Looking for friends that have had gastric bypasses

I had my Minigastric bypass last year and have lost about 40 lbs.. I was judged by my sister and others.. I just need some friends that have had this too.. I need encouragement if this is going to work.. sence my surgery i am off of all of my meds!! and my labs are great.. My husband has also had it done (he has lost 80 lbs) we are both healthy now..


  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    I have not had the bypass but I take care of those wonderful patients every week! I can send supporting words of encouragement. You have made quite a decision...life changing...but it is for a good reason. Keep up the great work!
  • trollorbust
    trollorbust Posts: 18 Member
    That would be great!! I am also an Rn. Our hospital does alot of Gastric Bypasses, but I had mine done in Cancun.. I would do it again in a heart beat! I love having a weight that allows me to buy clothing that is cute! Im only 35 I don't want to look 55 and now i think that i look 25 ( ok maybe 30 :) ) Thanks so much for your support.. alot of people are very judgmental. Heather