success stories with just food, no exercise?

Hi there,

I am new here and enjoy reading the success stories to help keep me motivated. My plan is to get on track with healthy eating for a couple of months before adding in ANY exercise. I am not new to excercise, I can and will get back at it but find that every time i start a new plan I jump right in with food AND exercise and within 2-3 weeks im fed up, frustrated (not to mention i suffer BADLY from the "oh i worked out today so i can eat whatever i want" syndrome) and collapse. SOOOOO...this time I have decided to concentrate on getting into the habit of healthy eating etc first.....
After week #1 i am down 3.8 lbs.....i need some stories to help me through...who has had big successes with no exercise???


  • asja1979
    asja1979 Posts: 1 Member
    I lost 10lb in one month just counting cal.(1220cal.) no exercise
  • cjroberts08
    I have lost 80 pounds so far just by changing my diet. I thought the same as you that if I did everything at once I would give up, but not that I have my diet more under control my plan is to start exercising. It's daunting though cause the last time I exercised was in high school p.e. class. Not really sure what to do yet, but I'll figure it out eventually.
  • themanda04
    themanda04 Posts: 60 Member
    so far i've lost 35 pounds just by changing my diet. i'm just about ready to start adding in some sort of exercise; for right now, i walk everywhere as fast as i can. :)
  • dicksboro08
    your diet is so much more important than exercise. they say abs arent made in the gym there made in the kitchen. some experts go as far as saying the ratio is 80:20 (food v erercise) in how you look. and i have to say i agree. if you train hard all week but eat mcdonalds everyday you wont see any results. therefore have a go at the plan without exercise and you will notice a huge difference. good luck with your plan :):):)
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I lost my first 50 pounds without exercising at all. Once I lost the first 50, I started feeling better and had WAY more energy, so I started exercising. Nothing drastic at first, just short walks. Now I actually enjoy exercising!!
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member
    its 90% diet and that's the truth. and many years ago, I went on a very low calorie diet - and it worked but my muscles really wasted away. I don't think its a healthy way to go. you HAVE to exercise to be healthy, so no point in not just starting now. no point at all. that being said, if you have significant weight to lose, you may not be able to exercise yet and of course you should check w/ a doctor if you are at all doubt. and as per losing muscle, I don't think it actually becomes an issue until you get close to the end of the weight loss process (like around 25% body fat for me, 30% for women).
  • nicosuave2013
    nicosuave2013 Posts: 42 Member
    thank you all so much for your stories and feedback....rocket ace i agree with you and i can stand to lose a good few p0unds before worrying about that lol
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I previously lost 150 lbs with just changing my diet. I gained all but 30 lbs back, though. :\ Not sure if that has anything to do with how I lost it, but that's what happened.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I lost my first 20 lbs with no exercise. Once that much was gone, I had a little more energy and started walking for exercise. (Now I've added running as well).

    I've been making one change at a time, get comfortable with it, then add the next change. Seems to be working for me. I'm ready to add strength training now, too.
  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    I totally agree that diet is more important than exercise. If you want proof look at me... I worked out 6 days a week and didn't lose a pound until I got my diet in shape. Because I did the "I workout so I can eat whatever I want" thing too.

    Still, I love exercise. I would encourage you to do SOMETHING... especially if you're not new to exercise. Just make the decision that you're not going to eat those exercise calories back. The extra calories you burn through exercise will help you lose weight that much faster. And if you have a bad day and eat a bit too much, the calories burned in exercise will help you stay under your goal every day.

    Plus you just feel incredible when you workout, lose weight, and start to feel "fit".

    Good luck!
  • jennifersrosenberg
    Absolutely. Diet is everything. I'm just focused on that now, NO exercise and I am down 12 lbs in 14 days. Also inches off my measurements. My diet is hard core tho. Maintaining will be the challenge.:flowerforyou:
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    Losing weight is all about a food, specifically a calorie deficit.
    You don't need to exercise, if you're careful with your calories....

    However, have you heard of Skinny-Fat...?

