Fiance Deployed- Trying to look good for a surprise!

Hello all,

My fiance is deployed and has been for the past 5 months. I've got 3 months left til the return happens. My goal is 60 pounds gone and I'm over 50% there. I have about 26 more to go, I need some motivation and some tips. Anyone that wants to friend me for some help please do, hopefully I can help you too!


  • cont3mplate
    cont3mplate Posts: 7 Member
    My husband is deployed too! I have maybe 25-30 pounds to go and I reached that stage of damnit I don't feel like doing anymore...but I know I can't give up now..I have maybe 4-5 months to go before he comes home and I want to reach my goal and surprise him..I want to get back down to my high school weight of 165 maybe even 155 I just need extra motivation. You can do it girl!
  • maryannelk
    maryannelk Posts: 707 Member
    Hi! First of all, thanks so much for all that you do so that your husbands can serve! It's such a sacrifice! Good luck on your "surprises"! Feel free to add me.
  • kbutcher20006
    kbutcher20006 Posts: 4 Member
    What an awesome surprise! He gets to come home to a new you! I have been in your shoes a number of times, but during my husband's first deployment (we were engaged then too) I also decided to lose 30 pounds. It was an amazing feeling seeing him upon his return and know that while he had so many accomplishments to be proud of, so did I! :happy: Stay motivated!
  • cont3mplate
    cont3mplate Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you so much for the support it does mean everything!
  • cont3mplate
    cont3mplate Posts: 7 Member
    What an awesome surprise! He gets to come home to a new you! I have been in your shoes a number of times, but during my husband's first deployment (we were engaged then too) I also decided to lose 30 pounds. It was an amazing feeling seeing him upon his return and know that while he had so many accomplishments to be proud of, so did I! :happy: Stay motivated!

    eating right I can get used too but its the exercising lol! I make it fun though..I love our Zumba classes..the step class I thought was going to be a breeze my was I wrong lol our instructor is a beast!