stay at home mom needs friends/motivation!

Hey everyone, this is my first time posting so please be kind :)

I'm a sahm of 3 and its become So hard to find time to eat healthy or exercise! I was doing pretty well, but then I had a high risk pregnancy and the laziness has gotten the best of me. My son is 10 months old now and I'm ready to get back in shape!!! I'm doing small steps first, the last time I did this I got overwhelmed and gave up.

As of right now I'm doing the 30 day shred three days a week. I'm going to stick with day 1 until I feel comfortable moving on. And I just received 1 month supply of Ideal Shape. I've never tried anything like that before, so I'm leery. Is anyone else using it? Are there any other sahm's that can relate and need support?? Lets do this!!


  • natashabrodz
    Bump :)
  • MrsSardone
    MrsSardone Posts: 194 Member
    I'm a SAHM too! Of 2. But the 2.5 yr old goes to daycare and my 10mo old is attached to me at the hip. I tried to do 30 DS but it was impossible with her around. Every 2mins she needed me in some way. So I joined a gym with childcare. So far we've only been able to go a few times and at around the hour mark she starts to fall apart and we gotta go. But it's better than nothing.

    Add me if you like! Any other SAHM can add me too!
  • envbj77
    envbj77 Posts: 78 Member
    I work full-time from home and my 14 mo and 3 yr old kids are home with me 2-3 days a week. During the days they are home I will either get on the treadmill when they are sleeping or when daddy gets home he can watch them. On days they are in day care I workout before work.

    I have found the realization that if I do not think of this as a diet it will work. When I turned 35 in November at 162 lbs, I had a complete breakdown and decided I had enough of being fat. I've been on this plan for 7 weeks and I'm down almost 13 lbs, I even reach 149 this morning. I'm 8 lbs from my ideal weight, but 24 from my ultimate goal.

    My new way of thinking is that i can still eat whatever I want but stay within my calorie allotment and exercise more. I haven't looked back once and I am so motivated to keep going. I know I'm no longer having anymore kids so there is no reason, why I shouldn't shape up to the skinny me that's been hiding for so long.

    I have really cut down on junk food, haven't had candy in forever and I told my oldest kid to keep the girl scout cookies away. But I know that if I really want one, I CAN have one but there is no longer a need or want to eat the whole box anymore!!!
  • natashabrodz
    Thank you, I added you!! I'm lucky that my 4yo daughter is a natural born health freak lol. She loves all forms of exercise and works out with us, as well as my 11 stepson. We usually work out together in the evening when the bàby is asleep.

    The gym intimidates me a bit! Do you use a trainer?
  • emr0034
    emr0034 Posts: 50 Member
    Feel free to add me :) I am here to motivate and support you!
  • knitwit704
    knitwit704 Posts: 66 Member
    I can friend you. I have nothing to do with a SAHM, except I love babies... I need friends too!
  • leyshockl
    leyshockl Posts: 17 Member
    Feel free to add me! I work part time and have 2 boys, 7 and 4 1/2. It is hard to find the time and motivation, totally agree! My husband finally agreed to join the YMCA- only a mile from our house. I am looking forward to working out there now. I just need to get into a routine... :)
  • kkshipley
    kkshipley Posts: 18 Member
    Can you tell me what is the 30 day shred?
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    Hi you can add me I have a daycare so I am at home, my stuggles are that the fridge is not too far away, we can support each other
  • marieclark1976
    I am a stay at home mom as well. I have 3 kids a son that is 14 years old a daughter that is 12 years old and a 9 month old son yes I started over!!! I am trying to lose about 120 lbs I just syarted today maybe we could chat sometime.
  • seren7189
    seren7189 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi, I've been a SAHM for the majority of my kids lives, I did have a carreer but am at home again now. feel free to add me as well, I discovered this site less that a week ago and am a newbie too
  • natashabrodz
    WOW!! I'm so happy to see such a big turn out :)

    There's no reason why we can't all be Hot Mamas!!! Its time to put down the remote, get off Pinterest and stop snacking on everything our kids leave behind! Its almost spring and I can't wait to buy new clothes in a new size!!
  • futrformrfatty
    futrformrfatty Posts: 38 Member
    I'm a sahm of 2. My son is 4 and my daughter is 7 months tomorrow! I just joined this site two days ago, but so far i'm feeling really motivated! Two of my biggest problems are that 1.) Breastfeeding makes me feel like i'm hungry ALL the time and 2.) I find that I tend to eat when I am bored, which is often lol So far calorie counting is helping me to make sure what i'm putting in my mouth is healthier and smaller portions and it's helping me not want to snack constantly. We can do this! Feel free to add me if you like!
  • KCGettinFit2014
    Feel free to add me. I am a mother of three and work from home. My oldest is in elementary but my two youngest stay home with me.
  • oktoberblu
    I'm a SAHM of 7....ages 9 to 3 months. Looking for friends so any other moms feel free to add me too.
  • ladybugs98a
    ladybugs98a Posts: 30 Member
    I am a SAHM of 3, ages 6, 3, 2. I am also looking for friends and motivation! We can all do this together!! You and other moms can add me.
  • mlclarke22
    mlclarke22 Posts: 551 Member
    feel free to add me..i am a mother of 3(6,4, and 1) and I work full time..but i am on a mission to get back to the real me! good luck!
  • MrsNole
    MrsNole Posts: 26
    I'm a SAHM as well! I have one girl, 17 months old. I need some motivation as well!
  • julitrowbridge
    I'm also a SAHM (two boys, 5 and 3yrs) running a family daycare! It isn't easy with kids and I'm just starting out! Feel free to add me for mutual support!
  • cathymarie75
    cathymarie75 Posts: 222 Member
    I work part time and home the other half with my 2 boys 3 and half and 1. I started with 10 minute trainer from Tony Horton when I first started and added in as many of the different 10 minutes workouts I could do that day and than moved on from them when I felt stronger. I still use them sometimes when I want to add a quick workout or 2. And making sure I stay within my calories. Feel free to add me!