Fruit & Veggie 1-Day Challenge – Saturday Jan 12, 2013

:flowerforyou: Does your weight loss need a kick in the you-know-what? Mine does!! Would you like to learn to like fresh fruits and veggies? I do!! How many of us are queens of mindless eating? Can you use some support and good ideas? Me too!!

We all know that "fresh fruits and vegetables" are good for us. But what are we doing about it?

Here is how the challenge works:
-EAT vegetables and fruit at every meal and snack time for the day.
-SUBSTITUTE any of (or all) of the starch / meat / dairy food portion in a meal with Fresh Vegetables (where possible)
-Have only a (fresh) fruit or vegetables for snacks
-Drink 8oz of water and no alcohol :drinker:

-Use common sense - Retrain your senses !!

(If you can't do a whole day, do one meal)

YOU decide to be in! YOU benefit!
1. Post if you are in and what you are going to do.
2. Report back how you did at the end of the day or – also good - the next morning!

:heart: Rebel Renny
Location: Vancouver Island, BC, Canada


  • I'm in again!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I am giving up bread and pasta and most certainly alcohol and sweets. At least that is the plan!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I am in again too....though I usually do this everyday anyway...but I will put in an extra 2 servings tomorrow.....not bread or tatters for me!
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    I'm in again this weekend.
    Breakfast will be fresh fruit salad.
    Lunch will be veggie stir fry.
    Dinner spaghetti squash with vegetarian sauce
    snacks will be apples/oranges/cantelope/kiwi/grapefruit (it's all here depending on what i want).
    may need to add some tofu to the stir fry or some nuts with the snacks.

  • bigeasy36
    bigeasy36 Posts: 18 Member
    I'll give it a shot for the day.
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    :flowerforyou: I am in again...but tomorrow...will try for veggie omelet and fruit, homemade soup...mostly veggies with clams thrown in and two veggies with dinner....this was great last week because it made me think a little bit later in the week before I munched on empty calories...some were worth it...some. not so much!

    Thanks Renny...I will be checking in to see how everyone does!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Count me in

  • EnderNC
    EnderNC Posts: 383 Member
    I accidentally did this challenge today :0
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    oops, bumped the wrong thread:blushing: :tongue:
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    I should do this challenge. I have been very well on fruits, not so much on the fresh veggies....

    oh wait, but i don't want to cut out starches or carbs. i just want to incorporate more veggies
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I should do this challenge. I have been very well on fruits, not so much on the fresh veggies....

    oh wait, but i don't want to cut out starches or carbs. i just want to incorporate more veggies

    Incorporating more veggies is the idea!

  • I did pretty good today, other than breakfast, that is! It was very nice of my husband to fix breakfast today. Unfortunately it didn't exactly fit the description of fruits and vegetables! He was so proud of himself. He baked the bacon, poached the egg, and cooked the hashbrowns in a non-stick skillet so he didn't add extra fat. For lunch today I ate a nice big salad with kidney beans as my protien. For dinner I used low carb, whole wheat tortillas for my vegi/hummus wrap. My snacks were 1 banana and 1 clementine.
    Even with the breakfast, I still managed to stay under my calorie count! All in all, a good day!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    oops, bumped the wrong thread:blushing: :tongue:
    Back to check in... got way more veggies and fruit in today than I have in awhile.. not near the amount we need but was more than I have been getting in. :)

    Thanks for the Challenge..:flowerforyou:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member

    Reporting back:
    For breakfast I had an egg white omelette with mushrooms and onions.
    For lunch, I had a spinach salad, with some mustard added to the balsamic vinegar for dressing. That was yummie.

    I tried a new recipe for dinner: broccoli and red pepper stir-fry with home made peanut sauce. It took about a pound of broccoli. And guess what - I ate the whole thing, it was so delicious. Of course the peanutbutter makes it crazy fattening and the soya sauce makes it high in sodium. :ohwell: :ohwell: too late now.

    Overall, I did less well yesterday than I had hoped for. Although I had lots of veggies, I only had one piece of fruit - a pomegranate; it took me from mid afternoon to bed time to eat all of it. But was it ever good. In addition, I had wine, which I had planned not to have. That sure added up in the calorie and low nutrient department . My diary is testament to my indulgence. :grumble:

    On a more encouraging note, I have been eating healthy since Dec 1st and I have lost 4 inches in my waist since then. I credit the fresh fruits and veggies for that. :smile:

    Till next time!

  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Good Morning!
    I was out of town and could not report on Saturday, but I did this challenge on the Friday and I felt terrific on Saturday morning!
    I am still feeling a kind of "soft cleanse" effect... I just feel like I am processing food really well, and I felt a good burn of calories.....
    .(I have never done one of those cleanses of any type, so I don't know what those effects are).

    I did not eat my usual cup of brown rice, because I was unsure about the parameters of I see that was correct from other posts, great! Love veggies, eat moderate fruit levels, and used my whey supplement for protein....

    I may do another day today. Hope everyone here had a great F+G day!

  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Follow-up...Friday was a good day full of fresh veg, but in reviewing my diary, I see I ate a cup of lowfat popcorn to fill up my calories.....won't do that again...but the whole day was great, even for a genetically anemic gal like me, who HAS to eat red meat for iron; although I use a lot of thyme to get iron too!
  • JenNuma
    JenNuma Posts: 52 Member
  • Hi I am so glad to find this community!
    I am planning on shedding a few Kgs around my belly and such ;-) I am overall 'slimmish' lol but belly does not match body lol.

    Lately it is as though my body is telling me to 'eat light' by that it seems things like soup/veggies and fruits. And i must admit, this is sounding appealing. Has anyone lost belly fatty with this kind of approach to food?

    I will give it a try and will post here -- just wondering if you have cool recipes for veggies only meals. I am quite good at doing veggies as side dish -- but I would like to try new things so I do not get bored eating veggies as main meals. I love steamed veggies but wndering if I can sustain long term steamed veggies without getting bored. thank you and hugs to all.
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Did the challenge yesterday - made so much fruit salad that I had it for breakfast and lunch. The stir fry got moved to dinner and I have enough to have tonight warmed up with a chicken breast on top.

    Thanks Renny, I really like this challenge and I feel really good from all the F&V
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    If I was a teacher...I would give myself a "needs improvement " on my effort today...I did have baby carrots with lunch but waited too long to I was starving so ate my half sandwich from Friday's lunch instead of soup and salad...I will have two veggies with dinner and my snack was cheese slices....I am going to try to do this again later in the week and do a better job!