    Personally i can't think of much worse that losing weight without exercising. It's not the "weight" i want to lose, it's the FAT!
  • jennifersrosenberg
    It's also so hard to exercise when you are overweight and that can be so discouraging. I will feel much more comfortable at the gym when I am slim!
  • vizsla99
    vizsla99 Posts: 66 Member
    I think your approach is smart - I used that approach when I kickstarted my plan. My idea was, get my body used to fewer calories and really solidify my eating habits, THEN when you may naturally start hitting a plateau shock your body again in 60 days with adding exercise to the equation. It's worked great for me.
  • KipDrordy
    KipDrordy Posts: 169 Member
    I think I'm understanding what you're saying. Jumping in with too much of a lifestyle change and being able to sustain that over the long haul may be unrealistic for some. I know that's the case for me. Personally, I knew I wouldn't be able to go from sitting around doing nothing and eating tons of food to a clean diet and working out religiously. I've seen people do just that and while it works, it isn't something they sustain and they ultimately give up. The absolute easiest way to get to deficit is by cutting calories. Skipping a slice of cake is a lot easier than an hour of working out. That said, I have upped my movement a bit. I take my dog on a daily brisk walk for anywhere from 30-60 minutes. Now that I'm down to a weight that I feel I can sustain, I'm going to increase my intake a bit and add in some weight training. Bottom line, there are a lot of ways to skin a cat. Go with whatever will work for you in the long run. If doing no exercise is the answer for you, then do no exercise.
  • bobbiesinger6971
    Congrats to everyone on your success :-)
  • xxnellie146xx
    xxnellie146xx Posts: 996 Member
    I lost about 100 lbs without consistent exercising. I recently started incorporating in it.
  • snapril68
    snapril68 Posts: 76 Member
    Yep lost 15 lbs in 3 mos just by switching my diet and little to no exercise. At first was just eating what I wanted within 1200cals but plateaued quickly so then switched to a low or non-fat, lean meat diet with lots of fruits and veggies and very little starches. Still kept about 1-2 cheat days per week but the weight just melted off after that :) ....... Good Luck!
  • freedobandito
    freedobandito Posts: 4 Member
    In the 3 months between Mid August to Mid September I lost 50 lbs mostly by counting calories and increasing activity a little bit. I was 375 when I started counting. The biggest change I did exercise wise was find something to do outside the house that would include standing / walking for at least 1.5-2 hours and have the activity occur in at least 30 min intervals. (Window Shop at the mall, See a Movie, Do some more window shopping etc) Saturday and Sunday, and during the work week I would go for a 20 minute walk out in the parking lot before eating lunch.

    FYI: I understand your concern and that has happened to me, infact most of my weight gain from 260lbs to the 375 before MFP 10 years ago was after trying a heavy workout routines multiple times. I would get great success build muscle but then crash. The Gym will never be a life style for me so I am trying not to do any activity or level of activity that I don't intend to maintain.
  • skyeliz525
    skyeliz525 Posts: 54 Member
    I lost my first 20 lbs with no exercise. Once that much was gone, I had a little more energy and started walking for exercise. (Now I've added running as well).

    I've been making one change at a time, get comfortable with it, then add the next change. Seems to be working for me. I'm ready to add strength training now, too.

    ^^^^^Exactly, this!!!^^^^^^^

    If you don't make the changes in a way in which you get comfortable with them then you will be overwhelmed and give up!

    You can't just wait around for a leprechaun to jump out of no where and say "OK, on to the next change", you do have to push yourself, but that is part of setting smaller, non-scale goals for yourself.
    Set a goal to eat more veggies, then when grabbing for some baby carrots instead of a bag of chips feels natural, set another goal.
    Maybe like drink X glasses of water everyday.
    And if you mess up once, don't beat yourself up, you are human and not perfect, so recognize that you messed up and MOVE ON!
    Then when YOU are ready, add in your exercise. Before then you could sneak in smaller amounts as you go, park farther away, walk the grocery cart back to the store instead of the convenient corral, take the stairs when given the opportunity. These will all also become second nature, just like eating healthy. And when the time comes for true organized exercise, try all sorts of stuff and see what you like. You don't have to be a runner because Susie is. You don't have to love Zumba because Stacy does. Maybe cycling is your thing. Maybe it's weight lifting, maybe kickboxing or MMA. Heck, my hubs and I walk around our neighborhood a couple of times and when we are on the shorter streets that run N/S, we do lunges or shuffles or drop and do some push-ups, jumping jacks or whatever at the corner.

    But in the meantime, keep up the good work! You can do this!
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