Eating late at night? Y/N? Why?



  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

    i'm not trying to be snarky, but i think you're misunderstanding what "metabolism" truly means. when you breathe, you burn calories. when you keep a constant body temperature, you burn calories. there are hundreds of other chemical and biological processes (i.e. metabolic processes) going on inside your body whether you are awake or asleep, that all require energy, which is the burning of calories. these include the processes related to digestion. you spend roughly 1/3rd of your life sleeping. you burn roughly 1/3rd of your daily energy expenditure while you are sleeping. unless you believe that you stop breathing while you are asleep and that your body temperature drops to room temperature while you sleep and that all of those other constant metabolic processes come to a screeching halt while you sleep, then there's no way you can disagree with the statement you disagreed with.

    wait so you think you burn exactly the same amount of calories sleeping as you do going about your day?

    no, you probably burn at a slightly lower rate because your body is at rest while you are asleep and some of your metabolic processes will be affected due to that rest state, but i don't think it would be a significant decrease from your waking hours. keep in mind i'm not talking about energy expended from movement while awake vs. asleep (such as arm or leg movement and things like that). i'm talking about things such as respiration, brain activity, etc. probably alot of processes such as these are affected in a minor way that could be measured and could be added together to see a change in overall energy expenditure rate that is lower by a number on the order 10% or so.

    i would expect something like that to be plausible. but when you run the numbers for most people, we're probably talking 10-20 calories per hour. that's my guess.

    however, if you believe that it's much higher than that and have something other than broscience to support your belief, feel free to enlighten me.

    it's so funny because i'm the furthest thing from a bro. i'm a musical theatre actor in NYC who doesn't even go to a gym. lol

    anyway, here we go:

    First of all, you're generally right and people do tend to burn about 100-160 fewer calories during a nights' sleep than if they were awake. This isn't a drastic difference, but it's not completely insignificant either.

    However, eating a big meal before bed - while it may not DIRECTLY influence weight loss (up for debate) it CAN drastically affect your sleep patterns, and ability to sleep through the night. (if you want me to show you a study to support this i can... but i think this is pretty well accepted)

    the interesting thing is that there are a plethora of studies showing that poor sleep results in weight gain:
    The amount of human sleep contributes to the maintenance of fat-free body mass at times of decreased energy intake. Lack of sufficient sleep may compromise the efficacy of typical dietary interventions for weight loss and related metabolic risk reduction.

    In that study, the group of folks who slept 5.5 hours lost 55% LESS weight than the people who slept for 8.5 over the course of the trial.

    If eating large meals before bed can interrupt sleep, they can also indirectly slow your weight loss.

    I bet just as many people get better sleep on a full stomach.
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    I thought following the rule of K.I.S.S. would be a good way to answer this question. Especially since I work overnights and most of my meals come after midnight and before noon.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    I think people are getting too caught up in the hour to hour thought process instead of the long term. Yes, if you eat a big meal right before bed, your body might store some as fat, but it is temporary. The overall effect is irrelevant as long as you eat less than you burn overall.
  • AwesomeMoJo
    AwesomeMoJo Posts: 1,145 Member

    Eat all the way up to 11:59PM and then stop, any time after that you run the risk of turning into a gremlin.

    I thought that was only if you throw water on
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    Time of day has nothing to do with it. If you have calories left, eat if you're hungry.

    I completely disagree with this statement. Every person's body composition is different, and the way our bodies breakdown calories is different. Also, depending on WHAT you eat before going to bed (and how often you do it) can be problematic.

    You can disagree, but medical conditions aside we are all very similar in the biological processes that happen. We all gain weight from energy surpluses and we all need a deficit to lose weight because thermodynamics.

    We certainly have different preferences so in that regard you might feel a certain way about when you eat, but simply put: you don't gain weight from eating at a specific time if you're eating in a calorie deficit.

