Help! I crashed my diet



  • Colleen5755
    So you fell off the wagon. We all do from time to time whether it's food, alcohol, smoking, etc. We are only human. Don't berate yourself. Just get back up, and climb back on. :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I guarantee you that you didn't do the kind of damage that you think you did. Think of it this way...for just one Lb of fat gain you would have to consume 3,500 calories above your maintenance level TDEE...pretty difficult to do in a weekend, even one that has been of excess.

    For me, my maintenance TDEE is right around 2,500...that would mean I would need to consume 4,250 calories per day for two days to gain 1 Lb of fat. I had a big day on Saturday and just enjoyed myself and my food...huge breakfast of bacon and eggs and the works and then friends over for food and drink...I made short ribs with a heavy wine sauce mashed potatoes and broccoli...I had about 3 servings of the dinner alone was arouind 1,200 calories. Everything together for the entire day, including my beer, wine, and cocktails totaled right around 3,000 calories for the day...or the equivalent of .15 Lbs biggie, it's already gone.
  • nroth57
    nroth57 Posts: 21
    So what if you gained a pound or even two this weekend?! Rome wasn't built in a day. You're on this path for the long haul, right? Denying yourself cheats and spills and falls will only make you feel guilty and make you lose hope. Celebrate the fact that you got a "weekend off", and know that you gotta get back on the horse and keep trottin. Another one of those weekends will come along eventually and you should just embrace it, enjoy yourself and know that you need to get back into it come Monday. the longer you're on this new path of eating right and exercising, the less of those "weekends" you'll find yourself having.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I totally binged this weekend. I stuffed myself with junk food and did nothing active. I was doing so good, now I feel like I should just give up on the whole dieting thing all together :(

    Yes you should quit. Because I lifetime of eating crappy food and bingeing is better than shrugging off a bad weekend and getting your *kitten* to the gym.
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    your only failure is if you allow one bad weekend to be your excuse to quit.

    Everyone has the binge days. That's life. I had a binge 2 weeks over Christmas and it was kind of glorious though I felt like a blob afterward! It's for days like that that I rely on the idea of penance exercise. Eat whatever you like but then it's time to lace up those shoes and run it off again! (or bike it off, swim it off, etc)
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Giving up now is the ONLY way to crash your diet.
  • cargilb
    cargilb Posts: 116
    I guarantee you that you didn't do the kind of damage that you think you did. Think of it this way...for just one Lb of fat gain you would have to consume 3,500 calories above your maintenance level TDEE...pretty difficult to do in a weekend, even one that has been of excess.

    For me, my maintenance TDEE is right around 2,500...that would mean I would need to consume 4,250 calories per day for two days to gain 1 Lb of fat. I had a big day on Saturday and just enjoyed myself and my food...huge breakfast of bacon and eggs and the works and then friends over for food and drink...I made short ribs with a heavy wine sauce mashed potatoes and broccoli...I had about 3 servings of the dinner alone was arouind 1,200 calories. Everything together for the entire day, including my beer, wine, and cocktails totaled right around 3,000 calories for the day...or the equivalent of .15 Lbs biggie, it's already gone.

    good point. the worst that one binge will do to you is that you will remain at your weight. If you gain more than that its probably water and undigested food still in your system... that is temporary weight at worst.
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    So, you're saying that you had a bad week, and rather than getting back on track and just starting again, you want to go back to your old lifestyle and gain more weight?

    Seems counter productive to me. See, to me, if you worked hard to get any results, one week shouldn't set you back forever. Stop the excuses, stop complaining, and DO SOMETHING about it.
  • Eeyore_Chick
    Eeyore_Chick Posts: 38 Member
    I totally binged this weekend. I stuffed myself with junk food and did nothing active. I was doing so good, now I feel like I should just give up on the whole dieting thing all together :(

    You're human!!! We all have days where all we want to do is stuff our faces with chocolate cake, ice cream, pizza, lobster drenched in a pound of melted butter... whatever it happens to be that is what your craving - it doesn't mean we should give up - it just means that you look at that as a speed bump in the road & carry on bravely the next day.

    You're the person who needs to decide for you if you want to stop what you're doing & go back to how it was before or if you want to keep working towards your goal. If you decide to stick with it and view this as a hiccup then GOOD FOR YOU!!!! If you decide to go back to not worrying & then start again later - well I for one have been there & will be there to support you if you're having to start over - again - because I've started over 'again' more times than I can count. Just remember that you have a support network that understands the ups and downs and that is there to help you through them.

  • sweetsarahv
    sweetsarahv Posts: 180 Member
    And that would help how?

    She's right! Giving up is never the answer!!! Dig in where you are and keep moving forward!
  • davidoneill1914
    davidoneill1914 Posts: 172 Member
    Dont do that!! everyone needs a blow out enjoy and get back on it :-)