Mexico or bust!

Rubia Posts: 5
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hello! I started using MFP a couple of weeks and really love it! I helps me to keep accountable of what I eat and how much. I have tried sooo many diets (WW, SB, AT, etc..) and nothing would ever stick and let's face it.. a quick fix. I have started running in a club about 2-3 times a week and getting ready for my first 5k in 2 weeks! (yikes) I have also dabbled in p90x with my hubby. We are getting ready to take our honeymoon to Mexico (3 years late) next month!
I think the light bulb finally went off that in order to be healthy and maintain my weight, I have exercise and eat good food. So far, 16lbs gone, another 10-15 to lose and I FEEL GREAT! I would love to have extra support and motivation for other in the same boat as I am!


  • neenaleigh
    neenaleigh Posts: 584 Member
    lol! i thought this was gonna be a post about a mexican vacation! :laugh:

    anyway, i completly understand what you are saying...this time something just clicked...good luck! im working on my last lingering 5lbs.....i want them gone before my mexican cruise in january!!!
  • Rubia
    Rubia Posts: 5
    I forgot to add that we are going to Mexico next month.. sorry!
  • Wow you already lost 16 pounds! Thats awesome! Im sure you'll be able to do it!
  • LoganScottsMom
    LoganScottsMom Posts: 112 Member
    How did you lose the 16 lbs? I did SB a couple of years ago and it worked. BUT.. I now have a 11 month old and cooking all the time doesn't work for us anymore.
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