"Fat pants" keep or ditch?

I was doing a major wardrobe clearance at the weekend, building a pile of clothes to give to the local hospice. All the clothes are now too large :smile:

I have a dilemma, should I keep one pair of "fat pants" and a corresponding top - for the cliche photographs. Or should I leave that behind?

What have you done?


  • AllyLouB
    AllyLouB Posts: 40 Member
    I have 1 pair from ten years ago when I was 18stone. Needless to say they are hidden in the wardrobe, and my husband doesn't know about them!

    Every now and again, when you need boost, it's great to try them on and remind yourself how far you've come. Also, I kept a couple pairs of varying decreasing sizes too and if I ever try them on and I get the feeling "they must have shrunk"..then I know it's time to give myself a push.

    Give the rest to charity..makes you feel good :)

    Good luck.
  • MadelineTaylah
    Keep them somewhere so that if you ever fall off track with your eating then you can look at the pants and think about how you never want to wear them again. Great motivation!
  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    ive kept one pair and either binned the rest or given them to charity.
  • xprincessjanetx
    I would keep one for before and after shots definitely
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I have one pair saved. The rest of the clothes are donated or tossed
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Just how "fat" are the "fat pants?" If they're only slightly big, I'd say keep them just a bit longer. If you've got like 2 inches of gap, then ditch 'em!
  • DaveHuby
    DaveHuby Posts: 175 Member
    I have one pair saved. The rest of the clothes are donated or tossed

    My jeans have gone from 42 to 36 waist. Suit trousers from 42 to 38.
    Thinking I may just keep the one pair of jeans and donate the rest.

    Benefit is that my other half is also losing (36 to 32) so I am inheriting his cast-offs.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Someone posted on here a year or two ago that they did a ceremonial burning of their fat pants when they got to goal. I think that's an awesome idea and plan to do the same! I'll take that cliche pic then invite some friends over for drinks around the firepit and burn those babies!
  • gabegrammy
    gabegrammy Posts: 147 Member
  • adstar20
    adstar20 Posts: 29 Member
    I kept one suit and one pair of jeans and donated the rest. Shirts are another story. I now seem to have ones from 4XL to XL. I work out and do work around the house in the really big ones as I a too cheap to replace them all. Over time, they will wear out and get thrown away.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I have a big pile ready to go to a local charity. But I am keeping one pair so that I can see how far I've come, and so I can say to myself, "I never want to go there again."
  • ilivepaleo
    I've lost 160 pounds and have kept it off. I went through the clothes. My thought was to get rid of it as soon as it outgrew me. I wish I had kept one pair of pants and one shirt to show how much I have lost. I went from a 52 inch pants to an 32 now, from a 4X shirt to a medium now.
    I wold say keep one set to remind you of what you have accomplished.
    See me on Facebook, ilivepaleo
  • DaveHuby
    DaveHuby Posts: 175 Member
    The fat pant bonfire party really appeals (closet pyromaniac!)

    A proper ceremonial pyre. Sounds good to me.

    Great suggestion!
  • rubyautumn4
    rubyautumn4 Posts: 818 Member
    I am getting rid of everything! I have no desire to put any of my fat clothes on again even just to remind myself of where I started from!

    I'm getting rid of clothes on a monthly basis and not buying new stuff till I am muuuuuch closer to my goal. Realizing just how many things were sitting in my closet taking up space - didn't fit, fit now, out of style, etc...
  • GloMash710
    GloMash710 Posts: 78 Member
    Congrats on your success! I'd say donate them and resolve to never again need them!!!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I kept my favorite pair of 'fat jeans'. Yes. I am going to take the cheesey "I can fit in a pants leg of my old jeans" photo.

    LOL! I really liked the jeans. :ohwell:
  • paperhawk
    paperhawk Posts: 26 Member
    I didn't think of the cliche photo, probably a good idea. I have been giving all of mine away.
  • IntoTheSky
    IntoTheSky Posts: 390 Member
    I have kept one outfit, but it was not only for the photos. I donated the rest, but, the day that I hit my goal weight, I am having a party, at this party, there will be food, drinks, games, and in the evening, a ceremonial burning of the fat pants.
  • jemimasmum
    jemimasmum Posts: 249 Member
    I've been donating my "fat"clothes. I don't want to be reminded or, worse, ever to think putting it back on is an option. Have to say the notion of the ceremonial burning appeals though. Perhaps I'll keep a particularly grim item...I have some left...for the great "I'm at target" burn-up.
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    I have one pair saved. The rest of the clothes are donated or tossed

    My jeans have gone from 42 to 36 waist. Suit trousers from 42 to 38.
    Thinking I may just keep the one pair of jeans and donate the rest.

    Benefit is that my other half is also losing (36 to 32) so I am inheriting his cast-offs.

    I tossed mine (gave them to a friend) but mine wouldn't have made a super striking before/after photo (went from a tight size 6 to a loose size 2).

    I'm having the same benefit but kind of opposite...my other half is gaining (on purpose) and I'm starting to eye her clothes and ask "do those still fit you? can I try them on?" lol. When we met, I had to borrow a pair of her pants for work and it nearly squeezed the life outta me so this is pretty amazing.