I don't want to turn my house into a gym..



  • scrapscot
    scrapscot Posts: 123 Member
    I have a recumbant bike but need to start using it more. I also have 5 lb weights and an elastic band. My Leslie Sansone dvds are gathering dust and I need to get them out and start doing those walks again. I am retired and my spouse and I go to the senior rec center about 4 times a week to use the treadmill, etc.

    Have you checked with the Y or your city's rec center? They usually have child care while you're working out.
  • texasladysv
    texasladysv Posts: 103 Member
    There are some great app workouts for cardio, and circuit training... basic "old fashioned" workin out with
    No equipment! It includes full body... all I use mostly now is 5lb weights...
    But its workin for me!

    Great workouts!
    Good luck!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Buuuuuut I am in desperate need of finding the perfect workout equipment !! I really have no idea where I should look and if there is something that fits my needs..

    I have a 1 year old son and it's hard to get out and exercise at an actual gym because I am a stay at home mom so no day care/baby sitter..which means I need to be able to work out in my house without having to have a designated room for my own personal gym because I don't have the space !

    Think it's possible to have something in my home without taking up a whole lot of space ??
    Should I stick with the work-out DVD's or try and take it to the next level with buying a tread mill maybe ??

    Who works out indoors and if so how do you do it

    Hmm any ideas ?????

    what about joining a gym that has free child care?

    When my son was about the same age yours is, we joined the local YMCA. Back then childwatch was like $2-3 per hour per child, now it is free. My son fussed for the first few weeks, but once he got used to it, he would ask to go bye-bye, so I would take him there and go work out for an hour. They had special glass on the window so parents could check on the kids without being seen :D They paged parents if a child was fussy for 5 minutes, or if a diaper needed to be changed.
  • kekpron
    kekpron Posts: 38 Member
    i'd recommend the Insanity DVDs from Beachbody, because they require no equippment at all, and all you really need for space is about a body lenght in any direction.

    ^^ this

    You may want to start with just p90 or p90x though if you aren't at a fairly advanced level of fitness. Insanity is REALLY intense.. so much so it may prove demoralizing (nothing like having the guy tell you to do 25 pull ups and you can't even do 1 :mad: ). Definitely look at he videos though, they will kick you *kitten* and are pretty much all body offset.
  • Hah I was just about to quote yours but Ill hit them both in one and comment here ! :)

    I've always just wondered if it was toooo much lol I know people might call me crazy for saying this on MFP but I had a C-section and stiiiiiilll a little nervous to do really hardcore workouts due to the cramps it causes me. TMI I know but hopefully I will get there soon after I gradually work my way up to that level. I am working on it here !! :D

    Lol I say that because I do use a jump rope regularly in my exercise routines but I was wondering if getting a machine would be more effective than what I have been doing now. Apparently not, thanks to the post about the treadmill !
    I think I am going to look at the insanity DVD's because I keep getting suggestions on it and really never took the time to test it out. Thanks for the comment
    i'd recommend the Insanity DVDs from Beachbody, because they require no equippment at all, and all you really need for space is about a body lenght in any direction.

    So it sounds perfect for your situation.

    however, the jump rope is a wonderful suggestion. If all you wanted to do is straight cardio - this is 1000% better then a treadmil and cost pennies compared to a tread mill.

    If you are open to spending a lot on something that may suit your needs, i'd look into the bowflex that folds up and fits under your bed. Some may not think much of the resistance machines but if its that or no resistance training then they pretty damn good.

    FWIW, my husband has a seasonal PT job that takes him away from the home 40 nights a year, making a regular after-work gym schedule next to impossible. Last season I picked up Insanity and it kicked my butt--in a good way. Now I'm doing Chalean Extreme and really enjoy it.
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    My trainer uses this in some of our workouts. It's totally portable and stores away just about anywhere. You can do a total body workout on it. You can even do it outside: throw it over a tree limb or the top of a swingset or something. There's also a code on MFP for 15% off: RM15035

  • rebecca_florida
    rebecca_florida Posts: 184 Member

    Rowing machines are amazing cardio and can fold up to be really small

    I just sold my treadmill - which I rarely used since I prefer to run outside. It took up A LOT of space! Now, my rowing machine is on its way! I made the switch so I can get both cardio and some strength/muscle - rowing works practically your entire body, I'm told. Some models can stand up against a wall and I think are a lot less bulky than a treadmill. The three main types I found in my research varied by type of resistance, either being hydraulic, air, or water-based. Check them out!
  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    I work out at home for the same reasons. I would love to join a gym and use the daycare, but I work a lot and only see my daughter a few hours a day during the week as it is. So I workout at night or in the morning when she is sleeping. Since you have your cardio down, I just want to suggest using kettle bells. I love working out with them, and you can find tons of dvds. What I love, is that I get an awesome workout in under 30 minutes and its quite. Perfect for nap times. Good Luck.
  • Thanks !!!!!!!
    Thats what I was hoping for because I'm not exactly there yet and if they have a less intense but still intense at the same time hah if that makes sense to you !!

    i'd recommend the Insanity DVDs from Beachbody, because they require no equippment at all, and all you really need for space is about a body lenght in any direction.