    So I guess "slow metabolisms" are a myth. Gotcha.
    What does this have to do with eating at night? Yes we have different total energy requirements but this has absolutely nothing to do with nutrient timing.

    My comment regarding metabolism was in response to your comment regarding "we are all VERY (emphasis added) similar in the biological process...."

    There are many variables as to why certain things work for some people, but are detrimental to others. If our bodies worked exactly alike, then we'd all look alike if we all did the same exact things (i.e., nutrition and exercise).

    If the OP eats at night and is still losing weight, then great for the OP (or anyone else this works for). This, however, does not work for me, no matter how many deficit calories I may have for that particular day. I ALWAYS see a gain the morning, no matter what I eat, if I eat late at night.

    So, I maintain my disagreement to the sweeping statement that "Time of day has nothing to do with it. If you have calories left, eat if you're hungry." This DOES NOT work for SOME people.

    Judgmental much?

    You are so mad...take a deep breath and step away from the computer...just because someone disagrees with you does not mean they are being judgemental

    I assure you that I am not mad. I have a sarcastic sense of humor, but I don't expect any of you to know that.

    SideSteel raises some good points. But, my point is that for WHATEVER the reason (I don't really give a damn what it is), eating late at night simply doesn't work for me. It doesn't matter what I eat. I don't give a damn about whatever people say is impossible, blah-blah-blah....I know what the *bleeping* scale says the next morning.

    *drops the mic and walks off stage*

    So don't weigh yourself the next morning. If I weigh myself after eating, I weigh more. It's a pretty basic concept. Long term impact is what's important here.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I bet just as many people get better sleep on a full stomach.
    Deep sleep is when the body rests and repairs itself ready for another day. And that deep sleep is what our late eaters missed, especially in the early part of the night.

    "They had a lot more awakenings and a lot more movement than the early eaters so they didn't actually get a lot of the deep sleep that is normally associated with the early hours of the night," says Sarah Biggs.

    The results of our test are no surprise to Professor Drew Dawson.

    "This is what we would expect based on what we've seen in the literature before," he says.

    Dr Clare Collins, a lecturer in nutrition at the University of Newcastle, agrees. She says the body simply isn't designed to cope with a heavy load before sleep.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    If it doesn't keep you from sleeping at night, it's okay to eat in the evening. My dad eats late at night and never has breakfast and has never been fat. (YMMV)
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    gives me heartburn while I sleep... :sick:
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    The only reason I don't do it is because sodium late at night makes me bloat and I see it on the scale in the morning. I don't take it seriously because it's not real weight, but I still don't like to see it. Eat something healthy late at night if you are hungry, you will be fine.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    If it doesn't keep you from sleeping at night, it's okay to eat in the evening. My dad eats late at night and never has breakfast and has never been fat. (YMMV)

    right i think THIS is the kicker, and where it really does vary from person to person
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I think the common sense approach is well said here, if you decided to eat 5lbs. worth of food at 11 p.m. and then go to bed and you wake up in the morning there is no doubt if you step on the scale you WILL see a weight gain but in the bigger picture if that 5 lbs. worth of food still fits into your caloric intake for that particular day and still leaves you in a deficit for that day then after your body as processed that days meals there is noway you will see any kind of gain on the scale period. Having a slow metabolism and maintaining a caloric deficit for any 24 hour period are really to different topics... I go to bed every night with at least a 300 calorie snack and somewhere along the lines lost over 300 lbs. so the science behind this in my personal opinion is pretty sound.... Best of Luck
  • Drop_it_Like_Its_Hawt
    I try to avoid it (since my resolve is diminished when I'm that tired, and I risk overeating) but if I'm really TRULY hungry before bed, I'll have some dairy like a nonfat yogurt or some 1% milk to calm the pangs. Then immediately go to bed, before I get hungry again.
  • Allene20
    Allene20 Posts: 6 Member
    I have the same problem, but if I am extremely hungry and it is bothering my sleep, I eat. Doesn't seem to affect my weight loss.:happy:
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    If you know this is going to happen, just plan a small meal for that time.

