Does eating bread make anyone else hungrier?



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    No, I don't think that I have ever eaten anything that made me feel hungrier than I was before eating it.
  • nornas42
    nornas42 Posts: 73 Member
    YES. Anytime I eat pasta or rice I feel hungry again.... I don't like eating a lot of bread as it feels very heavy yet not satisfying.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    There's a book called "Wheat Belly", written by William Davis who has been practicing medicine for over 30 years. I would recommend checking it out, it makes up and fill your head with such nonsense as why bread made with wheat or white flour makes people hungrier. You can read the reviews on Amazon, they give a good overview of what the book is about. I read it and have stopped eating wheat for about 2 weeks now, and can tell a HUGE difference in my appetite.

  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    In This Thread, we eat our carbs in isolation.
  • like_milk
    like_milk Posts: 79 Member
    Not me.

    I can make myself two slices of toast for lunch, be full before I finish the second slice, and not be hungry again for quite a while.

    Clearly I need to be studied, I'm such an anomaly.
  • fataalic
    fataalic Posts: 73 Member
    Yeah, bread (made from wheat) makes me hungrier for sure.

    But, how about barley, rye and oats?
    Does anyone have problems with those, too?
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 9,925 Member
    When I first started using MFP, I immediately dropped bread because I noticed how many calories are in it. Now, about 6 months later, I found a type of bread with only 50 cals per slice, Nature's Own. I've been eating it, and because I've gone so long without it, I'm able to clearly see how my body reacts to it. Quite frankly, I feel it makes me hungrier.

    Has anyone else experienced this? I feel as if you won't really know unless you go without it for a long time and start eating it again, otherwise you won't have a basis for comparison.
    First it's 50 calories a slice, not a lot of food to start with and then you wonder why your hungry after you eat it? Do you see the connection. Try building a sandwich with some protein and maybe some fat and have 2 pieces of bread and see if your hungier, if you are then maybe you could blame the bread, but probably not imo.
  • wildechild74
    wildechild74 Posts: 64 Member
    i am the same. regardless of the increasing whole grains/fiber, i find myself hungry a short while later. potatoes (bakes/boiled/broiled, etc) dont really affect me, but breads/pastas do. for myself, protein makes me feel full.
  • ohhsasha
    Most breads do. I've recently discovered Arnold's sandwich thins 100% whole wheat with flax and fiber. 1 serving is 100 calories and when I make a sandwich for lunch it keeps me full for hours. I also use half a thin for my breakfast some days. I use 1 serving of egg white substitutes (25 calories), a slice of light swiss cheese (50 calories) and a half sandwich thin (50 calories.) For 125 calories I'm full from 6am before I leave for work until about 1pm when I finally get my lunch break.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Refined carbs generally are digested easy and bring blood glucose levels up quickly and then drop quickly, hence hunger pang.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    Most breads do. I've recently discovered Arnold's sandwich thins 100% whole wheat with flax and fiber. 1 serving is 100 calories and when I make a sandwich for lunch it keeps me full for hours. I also use half a thin for my breakfast some days. I use 1 serving of egg white substitutes (25 calories), a slice of light swiss cheese (50 calories) and a half sandwich thin (50 calories.) For 125 calories I'm full from 6am before I leave for work until about 1pm when I finally get my lunch break.

    I love those thin things and omg that little sandwich thing you just described sounds delicious. I'm headed to the store today to grab that stuff!!!
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    If I eat plain chicken, that makes me hungrier. Not sure why, other proteins don't do that to me.

    I don't have that problem with bread, though; I find it very filling, especially with a thin scrape of butter (or butterlike substitute). A good thing, because I'm sure that toast is the food of the gods.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    You guys can debate the science all you want, but here is what happened to me the last time I added bread back into my diet:

    I was ready to devour anything and everything in a ten mile radius! Now compare that to the rest of my diary.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Personally, several forms of carbohydrates cause me to be hungry a short while later. I don't avoid them for this reason but I'm aware of how I react. I'm not suggesting this is the case with everyone, either. I can eat 500 calories of eggs (for example) at every meal and have no feelings of hunger between meals. If I were to eat 1000 calories of varied sources of carbohydrates and I'd be hungry an hour after I ate them.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Personally, several forms of carbohydrates cause me to be hungry a short while later. I don't avoid them for this reason but I'm aware of how I react. I'm not suggesting this is the case with everyone, either. I can eat 500 calories of eggs (for example) at every meal and have no feelings of hunger between meals. If I were to eat 1000 calories of varied sources of carbohydrates and I'd be hungry an hour after I ate them.

    Funny you mention eggs. I wonder if they have some appetite suppressing quality, because I am much less likely to have any evening hunger if I eat eggs rather than steak or ground beef. Of course it might just be that I am very sick of eggs!
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Personally, several forms of carbohydrates cause me to be hungry a short while later. I don't avoid them for this reason but I'm aware of how I react. I'm not suggesting this is the case with everyone, either. I can eat 500 calories of eggs (for example) at every meal and have no feelings of hunger between meals. If I were to eat 1000 calories of varied sources of carbohydrates and I'd be hungry an hour after I ate them.

    Blood glucose levels/insulin release, like I say.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    heavily processed carbs in general do this to me. I'm fine with whole grains, fruit, and veg though.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    heavily processed carbs in general do this to me. I'm fine with whole grains, fruit, and veg though.

    Yep, fibre on them means the blood glucose rise and thus drop much more gradual.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 33,971 Member
    This thread is over a year old. Why start up again?
  • skiing24
    skiing24 Posts: 1 Member
    I made an account so I could talk about this. I experienced the same hungry feeling (between meals) while re-introducing bread into my diet. People say carbs will have this effect, but my understanding is that rice would have this same effect… which it does not for me.
    The only thing I can think of, is that maybe we could be mistaking stomach itritation/inflamation with hunger??