Damn...I need to lose how much??!!



  • tisa5150
    Woo-hoo!! Another one from Sac!! Welcome! I've met my goal weight but remain on here for fitness...and I am absolutely positive I cannot do this without the support of the fabulous people here. Sending FR. :happy:

    Edited for fingers being quicker than the brain!

    Sactown in the house! :) Congrats on reaching your goal! I am determined to get there, I'm not going to quit!
  • Southernsass6885
    Southernsass6885 Posts: 100 Member
    I understand, girly! We can do it together. I'm all about support, so if ya wanna add me, I'm here :smile:
  • AEcklar813
    AEcklar813 Posts: 184 Member
    you can do it. I've lost 113lbs. I'm pregnant now so I'm just using it to keep track of everything. it's doable. I promise you.
  • tisa5150
    Thank you so much for all the replies, tips, suggestions and encouragement! This site is awesome and I'm more determined than ever! :bigsmile:
  • MisScorpio
    We are all here for the same thing...Im here to help motivate and support anyone who wants it. Feel free to add me
  • sweetsarahv
    sweetsarahv Posts: 180 Member
    Just make the next right choice! One day you will look up, and all of those good decisions will have you where you want to be :)

    Get it girl!!!!
  • mamamckenzie
    I'm not at 100, but rather at 60 and it feels just as impossible. Looking for friends for support as well, so a friend request is on its way. We can all do this!
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    Losing 100 lbs does seem overwhelming but, if you try to break it into smaller goals it makes a huge difference. Then you can keep looking at how far you have come, not how far you have to go. Tell yourself, i am going to lose 10 lbs....10 times. Sounds much easier doesent it? Love yourself in the process...because that is what it is.....for the rest of your life.

    I have lost 70 lbs doing it this way....only thinking about the next ten to come off. Hope this little bit of advice will help :)
  • Angie52732
    Angie52732 Posts: 66 Member
    I started with about 130 lbs to lose. I am down 65. Has it taken me awhile? Yes! Did I stall out, fall of the wagon, lose my way? Yes! Did I pick up the pieces and start the day over again? Yes!

    You will have days that you stumble - just pick it up at the next meal and continue on from there. Don't beat yourself up over it. That took me a long time to learn - I would think if I blew it at one meal then the whole day could be a free for all. Now, I just start back over with the next meal.

    Break it down into small, manageable chunks. 10 lbs, 1 pant size, a % of body fat, maybe just focus on exercise at first then start adding in the food. However you do it, just do it. Do what works best for you in the schedule you can maintain. If you start off whole hog with changing everything at once, you may be bound to fall off the wagon. Some people do, some don't.

    You have a ton of support in this community. Rely on them when you are having an off day or have questions.

    Feel free to add me!

  • RebeccaBurmeister
    RebeccaBurmeister Posts: 35 Member
    Hey hun.. I am need to lose a lot too.. I just started making small goals.... it seems to be working... I thought about how much i had to lose too and it was crazy.. But you can do it! feel free to add me if you like .. :) Good luck!
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    I have a lot tolose myself, about 100 pounds more and I have lost about 23 so far. How I've done it so far is setting smaller goal changing BMI class is one I just did went from obese class 3 to obese class 2 (bmi in the 30s), also.down a pant size, then 5lbs, 10lbsand so on too. Friend request sent anyone feel free to add me! :)
  • SusanMPreston43
    SusanMPreston43 Posts: 84 Member
    Seems like there are a lot of us out here! You've definitely gotten some really good advice here!

    I, too, am a newbie....just back to MFP. I am 43, weigh 282 and I would really like to weigh 175. I've got a looong way to go! We can totally do this together! There are so many here. If you have room, feel free to add me. In fact, any of you can add me!
  • Lind140
    Lind140 Posts: 140 Member
    Take it in small goals, give yourself a 5 or 10 pound goal to reach and
    and then another. Log it in a notebook if you want to, I did this before MFP
    was created. I still have my notes and I smile to see the numbers go down
    just a little each week. You CAN do it! I started out at 346 and I now
    weigh 183, if you fall off the wagon just climb back on the next day and don't
    beat yourself up over it. Best of luck to you!