anybody over 50

I'd like to communicate with women over 50, as not to be prejudiced or anything like that, but I have learned that after 50 it has been much more difficult to lose my weight. Hope I don't offend anyone, but 50 plus'ers will get what I'm saying.


  • Hi

    The names Denise and I will be 55 next Friday. I am in a all out battle with my body. It just does not want to give up anything. I am a single mom working two jobs with three children 19-25. Life has been successful but stressful. I exercise at least 5 times a week and according to everyone including myself eat basically like a bird. So why can't I shake this weight. My doc thinks I may be insulin resistant so she started me on a pre-diabetic medication which resulted in a 12 pound weight loss six months ago then everything came to a screeching halt. My goal for this year is to be the poster child of good/healthy living which includes monitoring my food and exercise. Hopefully there will be a breakthrough. IM NOT GOING TO GIVE UP
    Hello, 52 here, been using MFP regularly since January 2012, have just about reached my goal shy 5 lbs that I just can't seem to get off but have been maintaining weight for 3 months now. I love the support you get on MFP has really helped me tremendously.
  • caljud48
    caljud48 Posts: 1 Member
    I will be 65 in February and I DO get what you are saying. Weight loss seems to get slower as we age. I know because I,ve been on a diet off and on most of my life. I had lost about 20 pounds a couple of years a go and my doctor was so proud of me. Well, the last visit I had gained all but 4 lbs. back. This time I am determined to get it off and keep it off. My goal is to lose 30 lbs. I just joined MFP last Thursday and it looks like the place to be. I love being in a group where I can give support as well as get it.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi, gang ....... I'm 61 ..... and without going into a long story, four years ago I needed to lose weight due to a few medical issues ........ started out at 195# ...... don't have many pictures at that weight, but this will give you an idea ......


    By changing my eating habits & finally getting up off the couch, now I weigh 150# ......


    Am still chipping away at a few more pounds ...... it's not always "easy" but it's certainly doable ......

    So let's do it :happy:
  • Miggy52
    Miggy52 Posts: 164
    Hi there just turned 60 in Oct. I stopped using MFP for a while now Im back, I as well am having problems losing the weight I gained when I quite smoking 4 years ago...amazing how an extra 20 lbs drags a body out...I'm hell bent on losing those 20 lbs and maybe a bit more if I can.....If not back to the Dr. I go to find out whats up....I am active going to curves 3-4 times a week plus I partake of 3 zumba classes a week...weekends are my rest hoping I can lose as Im off to Australia in August to a Wedding.....
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Hi. I'm just 50, which may or may not count. However there's an on-going monthly thread for women over 50:
  • want2lose20now
    want2lose20now Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Ladies, I will be 56 this March. I have always lived an active lifestyle,and enjoy exercise. Three years ago I had a heart attack (due to Graves disease)was put on meds and gained 30 pounds. I started trying to take it off July1, 2012 by Sept. 8th I had ONLY lost 10 pounds. I have NOT lost an ounce since then. I lost a few inches the first two months and nothing since. I have a Fitbit , I average walking 5-6 miles a day. I have a HRM so I know how many cal. I burn. I have a food scale I weigh and log every bite of my food. I drink over 8 cups of water daily. Long story short... I really need encouragement right now. I have not logged my food the last oouple of days and I am thinking of closing my account because it has become embrassing as to why I am not losing weight. There are a lot of women on here that have health problems, older, hormones,ect.. and they have lost weight. I don't know what else to do. Any suggestions? Please feel free to add me (please include a mesg.)my diary is open.
  • kwindsor3
    Hi, my name is Kim and I'll be 52 in March. Also in March will be my 1 year anniversary of changing my life for the better. I've lost 78 lbs to date. I have only been on My Fitness Pal for a few weeks. It's nice to have somewhere to check in and keep track! For Christmas I got a Fitbit and I'm not happy with the lack of steps I've been taking. I do go to the gym 5 days a week and have been with a personal trainer since September. I have 50+ lbs. to go to "My" goal. Would love some friends here for encouragement and the occasional kick in the pants when I get down on myself!:happy:
  • priorgirls
    priorgirls Posts: 11 Member
    wow you really are looking great... are you almost at goal?
  • priorgirls
    priorgirls Posts: 11 Member
    I absolutely agree with what you say about the support. This site is going to be helpful. Keep on doing it..
  • JustMaxine55
    JustMaxine55 Posts: 29 Member
    Definitely get what you are saying! :-) I'm 56 with 40 lbs to drop.
  • angelofmercy106
    angelofmercy106 Posts: 16 Member
    WOW, you are looking great!!
  • angelofmercy106
    angelofmercy106 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello, My name is Sandy, and I am 64 yrs old, just re-joined this site. Would love to communicate with people my age. There are so many problems that comes with aging that are hard for younger folks to understand.
    Would love to have some motivated, inspirational friends to help me get on the right track and stay there. I promise I will motivate and inspire right back!!
  • Beyond_Value
    Beyond_Value Posts: 46 Member
    Hello, my name is Tonya and I am 52 years young and March is my birthday and I am giving myself this birthday present to lose weight. No clothes, jewelry, dinner, etc just lose weight.

    I have been reading these books to learn about what to eat and what food does to the body and have found it very educational things we do not learn we just go on diets and eat less or don't eat this.

    One book is "South Beach Diet" and" Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight."

    Since I have stop eating flour products I feel better and losing inches from my waist.

    Over 50 is Fabulous.:wink:
  • jzebracki
    jzebracki Posts: 112 Member
    Hi! I am 51, and I definitely get the over 50-thing! Each decade brings harder challenges to lose the weight and keep it off. Since May I have dropped 47 pounds, but I have 42 more to go, and I haven't budged in weeks - despite doing what I am supposed to be doing. It is tough to hang in there through those times - but eventually, it starts downward again. I just joined MFP on January 3rd, so I am hoping this extra-motivation will keep me going. Good luck to you, and if you want to send me a friend request, please feel free to do so!
  • JOYOUS62
    JOYOUS62 Posts: 104 Member
    Hi, I am Joy and I will be 51 in July. I only joined today so hoping for some inspiration, I am currently 126lb and would like to lose 24lb. I am a tiny 4ft 11
  • tara12riley
    Hi I'll be 55 in Feb. I hit memopause last year and boy it's not easy to loose weight or cope with the hot flashes but exercising does help! I use to do weight watchers but didn't want to pay anymore so I found this site and I've lost 18 pounds since may and I love it! you can add me if you'd like:laugh:
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Hi, I am 58 and 75 pounds more fit than I was when I joined MFP in January 2013. (My pics are in my profile.) There are definitely differences as we age, and I sometimes struggle when the scale doesn't move after a week of healthy choices, when I know that in my younger days an identical week would have produced a loss of 2-3 pounds. I am part of a very supportive group of MFP friends who refer to ourselves as the Hatters, the Menopausal Mad Hatters, to be exact. We have everyone from folks in maintenance to those just beginning the journey and every stage in between. Join in!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I'm always looking for over 50 friends, feel free to send me a friend request! I'm 54, maintaining my weight and still working out like a beast lol :bigsmile:
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I am 52 and have lost 35 pounds since July. I started maintenance yesterday. YAY! Welcome and good luck!