. I also have to shave most of my body. I am not ashamed but I would be devastated if a friend spoke of me the way most of you have of women doing it for beauty reasons.

    I have no choice. I have had VERY painful laser treatments on it and it still grows back. I have waxed, bleached and plucked it. Shaving is the only way I can manage it on my budget and even then it's not cheap. I have to use decent products.

    Thank heavens for my husband. He doesn't care about stubble when I kiss him and my cheeks are wet from tears because I have an affliction I can do naff all about.

    You are a stunning woman, and I am sure that it's a major pain in the rear to deal with hirsutism. I have a smidge of it, just enough to make me self conscious at times. My hubby has psoariac arthritis, right now the psoariasis is under control, but there have been times when 50% of his face had plaqueing. Sometimes it made him very self-conscious (which was very painful to see). While nobody was ever rude to him about it, I could see someone saying something rotten on a forum like this one. People can be nasty and superficial, especially when anonymous. Ignorance is never pretty.
  • CarlieeBear
    CarlieeBear Posts: 325 Member
    My Japanese roommate did and told me it's quite common in Japan.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    My Japanese roommate did and told me it's quite common in Japan.

    I've known a lot of Japanese women who shave their whole faces, including forehead. It is an everyday thing. And I've never seen a Japanese woman with a beard.

    I don't really get facial hair, just tiny peach fuzz near my ears that nobody can see. But I have tried this once, and when the hairs grew back in, they were as fine and clear as ever. Like I said, a lot of models do this before photoshoots. One of my closest friends was an Elite model and I know she had it done several times.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I've never had a reason to. I've barely got any hair as it is. But I can see why it would work. Let people shave where they want in my opinion!
    As a women gets older (over 30 & up) her estrogen level drops and facial hair's simply a matter of our bodies getting older and our hormone levels changing. Same as guys that have to start taking Testosterone shots because the levels drop off as we age, for some late 30's for others it might not be until you hit 40's.

    For anyone making fun, it's simply not something that's happened to you yet, your time will come and it'll make more sense then. :flowerforyou: That's why a Womens skin changes as well.. age and lowered estrogen.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I adore how judgemental most of you are. Have none of you ever heard of hirsutism? It's a condition where the body grows excess hair EVERYWHERE. It is also a side effect of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

    I do have to shave my face. Every other day. Not only to appear "normal" (whatever the f**k that is) but because it's complicated trying to explain to my daughter why the doctor's can't fix it.

    I exfoliate, shave and moisturise my face. I also have to shave most of my body. I am not ashamed but I would be devastated if a friend spoke of me the way most of you have of women doing it for beauty reasons.

    I have no choice. I have had VERY painful laser treatments on it and it still grows back. I have waxed, bleached and plucked it. Shaving is the only way I can manage it on my budget and even then it's not cheap. I have to use decent products.

    Thank heavens for my husband. He doesn't care about stubble when I kiss him and my cheeks are wet from tears because I have an affliction I can do naff all about.

    You are a stunning woman, and I am sure that it's a major pain in the rear to deal with hirsutism. I have a smidge of it, just enough to make me self conscious at times. My hubby has psoariac arthritis, right now the psoariasis is under control, but there have been times when 50% of his face had plaqueing. Sometimes it made him very self-conscious (which was very painful to see). While nobody was ever rude to him about it, I could see someone saying something rotten on a forum like this one. People can be nasty and superficial, especially when anonymous. Ignorance is never pretty.
  • CarlyRobbinsGilbert
    Wow, everyone is so closed-minded! "Ew!" "I'd never do that" etc. Lots of women suffer from hirsutism that comes from hormonal imbalances. Some women are just genetically hairy. Not everyone can afford expensive dipilatories, prescription drugs and creams, or laser hair removal. Get over the differences in people and have some sensitivity!