I Hate Water....How Can I Get My Daily Intake?



  • mclandy
    Unfortunately, MyFitnessPal is still perpetuating the "common knowledge" that you should drink 8 glasses of water a day, even though it has been shown to be a myth, and most likely originated with the misreading of a report from the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council. See: http://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2010/12/08/the-myth-behind-drinking-8-glasses-of-water-a-day/

    Drink when you are thirsty, drink after you exercise, drink if you are having urinary problems. But it doesn't have to be water, and it doesn't have to be 8 glasses a day.
  • caughey1
    I count all fluid intake as water as long as it has water in it eg tea or coffee not everyone likes water
  • CrimsonStain
    CrimsonStain Posts: 23 Member
    Avoid excessive amounts of caffeine which dehydrates you. Like many others before me, I suggest fruit (particularly watermelon or pineapple) or fruit smoothies. To expand on the dark urine advice...Urine that looks like apple juice/cider indicates that you are dehydrated. Urine that looks like lemonade or is clear means you are drinking adequate amounts of fluids. My friend has told me that including a lemon in your water is cleansing to your system & speeds up your metabolism. So possibly spice up the water with a lemon or maybe MiO (a liquid flavor enhancer) but MiO is questionable and I would do research first; it may contain harmful/unhealthy ingredients. Good luck :smile:
  • Born_2_Lose
    Born_2_Lose Posts: 59 Member
    slice up some cucumbers and float in a pitcher of water, or some berries or watermelon. They end up in the bottom of the glass/pitcher, but flavor the water nicely.

    Ive tried this before, came out great!!!
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    crystal light or those water flavor drops are great.......
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    When I started this journey over 100 lbs ago, I was like you. I probably didn't drink more than a gallon or two of plain water a year...seriously. But I know for healthy reasons I need it. After literally gagging it down for awhile, I now can enjoy it. I prefer it ice cold....

    The drink mixes tend to foster your sweet tooth...so becareful of them.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    If you really hate it, get a water filter.

    Do you only do things that you enjoy? For me, a lot of what I do is because it has to be done - brushing my teeth, changing the linens on my bed, washing laundry, etc. Water falls in the same category. Your body needs it. I don't think you're supposed to particularly enjoy it.

    I had to work up to drinking more of it myself. I used to wake up in the middle of the night dying of thirst because I didn't drink any water all day. That's not a problem anymore.
  • NatashaShen
    NatashaShen Posts: 295 Member
    Just stay hydrated. If your pee isn't dark, you're fine.
    Simple and accurate

    Absolutely! You can add fruits and veggies to a pitcher of water to help make it taste different and help you enjoy staying hydrated.
  • bkccmurray
    I often drink plain seltzer water. Plain water was just too bland and I also realized that when I drank soda it wasn't because I liked the taste.... i was after the 'acid wash" effect of the carbination. So I switched to seltzer water and dropped about 10 pounds in about 2 months. But watch your lables.... seltzer water has no calories, sodium, sugar or carbs. Tonic water and soda water often have sodium and other additives. Another thing I enjoy when nothing seems to quench my thirst.... lemon juice, a pack of sweet and low, and water. Instant lemonade, nice and tangy.
  • seabee78
    seabee78 Posts: 126 Member
    Lemons/limes, oranges, melons, berries. Anyfresh fruit sliced up and infused into the water overnight makes a subtle taste...more than simple water yet not overpowering.
  • lluulluu
    lluulluu Posts: 115 Member
    I put cucumber slices in my water.. it give the water a different flavour, which i really like..
  • tattoosandheels
    tattoosandheels Posts: 66 Member
    add cucumber, mint and lemon! Its refreshing and clensing without adding any extra sugar or caffine!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Water with lemon. Squeeze the lemon juice in rub the rim with the peel & drop in the wedge. Lime too.
    Mineral water like San Pelligrino or Perrier.
    Herbal teas like Chamomile, white tea, or anything that requires no sweetener and has no caffeine.
    Juices but you have to calculate the calories.
    Sliced cucumbers in water like they do at the spas.
    A lady I knew would always put out two pitchers of water one with cucumbers, one with a green herb.
    Water blended with the seeds and surrounding pulp of a melon like cantaloupe or honeydew then strained.
    Diet drinks but they have to be caffeine free to count and only if you are comfortable with artificial sweeteners.
    I count my slim fast as part of my water intake but someone on MFP says it's a major no no, I don't care.
    Decaf coffee although I read online that only Folger's decaf was completely caffeine free of those tested.

    Happy drinking :drinker:
  • 1roughneck
    I dunno about aspartame/ saccharin sweeteners... they can fake your insulin receptors, and might break down into unhealthy or dangerous molecules. I try to use stevia (even grow my own, and do extractions with grain alcohol) or monkfruit extract. I don't like water unless I'm really hot and thirsty, and I have good well water. I still use drink mixes sometimes (crystal light Mojito is awesome), but it tends to make me have cottonmouth. My mom is skinny, and has used aspartame to sweeten coffee for at least 20 yrs, and now has arthritis, gallbladder and kidney problems which might be attributable to sweetener use. Lemon or lime squeezed into water is good, and I'll sweeten it with stevia. A little of it goes a long way! Good luck!
  • Minnesota_Nice
    Minnesota_Nice Posts: 414 Member
  • cheryl461
    At first, I just get a small 8 oz glass...think about it, it's ONLY ONE CUP....I drink it down first thing when I wake up. Then another after breakfast, one mid morning, one with lunch, one mid afternoon, one with dinner, one mid evening then the last one right before bed....that's 8! I get thirsty now if I don't stay on schedule. Try adding a tiny splash of apple juice to it at first and see which you prefer, ice cold or room temp.

    Hope this helps! :D
  • k_pattie
    k_pattie Posts: 34 Member
    Hi! I had the same issue with water - didn't really like the taste and was a diet coke addict. I was able to kick my soda habit by switching to caffeinated tea in the mornings and drinking seltzer water. However, watch with seltzer water. Plain seltzers and naturally flavored ones are great, others are flavored with unhealthy ingredients that read like a soda ingredient list. When I am out I try to drink pellegrino or iced tea. I also really love the powder packets for drinks - I drink a lot of crystal lite. I used to have my pantry stocked with propel packets and crystal lite PURE packets but unfortunately cannot find them in the town I recently moved too. If you can find them I would definitely check them out! Also, I drink 2 glasses of emergen-c everyday. I hope some of this will help for you! And what people are saying about the color of your pee is totally true. I always feel so much better when I am adequately hydrated and my pee is nice and clear lol! :tongue:
  • tonyrocks922
    tonyrocks922 Posts: 172 Member
    Millions of people around the word would kill for easy access to potable water and in North America and Europe we complain about having to choke it down.....