Shedding for the Wedding

:smile: I am getting married! The wedding is going to be New Years Eve so I have time to lose weight the right way and look my best! Looking for other brides to share wedding ideas with and support during the months leading up, including the weight loss aspect!


  • Bunniculette
    Bunniculette Posts: 71 Member
    Hi!! I'm in the same boat. I'm trying to be reasonable about diet and excercise as to not make myself crazy. Right now I'm looking at every, small good choice (to excercise, to skip the fries) as a victory and every set back (eating the kids' left over mac n cheese) as minor. Our wedding is September 7th of this year and I'm starting to get sliiiightly freaked out by the weight I would like to lose before even looking at dresses.
  • kyrabeth1986
    kyrabeth1986 Posts: 53 Member
    Im getting married on the 26th July. Currently eating around 1,500cals a day (tracked on here) and doing 6 days a week of the 30DS. I ideally have 2 stone to lose, but my dress fits now so anything i lose is a bonus!
  • amandaj1966
    amandaj1966 Posts: 342 Member
    Congratulations to all brides planning their big day.
    I am getting married in March, have 9 weeks and want to lose half a stone. We booked the wedding 21 months ago and it seemed an age to wait but all of a sudden our day is nearly here.
    Ok so I only have 7 lbs to lose but Ive been trying to get to my goal weight for years but knowing that my wedding dress is a bit tight, hopefully will push me.
  • ImmerSonnig
    ImmerSonnig Posts: 14 Member
    I'm getting married in October and I already bought a dress last March. Guess what? It doesn't zip!! I started MFP in August and was like 130 and now I'm about 136. I know it doesn't seem like much, but I'm 5'4, so I guess it's a really big deal on my frame. I just did the 30 day shred, but it took 40 days. I gained a bunch of muscle in my back and shoulders, which means my dress won't fit even if I did lose the fat. I didn't lose any weight. I'm trying not be obsessed with the scale and instead focus on being stronger and more toned, but it's so hard. I just want a smaller number to appear on that damn scale! And I want my dress to fit! I'd also really like a piece of pizza right now! :love:

    By the way, I have absolutely no contacts on MFP. Add me if you need motivation. I certainly could benefit from some! Plus, we can get psyched about the big day!
  • Bethbr00tality
    Bethbr00tality Posts: 36 Member
    I may or may not be getting married this November (we may push it back for financial reasons) so I am very aware of losing weight and getting into shape for what may or may not be my wedding day, haha. Congrats to everyone in this thread!
  • szimba
    szimba Posts: 290 Member
    Hi ladies!! I've been engaged since last march, getting married in October! :) but I think I've actually gained weight in thy time! :( ugh I just couldn't seem to get motivated for some reason. My dress is in and waiting to get fitted but I really want to put it off as log as possible!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I wish you success after the wedding day.
  • stljam
    stljam Posts: 512 Member
    I wish you success after the wedding day.
    ^^^ This.
  • marta07
    marta07 Posts: 79 Member
    idont have a set day yet but either this year or the next ! and yes im trying to lose weight for that special day
  • I recently got engaged as well! I've been on MFP for almost a year now, I'm hoping the wedding will give me the extra motivation I need to stay on track. Good luck ladies!
  • Hi Ladies

    I am getting married in Vegas in Oct 2013, I have 50lb to loose and so far so good, 10lb lost so far. I am doing excercising most evening from, cycling, swimming and dance central on the x box.

    I am at my planning stage for my reception so ad me up if you need ideas or motivatiion for your weight loss :o)
  • Bunniculette
    Bunniculette Posts: 71 Member
    My dress is in and waiting to get fitted but I really want to put it off as log as possible!

    So, other than szimba, anyone else start dress shopping? I'm starting to think I need to get moving on the dress business, since they seem to take ages to arrive on order. what are the rest of you ladies doing? Buying now and altering later or waiting until the 11th hour?
  • I'm getting married 05-10-15 (2nd wedding for both of us)(my ex became abusive,his became a slut). Since we found the person who we will be happy with for the rest of our lives we want to be happy about everything with the wedding. For me part of that is going to be looking good in my dress. I started out wanting to loose 100 lbs, I have either 70 or 50 left depending if you go by my first goal or my modified if I can do that then I can do this goal.
  • clairecandoit11
    clairecandoit11 Posts: 62 Member
    Hello all!! I am also a bride-to-be! I have been engaged since Oct and am getting married this October! 10-18-13 to be exact!! I have about 25-30 lbs to lose until then! I know I can do it!! I just don't know if I am doing enough in the gym to get as toned as I want to be! I have a good friend who I work out with and she is a personal trainer so she promises she'll get me in tip top shape :)

    I already bought a size 6 wedding dress from JCrew, so I have no choice but to lose the weight!!!

    Good luck ladies and feel free to add me!!
  • Violin11
    Violin11 Posts: 44 Member
    I went ahead and did a little dress shopping. I wanted to see what was available and get a feel for what I would need to do to look my best. The hard part is that dresses can take 4-6 months to be delivered!! So I'm ordering mine in March (November wedding). I'm working on being down 10 more pounds by March 1st and then hopefully 20 lbs total from current weight by the wedding. I'm hoping alterations won't have to be too drastic for this to work out.
  • Hiii, I'm getting married August 23 2014, same here. Looking to lose a bit of weight before this August which will be when I start dress shopping.
  • Getting married May 4th 2013! I tried on my dress and it fits every where but the boobs ugh!!! Any weight I gain is straight to the inner thighs and boobs. So here is to losing those last 20lbs and hopefully a perfectly fitting dress.. any tips?
  • sm_usagi
    sm_usagi Posts: 89 Member
    My dress is in and waiting to get fitted but I really want to put it off as log as possible!

    So, other than szimba, anyone else start dress shopping? I'm starting to think I need to get moving on the dress business, since they seem to take ages to arrive on order. what are the rest of you ladies doing? Buying now and altering later or waiting until the 11th hour?

    I ordered mine at the end of November and they said it would be ready in March. My wedding is in June! Well, my first wedding, we're having a second one in July since I'm Australian and he's American, we get to do it in both countries :P

    Anyway, I'm trying to lose 10-20 pounds in that time. I am anxious about the fittings though - if it arrives in March, I assume there'll be a first fitting, then a final fitting closer to June? The dress I've ordered has a zip up back (not laces) so there's not a lot of margin for error!
  • denisek80
    denisek80 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi!! I'm in the same boat. I'm trying to be reasonable about diet and excercise as to not make myself crazy. Right now I'm looking at every, small good choice (to excercise, to skip the fries) as a victory and every set back (eating the kids' left over mac n cheese) as minor. Our wedding is September 7th of this year and I'm starting to get sliiiightly freaked out by the weight I would like to lose before even looking at dresses.

    My wedding is also Sept 7th this year and I have a fair bit of weight to lose - good luck!!!
  • cj_sproehlich
    cj_sproehlich Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Ladies!! :-)

    I'm getting married 12-31-2013!! I just finished Insanity, and now I'm running in the mornings at the gym and then doing P90X 6 days a week!! Any ladies looking for support, feel free to message me!!
    Good luck ladies!!! Happy wedding planning!