Cravings, eating in secret, ADDICTION

I am extremely overweight due to the fact that I LOVE food. It is my "addiction" so to speak. I have a hard time fighting my cravings and saying no when I get an urge to binge eat. I need motivation, encouragement and friends on MFP to help me out. Thanks!


  • cnelson1974
    cnelson1974 Posts: 235 Member
    There's lots of people here just like you here! No more guilt! We're proud of you for making this first step for a better you! Invite is being sent, good luck. I believe in you! :D
  • melinda3792
    I am addicted to food when I get stressed. I think most people with a weight issue addict themselves somehow to food. I basically threw out all the bad food in my house, killed the kids, but we have no more cookies and chips ect. If I buy for their lunches I buy pre-snack sized food, then if I do get that "craving" to cheat, I eat, log in, adjust my calories for the day and move on. You can't feel guilty. By accepting the fact you can have that 100 gram of chip, you remove the guilt, without guilt there is no remorse.
    You can do this!!
  • Paiger
    Paiger Posts: 37 Member
    You're not alone. Daily I have to choose the choice I make.
    I read a great book that really helped me find the want-to in taking better care of myself.
    "Made to Crave" by Lysa TerKeurst
    All the best to you! It CAN be done, and you CAN do it, you are stronger than any food craving, believe it.
  • Leannek74
    Leannek74 Posts: 374 Member
    I hear you loud and clear... I binge when no one is there and cannot stop. My weight is somewhat in control right now, but I get so angry with myself almost daily when I eat uncontrolably at night.
    it has been an on going struggle which is at severe low right now for me...
    I will win, and so will you. We are all here for a good reason and we can do this!
  • athenaheim
    athenaheim Posts: 496 Member
    Hello. I am Athena. I will help support you and anyone who needs it. Feel free to add me.
  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member
    In the beginning I didn't let the bad food in my house, but now, with willpower and self control it's back in my house. I needed to teach myself how to be around the food but at the same time be able to control myself. You can do it! Just make it clear to yourself why you're doing it and let that be the one thing that truly motivates you! GOOD LUCK!!
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Become addicted to something else – every time I used to want a cigarette I would do 10 pushups. I was fatter at the time so I hated it. Every time I wanted to smoke I dropped and did 10. Now I am addicted to doing pushups.
  • joniannbrooks
    joniannbrooks Posts: 14 Member
    You are doing yourself an injusctice. you have a dynamic smile. Show it off even more by being stronger than cravings. You posted on MFP which tells us you don't want to binge. Binge on success !!!!
  • athinnermeg
    athinnermeg Posts: 4 Member
    I, too, LOVE food. Choosing 2013 to work on the cravings and empty-calorie bingeing habits. Friend request being sent; here's to staying motivated! :)
  • lynnw24
    lynnw24 Posts: 116 Member
    Hello! I am also a food addict and think we could help each other! I used to secretly eat in my van. I literally ate 6 candy bars in 15 in like 15 minutes! I still have trouble with cravings every now and then, fast food sems to be my downfall now! I always have gum or mints with me and when I get a craving for something I pop one in and it seems to work for me! Feel free to add me! Anyone can add me as well! Good luck!
  • heartaflame
    heartaflame Posts: 8 Member
    I am extremely overweight due to the fact that I LOVE food. It is my "addiction" so to speak. I have a hard time fighting my cravings and saying no when I get an urge to binge eat. I need motivation, encouragement and friends on MFP to help me out. Thanks!

    You touched my heart, because I'm the same way. <3

    May I friend you?
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    I struggle with binge eating but I've finally gotten to a place where it happens less often & I've reached my goal weight and have been maintaining within a 10lb range for a year and a half, anyone feel free to add me!

    It is all about taking baby steps...learning to find healthy foods you LOVE...finding a food routine...drinking enough water and getting enough sleep...being active every day, even if its just a 30 minute walk...allowing yourself one cheat day each week to eat your favorite foods... recognizing the difference between physical hunger and mental hunger...accepting yourself as you are...being consistent and having patience...and a million & one other things!

    It is a life-long journey that you NEED to be ready NEED to embrace it xxx
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Explore this a bit, maybe with a counselor. There is probably a reason why you do it, a pay-off that you're getting other than the taste of food.

