Cravings, eating in secret, ADDICTION



  • sher71481
    Sammi it is not so to speak you DO have a food addiction and the first step is acknowledging and ACCEPTING it and then changing it! :) I too have a food addiction!!!! I have a feel good relationship with food. I have money i want to use it on food. Something goes good in my day and i'm happy i want to celebrate with food. I want to go spend time with family i want to do it over food. Well atleast that was my old thinking. And in just 10 day's with all of the proactive changes i am making with all of the TALKING TO MYSELF reassuring myself that i feel better now with all my good choices and not feeling guilty for eating something i know i shouldn't be i am getting there! You can too. You just have to talk to yourself. Realize your worth so much more think of how much better you'll feel! And i'm here if you need a friend just add me :) Good Luck. Oh and your not alone SO many people have food addiction so many more than you'd even think do!
  • dreamer38
    hey i am here cause i love eating and cooking food , i have tried other things and they don't work i have a friend that has started this and she is very successful and doing great , i also have a thyroid condition and that is another reason why i have this weight , on meds now and everything is level, going to have to work harder then the regular joe but will be worth it in the end , best of luck to everyone here and if you would like to add me to chat that would be great to make new friends that feel the same as me :-)
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    I have that same tendency- I'll be doing so well for days, and then BAM! a craving hits that is just impossible to ignore… A few things I've found that help:

    1) properly fuel yourself. It does take a little bit of time to notice, because you need to give your body time to acclimate and synthesize the nutrients you're now providing, but eating well, providing your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs via right amound of protein, fat, and carbs is what I've found has helped me make better choices on a day-to-day basis. I feel better, which provides incentive to make better choices, and it does help temper the cravings. With proper nutrition (I focus on making sure I get enough protein and fiber) I am much more in control of what I put into my body. edit- might i add that, once you're properly fueling your body, try to assess your craving. if it's ice cream, maybe your body is telling you it needs more calcium or dairy? if it's french fries, perhaps you need potassium? then try to curb the craving with something like chocolate skim milk, or a baked potato with some butter, etc…

    2) when an overwhelming craving that I simply cannot control does strike, I indulge it, but not to the point of excess. For example, I am having a ridiculous craving for baked goods- i've been thinking about making brownies for several days now, but I've held off. Today, I'm going to try making those banana/oatmeal cookies i've seen bouncing around on here, and i'm adding chocolate chips for some decadence. Hopefully they will satisfy.

    3) i try to ward off the sweet tooth with something sweet but healthy like fat-free yogurt with some dark chocolate chips, or a peppermint candy. I eat something like that every day, usually in the evening after dinner.

    4) if you absolutely *have* to have those french fries, ice cream or whatever- have it, but eat it after you've already had a nutritious meal or snack, rather than eating said craving on an empty stomach.

    Good luck!!! Just remember- it's a journey, and not an easy one. you will fall, but the important thing is to get back on that horse… as many times as it takes. practice makes perfect!!
  • pamperedbecky
    pamperedbecky Posts: 14 Member
    Great advice, jc! You set yourself up for failure if you say "NEVER" a lot. It's so hard with food because we all have to eat!! Many other types of addicts can stay away from their drug of choice. We have to eat food. Our bodies need the fuel. It's harder to handle, in my opinion. And unfortunately many of us learn early on that food is a comfort. (sorry, the psychotherapist in me is coming out). If we don't find the comfort from other sources (parents, family, friends) it's an easy thing to turn to so we can feel comforted. Food doesn't talk back or judge us. I agree that finding something to replace it is a great idea!
  • Lillian1943
    As, I read all the replys, I thank God there are so many who are willing to bare their souls to the struggles they have had when it comes to food and to share what has helped them to overcome. Within our community, we have so much support, love, and friendship ingredients that will help us all to succeed in our quest to have healthy bodies.
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    Yes, food is an addiction, a drug. I did eat a lot before my body showed me signs that he can't process all of it anymore, and needs to store it in my butt!
    The first sign was only 5 or 7 years ago only....

    It's still a struggle since I love food! But we will win the battle!!!
  • Zampa13
    Zampa13 Posts: 75 Member
    I eat secretly and I think the main reason I failed the last time when using this site and other sites is that Im not true to myself and would not put things that I ate secretly on my food diary.I know I will never get anywhere unless I address this.

    I binge eat out of boredom and habit.. If I'm in the house on my own I will go hunting for choc, crisps, biscuits and then 5 mins later do the same thing. I am working on curbing this with drinking tea when I get the urge to do it.

    I figure a tea worth 40-50 cals with sweeteners, is much better than consuming hundreds of calories on crisps and other fatty snacks.

    For most part its working, the past 4/5 days Ive been making meals that fill me up and when after...... say lunch and dinner where Id normally go look for a treat, I drink a tea instead. But that's my way of dealing with the cravings I get.

