Hello I'm new! :)

Hello I'm new I'm Megan 19 years old. Here's my story

When I was in school I got with someone now ex and I was a size 12 I then moved house and left school in year 10 done most of my exams and was nearly finished then moved to a diffrent place started a new school and had to do my exams all over again and I also had a boyfriend we had been going out a year and a half I moved house when I was in the relationship I started eating junk food loved pasta curry chips etc then the relationship ended and I felt depressed I hardly ate a thing and i lost weight again I was in a size 12 before then ate junk food for a while and I went up to a size 16-18 and then lost it and went back to a size 12. I'm now I'm in a new relationship have been for nearly 3 years then we started going out places eating out takeaways chips cakes etc and now I'm a size 20 I moved in with him (I met him online) he lived 4 hours away!! So I decided to move out at the age of 17 left all my friends now I live in a little village where where's no people my age and towns about a hour and a half away. So I'm struggling to make new friends and I have no confidence even more so now I've put on weight. I also have moderate learning difficulties witch don't help :(

So here I am I want to change my life arround I want to be able to buy nice clothes again etc. wanting to get to 11st ! I now weigh 15st 13.

Would be nice to meet some new people x

Any tips that can help Much appreciated xx


  • dontgvemeyourbs
    Hey, I'm new too ! I feel the same way, I want to feel better buying clothes too! Are you working out? And what's your diet like?
  • Megzie1993
    Hello nice to meet you :) I don't realy eat Much junk food anymore because I can't even get to the shops to buy it witch is a good thing but when i did get into town i would stock up on stuff but I mostly eat big portions of dinner and I don't get much exercise anymore I lost my job in the summer and I'm struggling to find one so I don't go out Much but I'm going to walk my boyfriends family's dogs for exercise as we live in the county side. :) x
  • dontgvemeyourbs
    That's good that you don't have much junk at home, that's my main problem. I love to snack all day and get no excercise . Walking the dog seems like a good work out, I have a dog too so I should start there lol I started dieting today though !
  • Grenon
    Grenon Posts: 228 Member
    You have lost weight before which gives you an advantage of repeating! First thing you can do is change your diet, not necessarily cutting out everything but moderating your meal and serving sizes. Since you live in the country that gives you a great place to work out! You could trying hiking, biking, walking the dog or even start jogging or running. It is tough to meet new people in a strange place but maybe you could try volunteering at any places around you.

    You just need to realize you are doing this for you and your health, if you really put your mind and body to it you will have no problem losing the weight you want to get rid of! :) Best of luck!
  • Megzie1993
    Thank you I've now noticed I can't eat big meals I feel to full after about 5 spoon fulls. I've brought myself some weight watchers stuff ready meals etc I'm struggling to drink 8 cups of water a day I can only manage about 3 cups and I've been on water for 6 days I've always struggled to drink lots x I weighed myself today and I've lost about 3 pounds! I need to get out of the habit of weighing myself everyday and only weigh myself every Tuesday I know weighing myself every day is a big no no x