Diet Pop



  • Black_Widow1976
    Black_Widow1976 Posts: 43 Member
    While we've been busy blaming our ballooning bellies on carbs,fat and white sugar,there's been another nasty villain lurking in the shadows. Who's the dirty rotten scoundrel that's helping to make us fat? It's high-fructose corn syrup (aka HFCS), the sweetener used to replace sugar in many processed foods. Manufacturers love it because its cheap and doubly sweet. Problem is, our fat cells love it,too! Research shows that its more easily turned into fat than any other carbohydrate,and it also shuts off the switches that control appetite. Your liver bears the sole burden for metabolizing HFCS,and it simply hasn't evolved to handle the kind of fructose load we get when we chug 12oz cans of Coke daily. So it responds to the fructose flood by shipping it directly to our fat cells. In high levels,HFCS also boosts triglycerides (fatty compounds that circulate in the bloodstream and are stored in the fat tissue) by as much as 32%. That's a heart attack waiting to happen! And you'll find it just about everywhere: soft drinks,candy,BBQ sauce,fruit-flavoured yogurt,even some breakfast cereals. The only way to avoid the evil wrath of HFCS is by reading labels carefully. If high-fructose corn syrup,fructose,glucose/fructose or corn syrup appears near the top of the list of ingredients list,you can bet you're getting a hefty dose of trouble! -From The Loonyspoons Collection.

    does this help?

    its from a cookbook written by a nutritionist and a cook. here is the link to their site
  • I don't know about anyone else but i tend to drink diet soda for the caffine in the morning or just the bubbles kinda depends on my mood. But i find carbonated flavored water satisfies that for me and i have started drinking 4 cups of green tea a day for the pick me up. Not sure what aspect you are addicted to on it but the water is yummy and really helps give me that pop feel and most the ones i have bought are 0 cal and everything across the board just depends on which ones you get.
  • Black_Widow1976
    Black_Widow1976 Posts: 43 Member
    While we've been busy blaming our ballooning bellies on carbs,fat and white sugar,there's been another nasty villain lurking in the shadows. Who's the dirty rotten scoundrel that's helping to make us fat? It's high-fructose corn syrup (aka HFCS), the sweetener used to replace sugar in many processed foods. Manufacturers love it because its cheap and doubly sweet. Problem is, our fat cells love it,too! Research shows that its more easily turned into fat than any other carbohydrate,and it also shuts off the switches that control appetite. Your liver bears the sole burden for metabolizing HFCS,and it simply hasn't evolved to handle the kind of fructose load we get when we chug 12oz cans of Coke daily. So it responds to the fructose flood by shipping it directly to our fat cells. In high levels,HFCS also boosts triglycerides (fatty compounds that circulate in the bloodstream and are stored in the fat tissue) by as much as 32%. That's a heart attack waiting to happen! And you'll find it just about everywhere: soft drinks,candy,BBQ sauce,fruit-flavoured yogurt,even some breakfast cereals. The only way to avoid the evil wrath of HFCS is by reading labels carefully. If high-fructose corn syrup,fructose,glucose/fructose or corn syrup appears near the top of the list of ingredients list,you can bet you're getting a hefty dose of trouble! -From The Loonyspoons Collection.

    does this help?

    Errrr... ignoring the hyperbole...there is no HFCS in diet soda so how is this even relevant?

    yes there is...its not always labelled as HFCS. MSG isn't always labelled as MSG.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    While we've been busy blaming our ballooning bellies on carbs,fat and white sugar,there's been another nasty villain lurking in the shadows. Who's the dirty rotten scoundrel that's helping to make us fat? It's high-fructose corn syrup (aka HFCS), the sweetener used to replace sugar in many processed foods. Manufacturers love it because its cheap and doubly sweet. Problem is, our fat cells love it,too! Research shows that its more easily turned into fat than any other carbohydrate,and it also shuts off the switches that control appetite. Your liver bears the sole burden for metabolizing HFCS,and it simply hasn't evolved to handle the kind of fructose load we get when we chug 12oz cans of Coke daily. So it responds to the fructose flood by shipping it directly to our fat cells. In high levels,HFCS also boosts triglycerides (fatty compounds that circulate in the bloodstream and are stored in the fat tissue) by as much as 32%. That's a heart attack waiting to happen! And you'll find it just about everywhere: soft drinks,candy,BBQ sauce,fruit-flavoured yogurt,even some breakfast cereals. The only way to avoid the evil wrath of HFCS is by reading labels carefully. If high-fructose corn syrup,fructose,glucose/fructose or corn syrup appears near the top of the list of ingredients list,you can bet you're getting a hefty dose of trouble! -From The Loonyspoons Collection.

    does this help?

    Errrr... ignoring the hyperbole...there is no HFCS in diet soda so how is this even relevant?

    yes there is...its not always labelled as HFCS. MSG isn't always labelled as MSG.

    Diet is HFCS in a zero calorie drink....think about it.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    While we've been busy blaming our ballooning bellies on carbs,fat and white sugar,there's been another nasty villain lurking in the shadows. Who's the dirty rotten scoundrel that's helping to make us fat? It's high-fructose corn syrup (aka HFCS), the sweetener used to replace sugar in many processed foods. Manufacturers love it because its cheap and doubly sweet. Problem is, our fat cells love it,too! Research shows that its more easily turned into fat than any other carbohydrate,and it also shuts off the switches that control appetite. Your liver bears the sole burden for metabolizing HFCS,and it simply hasn't evolved to handle the kind of fructose load we get when we chug 12oz cans of Coke daily. So it responds to the fructose flood by shipping it directly to our fat cells. In high levels,HFCS also boosts triglycerides (fatty compounds that circulate in the bloodstream and are stored in the fat tissue) by as much as 32%. That's a heart attack waiting to happen! And you'll find it just about everywhere: soft drinks,candy,BBQ sauce,fruit-flavoured yogurt,even some breakfast cereals. The only way to avoid the evil wrath of HFCS is by reading labels carefully. If high-fructose corn syrup,fructose,glucose/fructose or corn syrup appears near the top of the list of ingredients list,you can bet you're getting a hefty dose of trouble! -From The Loonyspoons Collection.

    does this help?

