Leslie Sansone dvds

cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi. I have been noticing people burning a lot of calories through these dvds. I have been doing them for 2 weeks and just put it under general aerobics. What does everybody else put it under. I see people burning 500 or so calories for like 30 minutes and ive been doing 45 minutes and mine says 350. Is there somewhere specific where I put it. I guess high impact maybe.


  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I did some searching on the dvds I use. I have the Biggest Loser Power Walk and according to Bob, he said 1 mile is 16 minutes..so I log that in at walking 4mph- brisk walking. The Biggest Loser Cardio Max, I log it in as Circuit Training (I read this on sparkle.com). There is no true way to get the exact amount of calories you burn even if you use a HRM. I also don't eat all my exercise calories.
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    I do her Leslie Sansone. I can burn up 625 if i do the 3 and 4 high mile energy walk. (105 minutes )I have HRM to correctly calculate my correct burn of calories. The calories counter on this site is for the average weight of 150 and i'am a long way from that may be what some are using but i don't think it is right count for everyone.
    My HRM is based on my current weight and i have it strap on me at all times when doing any exercise. When i do the 3 mile high intensity walk of Leslie my average is on 345-365 based on a 45 mintues dvd. I hope this helps
  • lizziewhan
    lizziewhan Posts: 148 Member
    i really doubt that people are burning 500 cals in 30 minutes doing leslie sansone. i have her dvds and i LOVE them. i used to do them alot although now im doing turbofire. imo turbofire is a much more intense workout....and i barely burn 400 to 500 calories in an hour workout with her so i really dont see people burning 500 in 30 mins. usually 30 mins is a 2 mile walk right? log it as that and see what the cals say
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    thanks guys. i was thinking logging it under 45 minutes, 4 miles walking since 3 miles in 45 minutes would be 4 in an hour. thanks again.
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    I did 3 miles in 45 minutes yesterday. I put it as walking at a 4 mph pace, since that is what it figures out too. It says I only burned 315 calories
  • Denita
    Denita Posts: 28
    I log it as low impact aerobics.
  • alisons7598
    alisons7598 Posts: 162 Member
    First it depends on which DVD you are doing. Some of her dvd's are shorter times. I have one that u can do 5 miles in a hour. It also depends on your weight. I'm a heavier weight so I burn more but the more I lose the less I burn. The website www.caloriesperhour.com has different walking calculators. They have one that you type in your weight, how long you walked, and how far you walked. It will tell you how many calories you burned and at what speed you were walking. I find that website to be more accurate with the calculating since you actually put in your own weight. I also don't include the warm up or cool down in that because at least for the videos I have that isn't included in the mile you walk.
  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member
    I list it as aerobics too since I think it' s more than just walking.
  • JordanGirl5
    JordanGirl5 Posts: 56 Member
    I log mine as walking fast - think I'm gonna try out some of the sites listed to calculate the calories burned based on your weight and how long you walked/how far you walked.
  • What? now I'm confused on calories burned with the Leslie DVD.........definitely need a HRM to monitor calories now! Any good quality / low cost ones you can recommend?
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    Love her. I do two of her videos that are available OnDemand (there is a lot more!)

    I log them as Walking, 4.0 mph, very brisk pace
  • K9Lover
    K9Lover Posts: 82 Member
    I want to try one of her DVD's. Bump.
  • hi, how complicated are the turbofire dvds? I am a complete clutz. :laugh: :laugh:
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    Before I got my HRM I was entering my workouts as low-impact aerobics. It seems fairly close because I had been losing weight close to what MFP said I would. I found that I was actually burning a little more than what MFP was giving me. I typically burn 150-200 cals each mile depending on the DVD. Some are easier so less burn and some are harder so more burn. I do love Leslie though! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • I believe the people who said they've lost 500 calories. I did Leslie's 3 mile walk using my Nike Run app, under handheld, and it says I lost 411 calories! I am apprx 178 pounds...if that makes a difference.
  • ElvenToad
    ElvenToad Posts: 644 Member
    FYI Leslie Sansone has most of her videos on Youtube. I do the 4 mile walk video almost everyday and its about 55 minutes long. I use a Polar FT4 hrm and I usually burn anywhere from 475-520 during those 55 minutes. I am 229lbs.
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