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  • Wow guys thank you all so much for the help! Yall are awesome :)
  • georgiaTRIs
    georgiaTRIs Posts: 229 Member
    you can do anything you set your mind to. The body will follow. Good luck!!!!!!!!
  • I know about this!

    I was challenged 3 years ago to do a 5k, this didnt seem too bad until I actually started to run, well jog actually. And there is the secret, start easy, and increase slowly, if you have lamp posts where you live, run between two, then wallk the next one, gradually increase, not too much, it gets easier, but you must keep at it.

    I did the 5k, then a 10km then a half marathon, then a marathon, if I can do it any one can, and you do get to enjoy it, make sure your trainers are good, go gently, and take rest days

    Trust me, you can do it!!!

    good luck
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Go slower. Most people think they suck at running because they go out too quickly and their cardiovascular system isn't ready to pump enough oxygen for that. Slow down. At first it should be like a shuffle. And take walking breaks if you want. The Couch 2 5k program is great.

    This is what I was going to say too. Couch 2 5k is a great program but you're still going to feel defeated if you're trying to run too fast and are constantly out of breath. A good way to pace yourself is to count your steps and/or time then with your breathing. For instance, for every 2 footfalls, breathe in, then breathe out for the next two footfalls. If you do decide to do C25k, don't be discouraged if you have to repeat days or weeks, plenty of people have to.

    One more thing, if you're running outside, make sure you have good shoes to help with the impact. And stretch REALLy well afterwards.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Okay, so let's be honest...I am terrible at running. Now, I know that a big part of that is from being out of shape, but I watch other runners and they just make it look so easy (and don't have that terrible "I'm dying someone please save me" look on their faces either...) and from what I've heard, some of them even...gasp...enjoy it! So how do I do that? I have been trying to incorporate running into my workouts the past week but I can only do about .15 miles at one time and to be honest it's kind of discouraging! :/ Have any of you had the same problems and gotten over them? How? I don't know if there are any 'tricks' to it, per say, but I want to set a goal of a 5k in the spring (for breast cancer) but I'm so afraid of not being able to accomplish my goal... Thanks for the help in advance, and good luck with your journey!

    when i started running (on a treadmill) i could only run for 30 seconds and that was at a pace that the "runners" were walking at. give yourself some time. look into the c25k programs. fyi not every run is going to be an "enjoyable run" - even for runners. if you saw the look on my face yesterday while running you probably would not want to try it. hungover and wanting to vomit i ran 3.5 miles. but i had to get my run in and it's not like i was forced to drink lots of wine the night before so i paid the price. (no underage drinking allowed). :)

    sign up for the race - it will be a huge motivator for you. the day of the race do your best don't try and keep up with everyone. finishing is what is important not whether you run the whole thing or walk some. the adrenaline you'll feel will also help keep you going (even if it's walking).
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    baby steps. Don't rush it. .15 miles is a good start. Rushing into running is a good way to an injury. You have to build up your muscles as well as your wind. Building up my wind was hardest for me. It takes time. Couch to 5k is a GREAT way to get into running. It's the way I started and now I'm training for my 3rd half marathon and am planning on running a full marathon in 2014. Here is the link to the program. Good luck!!!! and happy running.http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml
  • joyzy
    joyzy Posts: 97 Member
    I went from being paralyzed in June 2011, to running up to 12 miles at a shot by summer 2012. And I do enjoy it. But it took me a while to get here.

    First I started walking, really slowly, like a 1.0mph speed. I did this for a few months as I built up my speed and endurance.

    Eventually I started throwing in thirty seconds of jogging into the middle of a one hour walk. Then as my body could tolerate it, I'd jog twice for thirty seconds during the hour walk. I just added in more and more jogging as I could handle it. A few months after that I tried jogging for a whole mile.

    Then I started running longer and father. Eventually even getting faster. Last week I did a 9 mile run in under 90 minutes. Not record shattering, but awesome considering where I started a year and a half ago.

    So my advice is listen to your body. Increase your amount of running as you can. Push yourself as you feel you can.

    Good luck!
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    1. You are 18, you can run more than .15 miles!
    2. You are stronger than you think you are.
    3. Tell yourself you can, and you can. Tell yourself you can do .15 and that's what you'll do.
    4. Running is 90% mental. You gotta convince yourself you are young & you can.
    5. If a zombie was chasing you, I'm pretty sure you could do a mile, and pretty fast too.
    6. Be the strong woman that you are, and just do it. Then the next day, do it again a little farther.
    7. It's addicting, so be careful. Keep it up, and you'll love it.
    8. GOOD LUCK!

    YES... great advice. I'd echo that 90% of it IS mental. You get to whatever your "block" is distance-wise and want to stop, but you keep pushing yourself.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I tried C25k, and I finished it, but didn't like running any more than I did at the beginning.

    I tried to force myself to like it, but I just don't think I'm a natural "runner".

