Exercise DVDs with captions?


So I was wondering if some of you could help out.
I am a hearing person but my boyfriend is completely deaf. I have a fair amount of workout DVDs, including some of Jillian's.
However I am looking for other DVDs that may have captions or subtitles.
Has anyone crossed by it in a menu? I have been searching online for closed captioned ones but not all DVDs actually list that as an option.
I am hoping captions would help him learn it a little faster and avoid some injuries.


  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    Many of the Cathe Friedrich newer workouts have a graphic telling you what the next exercise is, what weight cathe is using, and so on. All of her workouts , there are over a hundred she's been around since the 80s, have all the exercises listed on the workout manager on Cathe dot com. once you make an account, go to calendar, choose the type of workout you want to do with a drop down menu- choose dvd, then just pick whichever sounds good. all the corresponding dvds have clips on youtube. tons of reviews on collage video or on the cathe forums. It would be a good idea to post this question on those forums too.
    those women have dvd collections. hundreds some of them. many ladies claim they have all cathe's workouts plus a bunch of other instructors. someone is bound to be able to help you out.

    hope 1 of those options works for him :)
  • Prayforya
    Prayforya Posts: 68 Member
    This is all I found so far http://www.t-tapp.com/dhh/index.html
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    I only have two exercise videos so I am not much help. I have one by Julian Michaels and the Brazilian Butt Lift (Beach Body Product). Both have captions/subtitles. Often the ones online don't have it but if you get the DVD version, it sometimes has it. It IS frustrating! I pretty much never try to do a download. I have to see the cover. I was upset when Mark Rippletoe's Starting Strength video did NOT have it. You might try some on Netflix if you have a subscription already. There was a lawsuit against them for not producing captions on streaming videos when they were available for DVDs. They lost and are now playing catch up. Hulu (mostly free) is also getting better about it. I do not know what they offer in terms of exercise videos but it is worth a try!

    P.S. Do not ask him to do any video that is not FULLY captioned/subtitled. Even if it seems mostly visual, often there are cues not displayed that could prevent injury. I learned that the hard way with the free demo on the 30 Day Shred on You Tube. It is also helpful to watch the entire video first before doing it. It is hard to read and move. Even if one has to read some while doing, any prior reading helps.
  • photognurse
    photognurse Posts: 27 Member
    Kcoftx- are you deaf or hard of hearing? We have 30 day shred and about 4-5 other Jillian ones that all have captioning. He got insanity from one deaf friends and I am even wondering if that has captions.

    He attempted to do TaeBo on old school VHS. He decided to join in himself while I was doing it. And then I told him to stop.
    I did find a few more Billy Blanks ones that are captioned but nothing compared to what he actually has out.

    I may have to look into the Brazilian one and the Cathe Friedrich ones, thanks for the suggestion so far.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    Yes I am.

    If the Butt Lift one has subtitles, I'm going to guess Insanity does too but I don't know that for sure.