Anyone ever LOST weight QUITTING DIET COLA?



  • notreallytrillian
    notreallytrillian Posts: 77 Member
    I didn't - but I'm sure you'd find that you would lose inches around your wait. Any time you quit drinking carbonated beverages you should lose an inch or two around your waist in about a week because you won't be bloated from all the bubbles!
  • Tiddlypeeps
    Tiddlypeeps Posts: 25 Member
    there is still a lot out there that uses aspartame sweeteners- the powdered flavors for water is only one of them so beware- anything thats man made isnt good for you in my humble opinion--- that being said I think its up to you to make the decision on what you want to ingest....what your triggers are- if drinking diet pop makes you want to eat more or eat bad things- cut back or cut it out altogether- I have noticed most pops diet or otherwise make me feel hungry and sick to my stomach as does coffee so I am working on cutting it all out and trying to do the green tea which they say speeds up metabolism :)

    Anything that's man made isn't good for you?

    That's a very silly opinion to have. Do you ever go to a doctor when you are sick?

    Do you only kill and cook wild animals and eat vegetation that grows wild? Because everything else is selectively bread and grown by man.

    There is a reason that the average human life span has doubled in the last 200 years alone. Things made by man often are pretty damn good for you.
  • amdahwd
    amdahwd Posts: 237 Member
    When I go without diet coke, I do not actually notice a loss on the scales as much as a loss in inches in my belly area. My clothes start to fit much better and I do not feel as bloated as I do when I am drinking them. I have tried hard to completely cut them out of my diet, but occasionally I just want one. I do not bring them into the house anymore, but if I am eating out somewhere, I will drink them then. If I go a week or so without drinking one and then get another one, I do blow up and it takes a few days to get rid of that bloat again.
  • Tiddlypeeps
    Tiddlypeeps Posts: 25 Member
    Your facts are simply not true. Look at Coke's website itself- they say that they use a mix of 4 low calorie sweeteners in their products:

    Huh, interesting. I'm almost certain there was a time when they stopped using it. It wasn't listed on their cans anyway. I haven't touched the stuff in a couple of years tho so maybe it was reintroduced at some point?

    Either way I have no beef with aspartame, an overwhelming amount of studies have been done on it since the rat with holes in it's brain study and none have ever managed to reproduce that effect in a controlled environment.
  • elainewitch
    elainewitch Posts: 30 Member
    I tried to stop all soda cold turkey almost two weeks ago. It's been a nightmare! The cravings weren't so bad but the headaches are killing me. It was so bad last night that I caved in and had a diet soda. The headache relief was totally worth 20 calories. Looks like I'll have to wean myself of diet soda now and I hope it doesn't stop my weight loss.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member

    I drink 1-2 cans of diet coke daily - but only ever with a meal. So I'm hoping that insulin is being used up and not lurkng about to bite my (skinny!) *kitten* in a few decades!

    Ah, the whole carbs = insulin = fat thing?

    I remember 2012 well, what a year :)

    For me, I don't like aspartame and I don't care what anyone else says. Too much chemical and political dodginess for my liking.

    But I do like the occasional fizzy sweet(ish)?beverage so it's a guilty pleasure, even more so now there is Diet Cherry Coke Zero.

    And yes, sometimes I do think the full- sugar/HFCS stuff is better for me. At least I'm not trying to kid my boy, etc.

    Drink it, suck down those calories and get the sugar buzz ... party like it's 1999 ...
  • P05T5CRIPT
    P05T5CRIPT Posts: 285 Member
    Gave up all 'fizzy' drinks including Cola in June, 6 months later I'm 70lbs lighter, obviously that wasn't all I did, but not drinking that every week has certainly helped. Water all the way now :drinker:
  • rotill
    rotill Posts: 244 Member
    I tried to stop all soda cold turkey almost two weeks ago. It's been a nightmare! The cravings weren't so bad but the headaches are killing me. It was so bad last night that I caved in and had a diet soda. The headache relief was totally worth 20 calories. Looks like I'll have to wean myself of diet soda now and I hope it doesn't stop my weight loss.

    This was most likely a coffeine headache, and could probably have been solved with a quick espresso or a cup of black tea.

    There are a lot of problems with sweeteners, ranging from poisonings that lead to brain damage (you have to be genetically disposed for that problem) to the recently documented fact that sweeteners increases appetite:

    In that research, they show that the body has an idea about what food is satisfying, and what is not. If we drink something sweetened artificially, we react as if it contains sugar, and we produce insulin binding what little carbs we have eaten as fat. This leads to low bloodsugar, which again makes us eat more to get higher blood sugar.

    What they claim is that people disturb the mechanism that tells us "hungry" or "full" by using artificial sweeteners, as well as disturbing the insulin production. It comes down to: drink water if you are thirsty, coffee if you need coffeine, eat slow carbs if your blood sugar is low. And about that: a refined carb in high concentration hits the bloodstream much faster than a carb wrapped in fiber. This is why eating an apple is better than drinking a soda with the same amount of sugar in it. The apple-carb will be released into your blood stream over time, as the fibers in the apple are broken down, and you don't get the kind of blood-sugar peaks you get from candy.
  • icmuse
    icmuse Posts: 263 Member
    Aspartame is pretty much as evil as evil gets.

