Circuit exercise ideas

kdt000 Posts: 27 Member
edited November 2023 in Fitness and Exercise
Working on making up a circuit to do at home without a lot of equipment when I can't make it to the gym - need some ideas.. I saw a cool thing on pinterest where you stick popsicle sticks with an exercise written on them in a cup - draw a few out each time you work out and make a circuit out of them - any ideas are welcome..

(examples of a few things I have so far) -

20 push ups
20 squats
1:00 wall sit
30 second plank (side planks also)
10 burpees

etc., etc.


  • Samantha44145
    Samantha44145 Posts: 66 Member
    A deck of cards works really well too. Assign one exercise per suit. Shuffle the cards. Place the cards on the floor in front of you face down. Flip the first card and do the number of reps on the card. Face cards are either 10 or 20 reps depending on your fitness level. My favtype of exercises with these - Burpees, Clapping V-ups, Jumping Squats, Push-ups.

    21-Up is also another good little game - it's pretty intense though. You choose 2 exercises, e.g. push-ups and sit-ups. You count from 1 to 21 performing the number of reps of each exercise for each number on the way up to 21. For example, you say "1", then perform 1 push-up and 1 sit-up. Then you say, "2", and perform 2 push-ups and 2 situps. Then you say 3 and perform 3 situps and 3 pushups. You do that until you get to 21. Once you're at 21, and you have performed 21 pushups and 21 situps, you choose another 2 exercises, eg squats and skull crushers. Starting from 21, you start going down to 1. You perform 21 squats and 21 skull crushers, then 20 squats and 20 skull crushers, etc...all the way down to 1.
  • kdt000
    kdt000 Posts: 27 Member
    That's interesting! Both sound like a fun way to stay motivated. Thank you!
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I've been doing spartacus 2012 workout.... there's lots of different variations, but no thinking involved, app is on your phone, with timers. boom. work out done!
  • babsc01
    babsc01 Posts: 31 Member
    Try adding 30-40 seconds of Step-Ups and Lateral Box Runs. Get that cardio up!
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Walking lunges
    Walking lunges holding a weight above your head (you can go down a hall, or around a room)
    Doing planks with rows
    Do a sit-up w/weight -- works whole torso and arms (start laying flat on floor, 1 dumbbell held in 1 hand over your head, and then slowly come all the way up to sitting w/arm straight, then back down. Do 25 w/no weights, 25 w/1 arm, 25 w/the other arm, then 25 w/both arms for 100)
    Jumping air squats (when you come up, get off the ground and back down)

    I've also done a workout w/cards where you assign a movement for each suit (hearts, spades, clubs, diamonds). Then you place the cards face down and flip them over 1 by 1. You do the movement of the suit for the # of reps that the card shows (10 for face cards, 11 for aces). See how far you can get through the deck. We did this w/teams of 2 people, and it was fun, but grueling. So you might wanna cut the deck in 1/2 for just you.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Pinterest is great for this. I do the quiet workout when traveling for work (so I don't disturb people under me if I'm not on the first floor). It comes up if you do a search on pinterest for "quiet workout"

    I also pack my resistance band and do this 15 min. band workout:
  • kellie0407
    kellie0407 Posts: 21 Member
    The card thing is a great idea, going to use that one and hopefully stay motivated, thanks! :happy:
  • CoronerKris
    CoronerKris Posts: 57 Member
    mountain climbers, jumping jacks(jumping sumo jacks), jumping squats, squats with dumbbells, skaters, punches while in a squat.
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