Sneaky At Work Workout

Today’s Sneaky At Work Workout

Today I am recovering from a back injury, so the sneaky desk workout will be lightweight. I don’t know if this will count as far as a MFP workout, but it is a fun way to pass the time!

10 wrist rolls, each wrist
10 ankle rolls, each ankle
Look left, then look right (5 times)
Look up, then look down (5 times)
Raise one knee up (10 times each leg)
Press hands together as hard as you can (10 seconds)
Press down on desk as hard as you can (10 seconds)
Clean office (10 minutes)
10 desk pushups
10 calf raises
From a seated position, straighten one leg out (10 times each leg)
10 trunk twists
Clench abs firmly and hold (10 times)
Biceps curls with your purse (10 each arm)
Paperwork 15 minutes
Make up an excuse to get up from your desk and walk down the hall (go to the bathroom/deliver a message/make a copy) If you can go up and down stairs, even better.


  • gina2378
    gina2378 Posts: 17 Member
    This is great! I was just sitting at my desk trying to figure out how to fit in some exercise between clients! :) Thanks for sharing!
  • AbbieZabba
    I squeeze my glutes a lot.
  • SabineHansen
    SabineHansen Posts: 8 Member
    We have the greatest invironmental boss in our company she has supplied every office with rubber bands and sheets to show how we can work out to reduce desk-job related injuries. I have never actually used them, just thought of it when I saw your post. I think I will grab them tomorrow.
  • kkane1974
    That is a creative way to stay active!
  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member
    thanks for sharing, I have often wondered about things to do at work while my computer is yet again sitting there, daisywheel spinning round and round....
  • happychic
    happychic Posts: 43 Member
    I do 25 calf raises everytime I go itno the bathroom stall at work.
  • nekosimba
    nekosimba Posts: 239 Member
    Posting to save for later. I like this work-workout!
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 523 Member
    I love this. I find excuses to get up and move alot (mostly because I have to go to the bathroom with all of the water I drink :laugh: ) but these are all great suggestions. THANK YOU!!
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    Start an office affair.

    Count the calories you burn in your illicit encounters in the stock cupboard as exercise.
  • dovetail22uk
    dovetail22uk Posts: 339 Member
    Start an office affair.

    Count the calories you burn in your illicit encounters in the stock cupboard as exercise.

    Thanks for letting me know I'm allowed, husband!
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    Start an office affair.

    Count the calories you burn in your illicit encounters in the stock cupboard as exercise.

    Thanks for letting me know I'm allowed, husband!

    Gah! And I don't even have a stock-cupboard!

    Does the back of the Land Rover count?
  • fourpairs
    Drop your paper clips and squat to pick them up.