    Diet soda (pop) that has aspartame in it can actually change your hormonal/brain chemistry in such way, that is makes you hungrier in a long run. And it affects the rest of the body in many negative ways as well. Tons of articles here:

    Also watch the movie: Hungry for Change (super enlightening as far as nutrition goes)
  • bev40ish
    After quitting drinking diet soda several months ago, I have noticed that my taste buds are more sensitive to the natural sweetness of fruits and vegetables, so they taste heavenly, and I'm completely satisfied with just a sweet potato, apple or even corn. I also noticed that I could no longer stand the taste of my chewy chocolate calcium "candy". (Ick!) Since, I'm maintaining my weight, I don't know if it would help me actually lose weight, but I think it's helping me maintain my weight loss.

    However, I don't think drinking diet soda prevented me from losing weight during the 15+ years that I drank it. (I did lose wiehgt while drinking it and maintain a 60 lb loss for 3 years). But, MAYBE, it would have been easier to resist sweets if I had stopped drinking it earlier. I don't know, because I still have an addiction to sugar and can't have easy access to sweets.

    Just a side note: When I quit drinking it, I went through a very bad withdrawal for about 10-14 days, and it WAS NOT caffeine withdrawal-- I drank 5-6 cans of diet 7-up every day (no caffeine). I had headaches, felt "foggy", sleepy, fatigued, and even went to the doctor to get blood work done before I realized that that it was aspartame withdrawal. (I drank one pop after the first 7 days and was immediately "cured" of my symptoms within just 1 hour.) I decided that if aspartame can cause me to feel so terrible after quitting it, I'm done with it for good and will never ingest it again.
  • cherbapp
    cherbapp Posts: 322
    I got stuck on a plateau when I cut out my diet dr peppers. I found I was having a really hard time with snack cravings in the evening and during football games especially. When I went back to my nightly soda, I killed most of the cravings and I generally eat about 200 less calories on the days I drink my beloved diet dr pepper.
  • elainewitch
    elainewitch Posts: 30 Member
    I tried a cup or two of coffee but the headache just stayed put. I'm thinking gradually weaning down might be a better option for me. I drank almost a 2 liter a day of regular soda for the better part of 3 years or more so maybe cold turkey wasn't quite the right idea.
  • mrguse
    mrguse Posts: 17 Member
    Aspartame is pretty much as evil as evil gets.

    Diet soda (pop) that has aspartame in it can actually change your hormonal/brain chemistry in such way, that is makes you hungrier in a long run. And it affects the rest of the body in many negative ways as well. Tons of articles here:

    Also watch the movie: Hungry for Change (super enlightening as far as nutrition goes)

    Mercola? Whew. I'm glad you didn't get your source someplace *totally* crazy...

    Diet soda will not make you fat, change your brain chemistry, eat holes in your teeth or anything of the like. You can and will lose weight drinking it. It's not evil and has no agenda.
  • kosnett
    I used to drink one Diet Pepsi with Splenda a day. Pepsi took this product off the market recently because it had something carcinogenic in it and I stopped drinking diet soda for the first time in over 20 years. After a few days of difficulty missing my morning fizz and cafein, I got used to not having my morning soda. Two weeks later, my constantly extended stomach disappeared, and then I started to lose weight without even trying!! My stomach discomfort, and gas disappeared also. I am totally surprised by what is happening.

    My friends used to tell me not to drink soda because it is bad for me but I never believed them until now!!
  • lewispwest
    lewispwest Posts: 498 Member
    edited October 2014
    I used to drink a good 2-4 litres of diet coke/pepsi every day. I stopped immediately when I started my diet in April and I've lost 70lbs since then and not looked back at them :)

    They might be calorie free, but that doesn't mean they are good. It was generally what went with them that was the problem, chocolate always tasted so much nicer with a diet pepsi...
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    So far I've lost 114 lbs - and I indulge in my diet coke/diet dr. pepper a few times a week. To me, it's my sweet treat.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I've quit artificial sweeteners before for several months-like maybe 6 or months. No affect on weight loss... no affect on cravings. I actually find that a little something sweet, even with artificial sweetener helps satisfy a craving for sweet stuff.
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    I ceased diet drinks and lost weight, but I really don't know if that had any effect on my progress. People debate this issue endlessly, and for me, I just decided that green tea and water with lemon was my beverage of choice.
    Who knows?
  • Grankakes
    Grankakes Posts: 128 Member

    I was just wondering if anyone ever actually lost weight solely by giving up the Diet pop??? They say aspartame makes us want more carbs/sugar - maybe so BUT what if we quit Diet pop, does it make us want less sugary stuff? Do we lose weight or lose weight more quickly after quitting the diet pop?

    I don't care what others say - I lost 9 pounds the first week off diet dr pepper. I was drinking a 2-liter per day. sometimes more. I quit and started drinking water - I know that the 9 pounds was probably water-weight, but hey - it has really helped me stay focused drinking only water. I know the carbonation and caffeine and artificial sweetener just isn't good for you! Good luck!