20-something ladies, let's lose 20lbs by St. Patty's Day!



  • Late to the party but I'd love to join in too! I slacked really bad on MFP and my healthy lifestyle during the holidays. This challenge would be perfect to get me back on track.

    Height: 5'7"
    Current weight: 180
    Goal by St. Patty's: 160
    Ultimate goal: 150
  • Just now found this topic, otherwise I would've joined already! :D
    160 lbs by St. Patty's sounds great (and, hopefully, achievable for me too). I'll soon be 21 and my current weight is about 180, don't know exactly since it's been a while since my last weigh-in. My ultimate goal is around 145, so reaching the 160 would be major for me!

    Let's do this thing!

    Oh, and I live in Finland, so yeah, totally need some motivation with exercising in cold weather...
  • Can_Change_Natalie
    Can_Change_Natalie Posts: 109 Member
    Count me in!! Im 22

    CW: 165 lb
    GW: 120 lb
    Hight: 5Ft 2
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    ccaaannn i join?

    im Monika, from Slo, Europe.

    start weight 95 (havent weighed myself for about 3 weeks now so im not 100%)
    ugw is 60kg....

    20 pounds down would be 9 kg, so lets say my gw in those 10 weeks is 85kg. that sounds totally possible :)

    edit: im 22 years old (awful.)
  • Shelly_here
    Shelly_here Posts: 44 Member
    so up for this! Currently 160lb would love to get down to 140. Going travelling on the 28th march so need some major bum-kicking! 23 years old from Leicester, UK :) xx
  • I'm in! I started counting calories and doing the South Beach thing on the 1st. and so far have lost at least 16 pounds...I'm up for 20 more by St. Patty's Day!
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member



    Don;t ever do that again lol



    Don;t ever do that again lol

    Hahaha ^^ This comment made my day!

    I'm in!
    Hoping to be 163lb
    by St Paddies Day :)
  • Amanda_Gx6
    Amanda_Gx6 Posts: 320 Member
    Im IN! 23 years old. I'm 5'2" about 147-150 eff the scale its a wicked pain. < And can I not make it anymore obvious that I'm from Mass, NorthShore area and yepp it gets a it nippley.

    Feel free to add me but please send a message along! Thanks All!
  • kdd0476
    kdd0476 Posts: 7 Member
    Please add me to the group! I am near Dallas, Texas.
  • carlayyy2308
    carlayyy2308 Posts: 24 Member
    This sounds fabulous!

    i'm in.

    Currently at 159 pounds so i'd need to be 139 pounds in 10 weeks - fingers crossed!

    I'm already down 23 pounds :)
  • rtmitch88
    rtmitch88 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm totally in! I've gained weight over the holiday season and I'm trying to get down to 130-135 lbs. I'm currently 153 lbs, and my lowest ever was 144 last April 2012 :(

    Age: 24
    Height: 5'4"
    Location: Boston, MA
    Weight: 153
    Goal for St. Paddy's: 133
    Ultimate goal: 130

    I'm also a Zumba Fitness instructor..so I'm hoping by teaching and attending classes, it'll fly off, but I've been teetering between the 140-150 mark for almost 2 years now! Quite annoying!
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Thats it

    St Paddys day, much better
  • Hello!

    I feel 20lbs is a little too much for me, but close! So I am in! Feel free to add me to your mfp friends.

    Current weight: 68kg (150lbs)
    Goal weight: 62kg (135 or so)
    age 28
    height 167cm (5'5)

    I am from Poland
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    is it too late to join?

    age 26
    current weight 169lbs
    goal 3/17 149lbs

    i'm in sunny Southern California (for the moment)
  • Sounds amazing! I'm in!
    I'm 22, and just bought a stationary bike. So hard to run outside in the cold winters. Looking forward to the group support! Feel free to add me (anyone!) I love getting messages and reading feeds:)
    I'm at 150 trying to get to 140.. I know it's not 20 pounds but whatever the number the journey is always the same!
  • I'll join too! A little late but I think I can manage it!
  • I'm in! A little late to join but I would love to be a part. I'm relatively new to MFP and could use a motivation and support group.
    I'm 28, living in Northern Canada (so trust me - I get you on the cold front). I'm currently around 5'6 and 185, so 165 by March 17th would be lovely! My goal weight is 155 so that would bring me pretty close to it!
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    Hi guys! 26 year old female from NYC here. I'm about 20 pounds from my goal so let's do this!

    Current weight 190
    Goal weight 165
  • Mom2boysca
    Mom2boysca Posts: 45 Member
    I'm in!! A little late yes but I've been looking for something like this that will make me work harder!

    I'm 23 5'8" and 187lbs
    So 167lbs by St. Patrick's Day!
    Intimate goal 160 by June 9th (my birthday)

    Oh and I'm from Southern California and currently it's in the 50's during the day and that's cold for here! :) lol

    P.s add me please I need motivators! :-)