Low Blood Pressure & Workout Headaches

I have the will, need and passion for working out. I mostly do Zumba, Bollywood, Hip Hop etc. I do them with fun and ease. Love it. Half the battle right? Well I have issues afterwards. I have a history of Migraines but they have been less sense I had a Hysterectomy and also a very large cyst removed from my neck that rests on a nerve.

I do this sort of workout 4-6 times a week. During it, I am at a high. I sweat, feel good and so on. The only thing I notice is when we do warm up and cool downs we do a stretch that you lower your head below your waist. I darn near pass out so try to lift my chin up. Anything where my head is lowered I get dizzy. Yes my Dr knows.

About an hour after the workout I feel very chilled, like sick chilled. Feet are ice cold and so on. Then comes the headache. Luckily I have meds for them if needed but they make me feel like crap. The nighttime classes are not as rough, close to bed. The morning ones kill me. I spent most of Saturday throwing up due to the pain in my head.

It is not water, if anything I over drink water some. It is really my only liquid. I am allergic to soft drinks. I dislike coffee. Only other thing I drink is a Whey Protein shake I make with fruits. I take a huge water with me that I usually chug during class as well. I am getting enough.

I know the Drs have an issue with my BP. Laying down, it is hard to read. They take it several times. Sitting up it is low. I am not sure what it does during a workut but the Headaches are darn near constant. I have a visit again soon with the Dr but really nothing to help in the way of this yet.

If there a BP monitor I can wear like the fitbit or on my wrist. Is there something else I can do? Anyone else have this issue?

I am eating a 1210 Calorie based on MFP. This weekend was way off, one day a little over one day way under (HA). I am not losing weight and go up and down, but the inches are coming off and for that I am motivated.

Would love insight..... ty


  • Lexikat21
    Lexikat21 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm sorry that's happening to you. My bp is on the low side but I only get dizzy from it once in a blue moon. I would probably avoid anything too vigorous, especially since it's making you throw up that much. I would suggest making a dr's appt. right away and describe the amount of exercise you are doing and the fact that it makes you so sick afterwards. That's not good.
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    Are you getting enough salt? If I don't then I feel the effects of LBP. Also complex carbs (whole grains). I need more when I exercise, have to make sure I eat back those calories with something useful to my body. I eat no less and not much more than an hour before the workout, with my whole wheat english muffin with the scrambled egg whites and grapefruit. Right after the workout I have a quick smoothie of liquid egg whites and frozen blueberries. Egg whites have some sodium. If that doesn't cut it a shot of original V8 makes me feel almost instantly better.
  • Emaginesc
    Emaginesc Posts: 49 Member
    Based on MFP I do. Now I will be honest, I am not sure how to pick what I should be eating on their system. I see lose a pound, etc... I picked 1.5 a week because at 2 pounds I was not budging the scale. Heck I still am not but inches are coming off.

    Looking back at Sodium, sadly I was above some days. I am just wonky. Dr knows, I just do not know what to do. I won the battle of working out but my head revolts. I do not want to give it up nor feel this way. I actually crave moving and working out more.

    Feeling very discouraged. It does interfer with life. I have two Special Needs kids that I homeschool and mommy can not be grumpy and achey :(

    My Dr does have a call in from this weekend. I hope something comes up as a result. Dunno......

  • Snipsa
    Snipsa Posts: 172 Member
    Hi there, I also have chronic hypotension (normal bp is usually between 85 and 95 over 50-55). I usually measure my bp after any new exercise, to see what kind of effect it has (have seen strength training tends to lower my bp the most - was 75 over 45 the other night after an easy routine (stopped strength for now - will first get some advice from my gp before continuing). Have found that sodium rich products, as well as products high in iron will usually help to keep my bp in my normal range during cardio, so maybe try that as well. Otherwise, go to a cardiologist, let them monitor a full workout session and see where and when your bp starts to drop drastically. Good luck! I realize how difficult exercising through the dizziness and headaches are, but with the right diet and advice you can manage it!
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    Have your ears checked too. I find I have to clean mine alot when I sweat or the dizziness is worse. Maybe you're having an inner ear problem.
  • Emaginesc
    Emaginesc Posts: 49 Member
    Ears are checked often at an ENT Dr for another issue. Though I could make candles for a living :)
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    LOL Perhaps you're just working out too hard for your level, without enough food in your system before and directly after. I started to feel a bit dizzy when I finished my workout today and immediately had a serving of progresso lentil soup (nice and salty with protein and carbs) and immediately felt better.