Gained Back Half My Lost Weight - Looking for Buddies!

Hey all,

I'm looking for some friends to support me as I return to MFP to tackle my weight again. Especially those who have gained back some of their lost weight too! I would love to support you as well.

I lost 50 pounds in 2011 by changing my diet, cardio 3-4 times a week, and working with a personal trainer for an hour a week. I was amazed by the changes in my body and buying a new wardrobe was one of the greatest feelings ever. 2012 came along and I moved to a new town and started a new job. Working out got put on the back burner and I didn't worry that much because I was happy with my figure. Now, I've gained back 25 pounds and lost all of the self-confidence that came with my weight loss :( I am so disappointed in myself. I worked very, very hard to achieve that weight loss and told myself that I would never go back to the way I was. I even threw out my old sizes of clothes, so when the weight came back I had to go out and buy new, bigger sizes :(

Is there anyone else out there who has experienced this? I would love your advice, support, MFP friendship!

- Kat


  • gettinfit320
    gettinfit320 Posts: 32 Member
    I've done the same thing. So add me if you like! Starting new and hoping to permanently change!! New Year ... New start!
  • Nessc
    Nessc Posts: 137 Member
    I lost 45 pounds 3 years ago using MFP and gained back 32 pounds :cry: I came back to lose the weight again and hopefully maintain better this time around. Feel free to add me if you'd like...we need all the support we can get!
  • Sheila1181
    Sheila1181 Posts: 6 Member
    Same here, had to buy new clothes over the last year, have a wardrobe full of nice things, I can't get my leg in some of the pants I have... I lost 30lbs in 2009... And back up nearly 40.. New year and New me, determined to do it this year again, good luck
  • I am going through the exact same thing. I started at 204, got down to 167, but am back up to 192 this morning. I cannot fit any clothes and refuse to go buy more. I am starting back TODAY! I, too, can use some support. Please add me and we can support each other. I have the goal of eventually being 150, but I feel that I do best with small steps instead of focusing too much on the long term goal. My first small goal is 175 by march 2. Good luck!
  • 79TLC
    79TLC Posts: 2
    I can relate to your story. Add me if you wish! I lost 28 lbs while a part of a fitness/weight loss program at my health club. The group support made it seem easier and almost fun. Unfortunately once the 90 day program ended, I lost touch with most of my group, and life got busy and without the extra support I found the weight was slowly slipping back on. Now it's a year and a half later and I' m pretty much back to square 1. Having a support group really seems to be a factor for me, I don't seem to have much success by myself.
    The good news is that I've had success before, and I know I can again. You are smart to get re-focused and seek support and you will be successful too! :smile:
  • stgc95
    stgc95 Posts: 7
    You're going about it the right way. No harm really, changing jobs and location are stressors 2 and 3 in the severity scale. Now your settled you'll drop the weight in no time. Happened to me several times. So, enjoy...
  • weightloss43154
    weightloss43154 Posts: 203 Member
    I did the same last nearly 3 stone in the first three months of last year then had a ectopic in June and then gained back nearly all the weight, feel free to add me x
  • Donwilks
    Donwilks Posts: 34 Member
    Hi, I'm Donna from the UK and I know exactly how you feel. A couple of years ago I lost weight and was the smallest I'd ever been - vowed that I would never go back to how I was, felt great about myself. Two years on and I'm two and a half stone heavier (35lb) and have taken to wearing the same 3 outfits as nothing else fits me at the moment!

    Am so cross with myself and feel like I'm never going to get back to anywhere near where I was (profile pic was at my smallest). Am looking to keep motivated and would really like help with this so please feel free to add me and we can help each other to keep on track!
  • Danni1585
    Danni1585 Posts: 250 Member
    I have yo yo'd all of my life, up and down, up and down. Happy if you want to add me
  • I could have written this exact post!

    I lost 50 in 2011, and kept it off steadily through the first part of 2012. Then I went through a divorce and started eating my feelings- I gained 35 lbs back since last June. I threw out all my old bigger clothes, so I had to go out and buy all new stuff. I refused to buy anything too expensive, because I'm determined to get back to my old size and into my cute clothes.

    Now I'm in a new relationship with a wonderful guy, and he's super active, so he has been really encouraging. I plan on losing the 35 lbs and then some!

    Don't worry, there are plenty of people who can relate. :)
  • viciouscakes
    viciouscakes Posts: 11 Member
    Im looking for friends as well, i have gained a total of 75lbs in 3 years yikes, i guess that could be the joys of motherhood but im 24 and really determined to get this weight off, i just started my diet really saturday and just anxious to see the results and a support team would be awesome, my current weight is 237!! aaahhhh
  • shelly4113
    shelly4113 Posts: 18 Member
    You can add me! I lost 60lbs 3 years ago by cardio and watching what I ate. Went back to work after being an at home mom gained it all back plus some. It seems harder this time around. But I know it can be done.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    When you stopped the lifestyle you gained the weight back. That's what being in a healthy weight range is being about.................a lifefstyle. Get it back and you'll be back.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    I think we're twins! I also moved, got a new job, and gained back half the weight I lost in 2011/early 2012. I will send you a friend request.
  • katieklg
    katieklg Posts: 38 Member
    I didn't have all the lifestyle changes you had for an excuse but I still gained back half of what I lost last year! Hoping to make it permanent this time! Sending you an invite ...
  • trhops
    trhops Posts: 295 Member
    Been there, done that! Hate that we can gain so quickly what took so long to lose! Feel free to add me!
  • We are all here for the same thing...Im here to help motivate and support anyone who wants it. Feel free to add me
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    BTDT, gained it ALL back, +10. Then got back to my lowest weight since college, gave up when it got really hard (I couldn't see the changes--serious body dysmorphia) gained it all back again plus about 20. Now I'm down 54 pounds in almost a year, still not back to that low weight.

    Yes, I battled disappointed in myself. Good for you for not letting it go farther like I did. Feel free to add me.

  • Hi!! I lost 23 on MFP. I haven't gained any weight back but I am looking to lose another 25 pounds! I too would like to have some friends!
  • Yes..same thing happened to me...I lost 110 lbs, went through a really crappy period from August of 2011 through July of 2012 where I got divorced and wound up selling my house..bad 11 months there and I wound up gaining 30 lbs back..I am back on track now and lost 5 lbs last week with the help and support of my friends, family and my friends here on MFP. Anyone else who has been in this same boat, feel free to add me!! Strength in numbers!!