    ^^ this

    You may want to start with just p90 or p90x though if you aren't at a fairly advanced level of fitness. Insanity is REALLY intense.. so much so it may prove demoralizing (nothing like having the guy tell you to do 25 pull ups and you can't even do 1 :mad: ). Definitely look at he videos though, they will kick you *kitten* and are pretty much all body offset.
  • haileybailey5
    haileybailey5 Posts: 17 Member
    I just sucked it up and have an elliptical on my bedside! I live in an 800 sqft apartment so I understand the lack of space but if you want, and will use a fitness machine than I say put it wherever it will fit and enjoy!
  • Ooooh thanks for this !! Sounds great !

    My trainer uses this in some of our workouts. It's totally portable and stores away just about anywhere. You can do a total body workout on it. You can even do it outside: throw it over a tree limb or the top of a swingset or something. There's also a code on MFP for 15% off: RM15035

  • pohlcm08
    I have a treadmill but it takes up more room than it's worth, because I get soooo bored running on a treadmill. Workout DVDs are more fun for me and I don't have the space for a workout room either (I wish!!). I like the Insanity DVDs, Gold's Gym Kickboxing with a Pulse from Walmart (Some reviews online say it's boring though, but I liked that it came with hand and ankle weights) and Zumba for the Wii. Maybe a Wii would be a good investment rather than a treadmill. I haven't tried any others yet but there are so many such as Wii Fit, Sports Active, Walk it Out, and Just Dance to name a few and they also offer games for children.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,662 Member
    i'd recommend the Insanity DVDs from Beachbody, because they require no equippment at all, and all you really need for space is about a body lenght in any direction.

    ^^ this

    You may want to start with just p90 or p90x though if you aren't at a fairly advanced level of fitness. Insanity is REALLY intense.. so much so it may prove demoralizing (nothing like having the guy tell you to do 25 pull ups and you can't even do 1 :mad: ). Definitely look at he videos though, they will kick you *kitten* and are pretty much all body offset.

    except they don't do pull ups in Insanity. I see what you mean though, I'm thinking a lot of people try it only to get quickly frustrated.

    If your not in great shape, starting out with something less aggressive (such as p90 or even 10 minute trainer or hip hop abs) would be more positive psychologically and probably physically as well.

    I could easily see people getting just as discouraged with p90x though, especially woman.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,662 Member
    oh i forgot about the trx.

    I'd highly recommend that if it comes with some sort of routine and or instruction. That is probably the most versatile and easily stored of the equipment mentioned so far, and it opens up the door to a lot more training possiblities then the workout DVDs

    If you want to do resistance training, this is probably your best bet. A little unconventional but that shouldn't stop you.
  • Danni1585
    Danni1585 Posts: 250 Member
    You can do some lifts with either a bag of sugar or flour, walk up and down the stairs and set yourself a goal ie 50 times in a day. Anything you do will help. Susan Powter used to use all sorts of stuff from round the house in her ealy fitness days. Good luck
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    When i started, I had zero equipment. I did tons of free body weight/cardio workouts I found on youtube. I've bought some weights since then, but....IMO, you don't need equipment.
  • wk4ck
    wk4ck Posts: 3 Member
  • UKMarjie
    UKMarjie Posts: 257 Member
    I was considering getting one of those cycle trainers - it means that in the winter you turn your bike into a stationary bicycle on a piece of equipment that is small enough to store in a cupboard. There are lots of them - look at Kurt Kinetics first and see what you reckon.

    You can also do a lot of workouts with things you have in the house - stairs (step up and down for cardio), tins from the pantry for weights, all sorts of floor work can be done without any equipment beyond good shoes and maybe a sturdy bra if you are a lady (plank, crunches, lunges, squats, jumping jacks). You can get some of those dance video games (if you have a console) and do stuff with your kids - you'll laugh (good for the soul), bond (good for the kids), and you'll get moving to something that you don't even notice as being exercise. There are tons of videos out there - ask for recommendations based on what you would like to do - especially if they have workouts that are timed and you can skip to the ones that suit the amount of time you have to do them.

    Walking or running are also a great to get fit and get out - you can take your kids out with you. Maybe look into Geocaching.com and it will give you somewhere to walk to that is a destination. Kids love to go and find 'treasure' and it makes it easier on you if they are willing to get out with you.
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    I don't have much space either but I have about a 3x2 foot nook to store my fitness things and in it I have a set of free weights, a step, a yoga mat, a medicine ball and a resistance band. I also have a few yoga and workout DVD's by the TV. I have a lightweight coffee table which I pull aside so I have enough room to workout in front of the TV. You also don't need much space to do body weight exercises. Squats have made a huge difference for me. Between all that and my runs, I don't need a gym. I'm actually going to cancel my membership when my year is up because I prefer working out in my living room!
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    I am a single mom too and between my daughter and her inability to store any of her toys in her room or leave my things alone I get why it can be hard :wink:

    I use weight bands, hand weights, exercise DVD's and Kinect + Fitness Games (XBOX360). You can even use the babe as a weight, lol. Lifting and carrying a child in your arms is in itself a small work out even though it's not a great one. Don't forget to count it!