    I'm basically early to bed and early to rise, so I don't eat anything after about 9 PM (when I have a small bedtime snack).
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    The only reason I don't do it is because sodium late at night makes me bloat and I see it on the scale in the morning. I don't take it seriously because it's not real weight, but I still don't like to see it. Eat something healthy late at night if you are hungry, you will be fine.

    This is one of the best posts yet. In terms of big picture weight loss, timing doesn't matter. People who eat late then weight themselves every morning may very well see what appears to be a weight gain, which is why they complain about how awful eating at night is for weight loss. But in reality they are just holding a little extra water, which isn't effecting actual weight/fat loss, only scale weight. But people jump to conclusions based on what they observe rather than on what is actually happening.

    Good post! xthumb.gif
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Time of day has nothing to do with it. If you have calories left, eat if you're hungry.

    I completely disagree with this statement. Every person's body composition is different, and the way our bodies breakdown calories is different. Also, depending on WHAT you eat before going to bed (and how often you do it) can be problematic.

    You can disagree, but medical conditions aside we are all very similar in the biological processes that happen. We all gain weight from energy surpluses and we all need a deficit to lose weight because thermodynamics.

    We certainly have different preferences so in that regard you might feel a certain way about when you eat, but simply put: you don't gain weight from eating at a specific time if you're eating in a calorie deficit.

    So I guess "slow metabolisms" are a myth. Gotcha.
    What does this have to do with eating at night? Yes we have different total energy requirements but this has absolutely nothing to do with nutrient timing.

    My comment regarding metabolism was in response to your comment regarding "we are all VERY (emphasis added) similar in the biological process...."

    There are many variables as to why certain things work for some people, but are detrimental to others. If our bodies worked exactly alike, then we'd all look alike if we all did the same exact things (i.e., nutrition and exercise).

    If the OP eats at night and is still losing weight, then great for the OP (or anyone else this works for). This, however, does not work for me, no matter how many deficit calories I may have for that particular day. I ALWAYS see a gain the morning, no matter what I eat, if I eat late at night.

    So, I maintain my disagreement to the sweeping statement that "Time of day has nothing to do with it. If you have calories left, eat if you're hungry." This DOES NOT work for SOME people.

    Judgmental much?

    You are so mad...take a deep breath and step away from the computer...just because someone disagrees with you does not mean they are being judgemental

    I assure you that I am not mad. I have a sarcastic sense of humor, but I don't expect any of you to know that.

    SideSteel raises some good points. But, my point is that for WHATEVER the reason (I don't really give a damn what it is), eating late at night simply doesn't work for me. It doesn't matter what I eat. I don't give a damn about whatever people say is impossible, blah-blah-blah....I know what the *bleeping* scale says the next morning.

    *drops the mic and walks off stage*

    So don't weigh yourself the next morning. If I weigh myself after eating, I weigh more. It's a pretty basic concept. Long term impact is what's important here.

    Some people can't see the forest for the trees.
  • glamouritz64
    glamouritz64 Posts: 85 Member
    If it doesn't keep you from sleeping at night, it's okay to eat in the evening. My dad eats late at night and never has breakfast and has never been fat. (YMMV)

    right i think THIS is the kicker, and where it really does vary from person to person

    THANK YOU!!! That's all I was saying!!!!!
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    I eat most of my calories after 7PM because I can't go to bed feeling hungry or else I won't sleep and I'm not that hungry during the day
  • gonzo2802
    Eat all the way up to 11:59PM and then stop, any time after that you run the risk of turning into a gremlin.

    I so wish posts like this had a "like" button.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    THANK YOU!!! That's all I was saying!!!!!

    yeah... people get very defensive about their beliefs on here. what works for one doesn't necessarily HAVE to be the best plan for someone else.

    I can't eat before bed because I have LPR (laryngeal reflux). i don't think there's a single across-the-board truth in all of health and fitness.