    I felt that I was out of control until the day I realized that I had been in control all along and binged on purpose. It was so much easier to do that and pin all my hatred on myself when the real problem I didn't want to deal with was the fact that my adult son, who lives here, was addicted to meth. I could see what was happening but didn't want to see it, so drove myself to the kitchen.

    Even knowing what I'm doing and why - it's still a struggle. I have far too many "who cares?" days. I'm working on that.
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    Become addicted to something else – every time I used to want a cigarette I would do 10 pushups. I was fatter at the time so I hated it. Every time I wanted to smoke I dropped and did 10. Now I am addicted to doing pushups.

    LOL, please add me! You rock.
  • Itzli
    Itzli Posts: 78 Member
    I get that way when I'm feeling BORED. I eat because there's nothing better to do. And, I get bored easy. So what I did was pick up a hobby that gets you out of the house. Michael's craft store has classes you can take, get out of the house and occupy yourself with.
  • Meg_Shirley_86
    Meg_Shirley_86 Posts: 275 Member
    You have our support! I can relate, as I used to eat secretly, and in the middle of the night, to boot. I could only kick the habit very slowly, and motivational stories helped me. Maybe you can be that inspirational story for someone! Here's one that I enjoyed recently:

    Also, feel free to add me. I also keep my food diary open for anyone to see, for accountability, and for advice!
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I know EXACTLY where you are coming from. About two years ago, I weighed in at 297lbs. I don't drink, I don't smoke, and I don't do any kind of drugs. FOOD is my "drug of choice". I don't know the exact reason that food has this effect on me. I know there is alot of pain and anger stemming from unfortunate circumstances all through my childhood, so maybe that has something to do with my choices. I don't really know. I DO know that, ultimately, it is all about choices. I am faced with those choices EVERY moment of EVERY day. I don't tell myself I will NEVER eat bad food again, I will NEVER binge again, I will exercise EVERY day. Realistically, I know I will have moments/days when I fail to make the right choice. However, I CAN say, right now in this moment I WILL NOT eat that doughnut, I WILL NOT eat those chips, today I WILL go to the gym. It's something you have to take moment by moment, day by day, step by step, and pound by pound. Eventually those moments and days will add up, and, before you know it, you will have lost 5lbs, 10lbs, 20lbs, etc... You will find that, the more frequently and consistently you make the RIGHT choices, the easier it will become. Your "small" successes will fuel your motivation and determination to succeed in reaching your goals. You're off to a good start. Today, you have made the choice to get up and do something to help yourself stop making the wrong choices. And THAT'S the first of many RIGHT choices.
  • pamperedbecky
    pamperedbecky Posts: 14 Member
    I think it's an addiction too. To carbs usually. I snack on carby stuff and I get so mad at myself. That's why I really try to have "snacks" around that are more protein than anything else. LIke hard boiled eggs. That reminds me I need to make a new batch. I would try to snack on things like that. Or cottage cheese with some fruit, greek yogurt, even strips of chicken if I make them up ahead of time and just have them in the fridge. I find that having them in my house when I'm not doing well (not working out, just eating what I want), It's much easier to succumb to the urges and temptations. Once I have a good week where I work really hard at cutting those thigns out, it gets easier to ignore and go for a healthier option.

    I also love wine. I'm not a big dessert person, I could skip desserts easily, but it's salty stuff, crunchy and appetizers that get me. I don't always drink wine with dinner, but once I get the kids in bed or the day is winding down, it's a glass or two of wine that is my treat. I know they are empty calories and turn to sugar in the body, so I'm going to try to limit how much during the week I treat myself in that way. That's my weakness. :)

    I did start back on Chalean Extreme and my husband and I both did her Ab Burner last night. It's only 10-12 minutes or so, so I really want to make that a routine at night. Before we sit down and watch our DVR'd shows, we both do that really quickly. Maybe that's how I'll allow myself my "treat" of a glass of that first?????
  • Lillian1943
    I feel for you because it is exactly my problem also, cravings. The days that I take time to write out an eating plan and stick to it are the days I am not defeated by nitetime cravings. I have learned to not only have 3 healthy meals, but also very important to have mid-morning snack and mid afternoon snack also. I am eating more (because I am eating healthy food) and I am less depressed because sugar is not part of my healthy eating. Because of my daily morning time with God, I am gaining strength to stay focused One Day at a Time. Just for today I will do what I have never done (follow an eating Plan) and get what I have never had: peace of mind and a healthy day.