    Errrr... ignoring the hyperbole...there is no HFCS in diet soda so how is this even relevant?

    yes there is...its not always labelled as HFCS. MSG isn't always labelled as MSG.

    it's diet.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    its from a cookbook written by a nutritionist and a cook. here is the link to their site

    Sounds legit.
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Maybe I shouldn't reply...but I went off diet pop cold turkey for 8 months last year. Thought it would make me feel better. Nope. Finally realized I enjoy it too much. I drink 2-3 cans a day. Personally, I just can't find a "reason" to quit for good...guess I just don't really believe some of those studies...
  • Jaloth
    Jaloth Posts: 28
    Go to your health food store and see what they offer!!
  • loneworg
    loneworg Posts: 342 Member

    its from a cookbook written by a nutritionist and a cook. here is the link to their site

    Sounds legit.
    Thought the same thing.
  • Black_Widow1976
    Black_Widow1976 Posts: 43 Member
    manufactures are pretty sneaky when it comes to are just better off not drinking pop. even if its diet.
  • makoman99
    makoman99 Posts: 5 Member
    I gave up diet pop cold turkey (along with a lifestyle change with no fast food, decreased carbs/increased proteins and 1.5 hours of exercise a day) in January of 2011 when I weighed 235; I now weigh 160. I substituted 64 ounces of green tea that I brew at home and it did help me tremendously with a decreased appetite.

    There are different studies on diet pop leading to increased appetite or depression. Remember that the additives (sweetener, acids, etc.) in the pop affect people differently. Bottom line, you can only figure out if it is better for you by trying.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    manufactures are pretty sneaky when it comes to are just better off not drinking pop. even if its diet.

    So, diet pop doesn't have HFCS in it then? Are you admitting to that?

    Also, if that is the case, why just soda? You better give up everything that you do not grow yourself because lawdy knows what you will find in any foods then.
  • loneworg
    loneworg Posts: 342 Member
    manufactures are pretty sneaky when it comes to are just better off not drinking pop. even if its diet.
    False. It OK to drink it. I recommend op that you do your own research and I'm talking about scientific studies and journals.
  • HandyASH
    HandyASH Posts: 109 Member
    WOW mamajama!!
    I have been one of the worst Diet Pepsi drinkers ever. They probably owe me some stock for it:laugh:
    Scary fact I heard that coke can clean your toilet so i guess it could eat your insides also, ugh its just what I heard never researched it.
    I have been a lot better (not perfect) at my addiction. What i have done is increase my water intake. Only allow myself a can if I drink two glasses of water first.
    If I really just need the carbonation I buy carbonated water.
    Today is the first day in a long time I have had non. I know the bug for soda.
    Feel free to add me we can keep each other accountable, I am new here also.
  • Black_Widow1976
    Black_Widow1976 Posts: 43 Member
    manufactures are pretty sneaky when it comes to are just better off not drinking pop. even if its diet.

    So, diet pop doesn't have HFCS in it then? Are you admitting to that?

    Also, if that is the case, why just soda? You better give up everything that you do not grow yourself because lawdy knows what you will find in any foods then.

    nope...if you knew how they can get around it you would never want to touch it. if you must have pop..wild oats natural soda is a better option.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    manufactures are pretty sneaky when it comes to are just better off not drinking pop. even if its diet.

    So, diet pop doesn't have HFCS in it then? Are you admitting to that?

    Also, if that is the case, why just soda? You better give up everything that you do not grow yourself because lawdy knows what you will find in any foods then.

    nope...if you knew how they can get around it you would never want to touch it. if you must have pop..wild oats natural soda is a better option.

    Huh? - this does not even relate to my point. Why is only soda the issue if your conspiracy theory is correct. Do you have anything to support these allegations?

    How do you know they do not sneak HFCS in your natural soda then?
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    I was drinking about 6 liters a day of diet soda. I gradually cut back and now I drink about a 2 liter a day give or take a glass. I have noticed that my weight loss has been more consistent since I reduced the soda.
  • Black_Widow1976
    Black_Widow1976 Posts: 43 Member
    ffs...i don't eat anything with artificial sugars,msg,gluten or HFCS ( in any form). there are ooodles of studies backing the dangers of pop whether its diet or not.

    fyi...hydrolyzed yeast extract is a form of msg.
  • loneworg
    loneworg Posts: 342 Member
    ffs...i don't eat anything with artificial sugars,msg,gluten or HFCS ( in any form). there are ooodles of studies backing the dangers of pop whether its diet or not.

    fyi...hydrolyzed yeast extract is a form of msg.
    What studies?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    ffs...i don't eat anything with artificial sugars,msg,gluten or HFCS ( in any form). there are ooodles of studies backing the dangers of pop whether its diet or not.

    fyi...hydrolyzed yeast extract is a form of msg.

    That's lovely for you. Now, how about providing some of those studies. It's what the actually OP asked about.

    ETA: what is wrong with MSG?