    I plan in the next week to drop the milk and sweeteners from my tea and eventually switch to herbal.
  • DanniHiccupS
    Okay So I agree with the "get addicted to something else" or at the very least distract yourself...When I start to get the cravings for my pizza weakness...well I actually start doing a dance video game...silly I know...but it makes me feel more upbeat and giggle at how horriable I am at this game...lets face it this girl cannot dance...but it is fun and a great sweat with fun upbeat music.
  • sher71481
    Also never be TOO restrictive on yourslef. I will not cut ANYTHING out of my diet completely maybe in the beginning to get myself out of the addictive stage like to Diet pepsi but in the future if i go out to eat i WILL have a diet pepsi. If i have a craving for something sweet something in particular i WILL allow myself to have it just in MODERATION. Do not ever deny yourself something maybe LIMIT but not deny because that is just setting yourself up for failure and one huge binge you may never get off of!
  • sammilynn624
    PLEASE! I need all the friend's I can get. : )
  • HBromfield008
    I'm in the same boat. I love to eat. I have a really hard time saying no. When I eat something that taste really good I want more of it and I usually eat until I'm sick. Horrible habit. I just had a baby 4 months ago so Im having a really hard time losing that extra weight. My goal is to lose atleast 15-20 pounds. I don't have anything to help me exercise like workout dvds or anything in that sort which makes me harder for me to have motivation. Im gonna try really hard to do better. my goal is to get to my goal weight by my birthday in April.
  • eAddict
    eAddict Posts: 212 Member
    I get that way when I'm feeling BORED. I eat because there's nothing better to do. And, I get bored easy. So what I did was pick up a hobby that gets you out of the house. Michael's craft store has classes you can take, get out of the house and occupy yourself with.
    Ditto. I have to find things that keep me occupied or I eat. I look forward to the Spring so I attempt a garden. Picking weeks burns calories!
  • sammilynn624
    Great advice, jc! You set yourself up for failure if you say "NEVER" a lot. It's so hard with food because we all have to eat!! Many other types of addicts can stay away from their drug of choice. We have to eat food. Our bodies need the fuel. It's harder to handle, in my opinion. And unfortunately many of us learn early on that food is a comfort. (sorry, the psychotherapist in me is coming out). If we don't find the comfort from other sources (parents, family, friends) it's an easy thing to turn to so we can feel comforted. Food doesn't talk back or judge us. I agree that finding something to replace it is a great idea!

    I just had a conversation with a former alcoholic about this same thing. Most people with additions can live without their "drug" of choice... I can't live without food. I have to have it in my house. It's not something I can stay completely away from. This is where motivation and WILLPOWER take over. Thank you all so much for your encouragement and advice. It is definitely needed and appreciated!

    Please, help hold me accountable. I have my diary open. ASK me if I'm being honest... sometimes I won't. Sometimes I will. Call me out on things...
  • sammilynn624
    You're not alone. Daily I have to choose the choice I make.
    I read a great book that really helped me find the want-to in taking better care of myself.
    "Made to Crave" by Lysa TerKeurst
    All the best to you! It CAN be done, and you CAN do it, you are stronger than any food craving, believe it.

    I actually read this book. I need to go back and read it again because it was when I first began and it was such a help and encouragement. Also looking into other books to help. Thanks!
  • eAddict
    eAddict Posts: 212 Member
    Another thing, what is the 'secret' part of it? The only person I am hiding food things from is myself. If I can't be honest about what I am eating with myself there has to be more going on. So I jumped in to weight loss with both feet. I write down all the crap snacks, alcohol, and other 'treats'. THAT has helped me control it. Like a paper mirror. So, when I go to weigh myself and I get frustrated I can look back and see what I did. I also can be proud of what I didn't do.

    It's not easy but you did the first step - you admitted it. Most people never get rid of 100% of the habit or bad foods but making statements to yourself about yourself helps!

    Don't give in! Don't give up. Write it ALL down. Learn and move on.
  • MsMarlaMae
    MsMarlaMae Posts: 144 Member
    As, I read all the replys, I thank God there are so many who are willing to bare their souls to the struggles they have had when it comes to food and to share what has helped them to overcome. Within our community, we have so much support, love, and friendship ingredients that will help us all to succeed in our quest to have healthy bodies.

    ^ This. Kept thinking how proud I was of my MFP family for supporting this new comer, with open arms and lots of strong support. I effin' love you guys.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Explore this a bit, maybe with a counselor. There is probably a reason why you do it, a pay-off that you're getting other than the taste of food.

    I felt that I was out of control until the day I realized that I had been in control all along and binged on purpose. It was so much easier to do that and pin all my hatred on myself when the real problem I didn't want to deal with was the fact that my adult son, who lives here, was addicted to meth. I could see what was happening but didn't want to see it, so drove myself to the kitchen.

    Even knowing what I'm doing and why - it's still a struggle. I have far too many "who cares?" days. I'm working on that.
  • Liz_M_
    Liz_M_ Posts: 25
    We all have failings. Recognizing them is the first step to over coming them. I thought food was my friend. Two years ago I made some major changes in my life style choices. I still enjoy them. Diets do not work. Lifestyle changes do. :flowerforyou:
  • audra0831
    audra0831 Posts: 244
    You can add me as a friend! I have a lot of weight to lose, and I LOVE to eat, too! We'll help and support each other! :smile: