Working mom of 2 needs to lose about 100 pounds...



  • littlemamajohn
    littlemamajohn Posts: 9 Member
    Same boat here!! I have about 100 pounds to full time and have 3 kiddos at home! Good luck and feel free to add me!! Maybe we can help motivate eachother!!!
  • tolae2006
    tolae2006 Posts: 54 Member
    Please take one step at a time and remember never give up on your goals even when you make mistakes. Set small goals for your self. E.g 10lbs per month.
  • tolae2006
    tolae2006 Posts: 54 Member
    Supplemama: Amazing that is inspiring
  • landnat99
    landnat99 Posts: 6 Member
    Same boat here except my children are 9 and 13. I need to lose alot of weight too....feel free to add me we can talk strategy lol
  • snowshoermom
    snowshoermom Posts: 63 Member
    I just started 2 weeks ago and have lost 6 pounds!! I have a long way to go. Have about 100 pounds to lose. I am a mom to 3 boys aged 10, 3 and 3 month old... so I am busy but I am determined to make 2013 my year.. Its ME TIME :)

    Anyone else feel free to add me. I really love the support people provide on this site.
  • WELCOME! I have been here for a few months but at first I did not consider it much but now I look at all the posts & success stories & it motivates me to read & thrive off of others success. I say to myself I can do this too! It also helps with food intake & monitoring yourself daily! I'm praying to loose a 100 pounds, but I have started first with small weightloss & fitness goals monthly then that way I feel like it would lead me to a Big LOSS! Have fun!:smile:
  • hi my name is jazmine roper and i just had a baby last year in june and i feel so unattractive i want to lose 100 pounds as well. i think what would be a good way for us to help each other lose the weight it by challenging eachother and to make a fatty jar, so every time we think about getting something to eat that we know we should not have we should put that money in a jar and after we lose the weight we should take that money to go and by our first new outfit
  • bodiva88
    bodiva88 Posts: 308 Member
    You have to do it for yourself. You're worth it.
  • bluebonnet7407
    bluebonnet7407 Posts: 5 Member
    I've been big all my life. I weighed 220 when I graduated high school. and now 20 years later, I've gained 125 lbs in addition to. For me I need all the support I can get. This is a great place to get it. I've used MyFitnessPal in the past and was able to lose weight. Then I stopped using it and got lazy. I'm getting back on the horse and its a big process and a steep climb. But it can be done. One of aspect of the site is the people on here, they don't criticize. Some of the other great aspects is that MFP (MyFitnessPal) makes everything so easy to monitor and access. Good Luck in your progress.
  • Hi everyone I'm new to this but i am a 25 year old female who is now so over weight due to comfort eating through having volatile relationships and just stress etc i now have to lose about 7 stone 100 lbs to get to my ideal weight so have decided to join my fitness pal as a friend recommended it but i have also started the gym and intend to go at least 4/5 times a week i want my confidence back and want to feel good about myself again. Is there anything else that anyone could recommend even recipes to help me reach my goal it would be much appreciated :D
  • This is a very good and suportive site. I joined a while back and started to get active about my weight loss in October of 2012 and am down about 20 pounds since I began. I also have a young son and if you are looking for friendly advice that is also honest and not sugar coated you are in the right place! Feel free to add me!
  • Pridgenization
    Pridgenization Posts: 65 Member
    I am also a working mom of 2 boys (age 7 and 9) and need to lose about 130 pounds. I just recently started back last week. Just logging your food makes a big difference. Of course, exercising, eating healthy and drinking lots of water makes it even better! You will find a lot of support on MFP. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • SuzieMae78
    SuzieMae78 Posts: 52 Member
    I too am right there with you...I love MFP it really keeps me on track with being a full time working mom of 3 grade school kids. Get the app and it is with you at all times! We go camping over the summer and I can still log in here and stay on track.

    I am looking to lose 100 lbs also...well no 90 :) Feel free to add me! Best of luck!

  • MissKarlee89
    MissKarlee89 Posts: 40 Member
    I have over 100lbs to lose, it's gonna be a long journey but hopefully with the support and motivation from the right people we will get there!! :) x
  • azuremiste
    azuremiste Posts: 46 Member
    Hi! I am just about exactly where you are. I work full time and have 2 kids (ages 3 and 9 months). I just re-joined MFP and am looking to lose 90 pounds. Can I add you as a friend on here?
  • bear0624
    bear0624 Posts: 5 Member
    Just started the journey and I need to loose medically 65 lbs , but realisticly I would be happy with 45 :) I also have 2 children 5 and 3. Add me to your friends! Already I have lost 11 lbs :)
  • prebee
    prebee Posts: 5 Member
    welcome!!! and congrats on starting to get healthy! this site has lots of people for support. it's a process but every day brings you one day closer!
  • hit the gym. for about an hour a day if u can. use the treadmill. and make sure u eat lots of greens and some fruit.also drink lots of water.ive lost more then 20 lbs in the last month by doing this. its hard but if u keep you mind set u can do it. good luck with your goal.
  • I need to lose a 100 pounds too! Working and my daughter keeps me busy. But if I could just stop eating crap it would help.
  • aecummings
    aecummings Posts: 9 Member
    Definitely add me!