Another Ingredient in Shakeology - Yakon

Ok, here is more of what I have found in my research into the ingredients in Shakeology. This is no ordinary shake full of fillers and sugar and chemicals.


Found in the Andes mountains in Peru, it is known for it's sweet, crisp root tubers (think carrot). The texture and flavor is like a cross between a watermelon and an apple. This is why it is sometimes called the apple of the earth.

Yacon is a powerful anti-oxidant and has been shown to protect liver cells from oxidative damage. It also has some insulin-like effects by reducing glucose production in the liver (Great for Diabetics).

But it gets better. Yacon has a whole host of indirect effects as well.

Yacon is important because it has one of the highest concentrations of fructooligosaccharides (FOS) of any plant known to man. These are sweet tasting, big sugar molecules that are not digestible by people, therefore they are considered a source of dietary fiber. Since FOS's pass undigested through the GI system, they add sweetness without adding extra calories or cause a spike in blood sugar (again Diabetics).

Although we don't use them for energy the "good bacteria" in your large intestine do! (By the process of fermentation.) This helps the good bugs grow and keeps the bad bugs in check, maintaining a favorable balance that keeps you healthy.

This is what they mean when they Shakeology contains "prebiotics." Prebiotics are special food ingredients that promote growth of good gut bacteria, thus conferring health benefits upon you (the host).

Yacon specifically stimulates the growth of a type of good bacteria called Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus.

OK, so why is this important?

There is evidence that Bifidobacteia are involved in all kinds of healthy stuff!

-aid digestion
-associated with decreased incidence of allergies
-boost the immune system
-control gut pH
-may help prevent antibiotic associated diarrhea
-one type (B. Infantis) has been shown to dramatically reduce irritable bowel syndrome symptoms
-control the population of bad actors like E. Coli
-control growth of Candida Albicans (yeast)

And finally, for today, there is growing evidence that prebiotics can protect against the formation and growth of colon cancers! The jury is still out on this, and some of the evidence is contradictory, and the optimal dose of prebiotics has not been figured out yet, but there are several positive studies suggesting prebiotics may have a role in colon cancer prevention.

Researchers performed a double-blind placebo-controlled trial (the gold standard of trials) looking at the effects of yacon syrup taken over a period of 12 weeks.

They found daily intake of yacon syrup produced a significant decrease in body weight, waist circumference, and body mass index (BMI). It was associated with an increased feeling of satiety. It also resulted in improvement in an index of insulin resistance and in LDL (bad) chlolesterol.


  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Just wish they could make it taste better. I think it's a fantastic product, as far as active ingredient list, it tops any other shake out there for health benefits, but it tastes like crap and is way overpriced.
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Just wish they could make it taste better. I think it's a fantastic product, as far as active ingredient list, it tops any other shake out there for health benefits, but it tastes like crap and is way overpriced.

    I just replied to your similar statement on another post. The one about the Shakeology pie (sounds yucky to me). If you mix this right it should taste amazing. Mine do and I drink it every day. So does my husband AND my 10 year old daughter loves it too. I'm sorry you had a bad experience with it. I'd be glad to help you with recipes that you will like better, I'm sure. Or, return it to the company for a refund if its within the 30 day guarantee period. They are very good about that.
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Just wish they could make it taste better. I think it's a fantastic product, as far as active ingredient list, it tops any other shake out there for health benefits, but it tastes like crap and is way overpriced.

    I just replied to your similar statement on another post. The one about the Shakeology pie (sounds yucky to me). If you mix this right it should taste amazing. Mine do and I drink it every day. So does my husband AND my 10 year old daughter loves it too. I'm sorry you had a bad experience with it. I'd be glad to help you with recipes that you will like better, I'm sure. Or, return it to the company for a refund if its within the 30 day guarantee period. They are very good about that.

    Maybe I need to find different ways in mixing it, because I really do find it horrid :laugh: I wouldn't return it because I beleive it does work, I just wish they had more flavours to choose from, strawberry or vanilla....just more options.
  • khillman77
    where do I buy this at?
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    They are working on a new flavor to add to the choices. The majority of votes were for vanilla. However, they are very picky about the ingredients. So, for example, they would not purchase any vanilla beans here in the US because none met their standards. So, they likely will find some overseas somewhere.

    I'm glad you get the fact that the health benefits are amazing. All other shakes pale in comparison. In fact, in my opinion there is no comparison. :tongue:
    Did you get it through a Beachbody coach? Is he or she being helpful to you with it? If not, send me a note with your e-mail address and I can send you a recipe booklet. Stay in touch with me and we will find a combo you love, I'm sure.
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    where do I buy this at?

    Shakeology is a Beachbody product and is sold only through Independent Beachbody Coaches. You can get it through me at
  • TammieOwen
    I wish I could aford if, right now we can't, but I will keep it in mind for sure.