    I love kickboxing, CrossFit, lifting weights, sprinting, hiking and walking but running? Count me out.
  • gioisa75
    gioisa75 Posts: 242 Member
    Just stick with it! I went from not being able to run for a few minutes to actually completing a half marathon. Just stay with it and go at your own pace.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I was told in february 2012 that I should do a half marathon. I laughed in that person's face and told them absolutely not, I had no desire to run. well then I did. I started out doing intervals, for many months. In August 2012 I got suckered into training for a half marathon. That first week, the long run about killed me. it was 5 mi. then it got easier. The first three weekends were 5 mi runs..... then two weeks at 6 mi runs.... then added a mile each week on up to 12 mi.... and then there was the half marathon. I came to enjoy those long runs. I ran my first half marathon nov 10 2012, and then loved it so much, signed up for another one and ran that one on 12/9/12! in the weeks between the half marathons I kept training. I am currently participating in another half marathon training that is a few months long but I'm not signing up for another half marathon just yet - this is being used as a jump start on tribal quest training. the real reason I'm doing it is because I LOVE the LONG runs on saturday mornings. they hurt sometimes, but it's much easier to get through those miles with people to talk to.

    when you start training, you are to run slow. I mean slow. like 12-13min mile. it will get easier, you will get faster. it's not a race per se. the goal is to run. the goal is NOT to finish first in any race (at least not for me). the goal is to enjoy the physical activity.
  • I would definitely have to recommend the C25K program!! I was like you I couldn't even run .10 mile and now I can run 1.5 miles without stopping I am still a work in progress, but I have come to love it, and I still have days when I do more walking then running!! I am by far the not a fast runner but I get it done and running as helped me shed stomach weight that some of the other cardio workouts would let me do!! GO at your own pace
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Forget Couch to 5K. Forget starting out slowly. Forget about working up to an actual jog...let alone a run.

    Here's what you do. Get back to the whole point of running. The core of where all this running started.

    Ok, get a big mean dog, some hot dogs, and some good shoes.

    Starve the dog for a couple of days.

    Put the hot dogs down your pants.

    Put on your running shoes.

    Go out and let the dog go and then kick him really hard.


    :flowerforyou: Glad to help.
  • WaxMama
    WaxMama Posts: 369 Member
    I also downloaded the free C25K app. LOVED it and it changed my life! I do actually enjoy running now (I know, crazy) and you'll get there! Just be patient :smile:
  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,974 Member
    I started with C25K but the first problem I encountered was with my shoes. I have flat feet and an extra bone in each foot and so went to NB for an analysis and bought the recommended cross training shoes with orthotic inserts. They were stiff and heavy and I felt like I was trying to carry weights on each leg. On the recommendation of a local business man I bought a pair of Vibram FiveFingers (Bikila LS) and tried running in them. The first time I ran in the Vibrams I was able to go 5x further than in the shoes. I just worked up loosely following the C25K program at that point and soon I was doing 1 mile and then 2 miles without feeling winded. My goal was to be able to do a 5K easily and at one point I was running a 5K distance but feeling really run down at the end but that kept getting better til I ran just over a 5K distance and felt great at the end. Once I met that goal I tried to add more distance and my son has challenged me to train for a half marathon. I have run up to 6 miles so far and just recently got away from running for a few weeks due to the holidays and a head cold so am back to working on rebuilding myself up to longer distances again. Now, I'm trying to get up the nerve to enter a race such as the Zombie run in Philly this Spring!
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    Good for you!

    I always thought i wasn't a runner. I wasn't sleek and I definately wasnt fast and running hurt but like others have said its 90% mental. I'd go so far as to say 95% mental.

    I just wouldn't give up. I pushed through it and discovered that eventually if I ran long enough the cramps in my calves would go away and I would be fine. The more I ran the better it felt and the further I could go. I still occasionally have to run through a mile or 2 of calf cramps but its so worth it. I am still not fast but I've discovered that I do have incredible stamina and my stubborness is a big help! I ran my first marathon in 2012 and am doing 2 in 2013.

    Runners aren't just born some of them are built!

    I just don't let the pain stop me. HOWEVER it is important to note that there are diffrent types of pain and some of them should not be ignored. If its pain it stabbing pain in the joints, feels like a rip or tear - you should stop. My pain was muscle tightness/cramps.
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    I have never been a runner. I hate running. I'm slow. I'm SLOWER than slow. I do CrossFit and it's a huge weakness of mine.

    So I downloaded Zombies, Run! on my phone. I have enjoyed the story and that makes running better. They now have a 5K trainer app, which I think I'm going to try next. (I just want to find out how the story ends, or I would probably have gone back and started with that. It wasn't out when I started.)

    My recommendation, find something you enjoy listening to, be it good music or audio books or an app like Zombies, Run! and just do it. Maybe you'll find that you really don't like it and you move on to other things. Maybe you find that you like it. Start slow. Do what you can do and work from there. When I started, I could barely run 200m. Now I'm running for 45 minutes at a time. (That was almost 5k.) Slow is better than not going at all. Speed will come eventually, or so they tell me.
  • jahenry17
    jahenry17 Posts: 80 Member
    I agree with everyone that the C25K prgram is the way to go. I started there and went from never running to doing 1/2 marathons in 6 months.

    I also agree that running is 90% mental. Personally, the first 2-3 miles of every run are miserable. Once I get warmed up, I feel like I can run for ever.

    Also, remember that a 12 minute mile is the same distance as a 9 minute mile. Slow and steady wins the race.

    Good luck!

  • texasladysv
    texasladysv Posts: 103 Member
    Like... just jogged last week cause I thought I couldn't! But I DID! I'm still hurting in shins, but will slowly progress to more running!! We are stronger than we think!
  • Jedi_Jewel
    Jedi_Jewel Posts: 83 Member
    Everyone has given you great advice. I just wanted to throw in there that once you run that 5K, you will catch the bug and be hooked!! Organized running events are so much FUN!!!! And the running community is awesome, no matter how big or small or how fast or slow you are!!