the paleo solution?



  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    If she says that's the variable in her life that changed and led to this improvement, who are you all on a message board to say otherwise? Read the damn story. Take a look at the damn website. What agenda is she pushing other than to say "this may help others with this disease"?

    Yes, this is what she is saying. But you came here and posted this:
    a friend's mother cured her MS by eating paleo.

    So, you posted a claim that is patently false - not only does it misrepresent the observation, it defies logic and all current medical knowledge.

    There are certainly people here who hate paleo, and just want to rag on it. And there are people like me - professional biomedical researchers who will point out errors of fact regarding disease and physiology.

    A cure is not the same as a remission, improvement or functional management. So perhaps if you edited your misleading post, we'd all go away.

    fair enough. on the first page i admitted my poor word choice. unfortunately it can't be edited at this point.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    guys, i love this group-hate on these boards, where a diet MUST be BS if it's different from what you do. Paleo is NOT calorie-restrictive! There are plenty of athletes who are paleo.

    why don't you step outside your tiny self-built boxes (your comfort zone) and consider that someone else may have a valid, and interesting point before you dismiss it?

    Also, Terry Wahls is the mother of my friend Zach Wahls (the kid who was in the news for giving an amazing speech to congress about being a boy scout and the son of two gay parents - was on all the talk shows, has written a book, etc, etc if that rings any bells. Awesome family)

    Is there any there any thread you post in where you present evidence in the form of study related data instead of you tube videos of anedotal stories? Paleo can be a healthy diet if you can tolerate the restictiveness of it. It is however no more healthy than any other diet based on eating nutrient dense whole foods.

    On the whole MS thing, my wife has had MS for 12 years. You obviously know very little about MS if you think it can be cured. It can go into periods of remission but never cured. It is a progressive disease and the best that can happen is a lack of progression. As with most of the threads you post in, you make yourself look less than credilble when you make these kind of statements and then you want to argue about it with a pile of anecdotal stuff.

    Edited to add: Just visited Dr. Wahl's website. I was already familiar with her story. She doesn't claim to be cured. She claims to have stopped progression and regained functionality. All of this is possible and a whole foods diet as well as exercise can certainly help with this. This is not however a "cure". If you wish to be taken seriously, it helps to get your facts straight.

    I'll be more careful with my word choice in the future, however, you just agreed that eating paleo gave her an incredibly improved quality of life. That's all I meant to insinuate. And I use anecdotes because they're people I know, and things I've seen with my own eyes. I know that doesn't grant much credibility on a message board so I do understand where you're coming from.

    Don't put words in my mouth. I didn't agree to anything. Only that I was familiar with her story and that she attributes her improvement to her diet. It is generally well know in the MS community that any diet that reduces inflamation can help. That may be the case with her but let's be clear. I am not endorsing paleo or any other diet as a cure all. As another poster said, you seem to struggle with logic.

    As I said in my original post, paleo can be a healthy diet. It is however, highly restricitive and there is not evidence that it is more healthy that other diets for the general population. For most, the degree of restriction vs. the benefits are not worth it. For some they are. For those that are particularly sensitive to inflamation the diet can be a good tool. For those that aren't, a nutrient dense, whole food diet seems to work fine.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Do you even read what other people post? No-one is saying her diet did not help.

    here you go:
    Claims like this do an enormous disservice to patients and doctors alike. First, MS is incurable. It may remit spontaneously, but it is always there. it is a devastating disease for which there is no good treatment or cure available. If diet 'cures it' then OBVIOUSLY doctors and researchers are conspiring to hide the evidence so they can keep making all that filthy money they make, right?

    Diet can 'cure' some things, but not MS.
    Uhhh, right. MS is incurable and irreversible.

    Now you are changing your story yet again - they did not say it did not help, they are saying it did not cure it. Which is it - it cured it or helped?
  • RobynC79
    RobynC79 Posts: 331 Member

    If she says that's the variable in her life that changed and led to this improvement, who are you all on a message board to say otherwise? Read the damn story. Take a look at the damn website. What agenda is she pushing other than to say "this may help others with this disease"?

    Yes, this is what she is saying. But you came here and posted this:
    a friend's mother cured her MS by eating paleo.

    So, you posted a claim that is patently false - not only does it misrepresent the observation, it defies logic and all current medical knowledge.

    There are certainly people here who hate paleo, and just want to rag on it. And there are people like me - professional biomedical researchers who will point out errors of fact regarding disease and physiology.

    A cure is not the same as a remission, improvement or functional management. So perhaps if you edited your misleading post, we'd all go away.

    fair enough. on the first page i admitted my poor word choice. unfortunately it can't be edited at this point.

    hm, I guess there's time limit on editing... fair enough reply, too. Cheers.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member

    If she says that's the variable in her life that changed and led to this improvement, who are you all on a message board to say otherwise? Read the damn story. Take a look at the damn website. What agenda is she pushing other than to say "this may help others with this disease"?

    Yes, this is what she is saying. But you came here and posted this:
    a friend's mother cured her MS by eating paleo.

    So, you posted a claim that is patently false - not only does it misrepresent the observation, it defies logic and all current medical knowledge.

    There are certainly people here who hate paleo, and just want to rag on it. And there are people like me - professional biomedical researchers who will point out errors of fact regarding disease and physiology.

    A cure is not the same as a remission, improvement or functional management. So perhaps if you edited your misleading post, we'd all go away.

    fair enough. on the first page i admitted my poor word choice. unfortunately it can't be edited at this point.

    Seems to be a repeating pattern. In the fast food thread you had to back off your claim of elite results. Now you're having to back off a claim of a cure. Maybe a little more thought and a little less talk would serve you well.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    Seems to be a repeating pattern. In the fast food thread you had to back off your claim of elite results. Now you're having to back off a claim of a cure. Maybe a little more thought and a little less talk would serve you well.

    i actually think you're exactly right.
  • Marianke
    Your welcome :) - Try it and see if it works for you. It is always worth a try. And doesn't cost more, it is just a way of planning meals. I usually sit down the night before I do groceries and plan meals for a week and get exactly what I need, not more, not less. I stick to the meals, and if there is a crock pot recipe of some sorts I make sure I check the night before, and that I start early in the day on that. Sometimes it requires overnight marinading meat.

    To jump on the other bandwagon. I have read that Paleo has helped manage certain diseases, but not cured. I believe it will not cure diseases like MS, but it CAN help manage it better. It is cutting out certain things, that have an effect on the disease and help living life with the disease more bearable.
    Of course Paleo is a life style and does not work for everyone. You have to find a nutritional life style that works for you and your body, and one that you are willing to stick too. When I first started CrossFit/ Paleo, it was quite a challenge. And my trainer had a 30 day Paleo Solution challenge. I finished it and I lost a total of 8 lbs! It was very encouraging. I also got stronger, had more stamina, and had a lot more energy.
    I started the challenge again, and combine CrossFit with Yoga, and after 5 days I already feel a change. We have been doing Paleo starting the new year. I had to persuade my husband to do this with me, as it is easier to cook for two that way. I have found many great meals that work for the both of us. And he is loving it! Especially the healthy eating and the variation of meat/ fish/ chicken dishes.