How much cardio do you do?



  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    Cardio from the Greek Kardia- for or from the heart

    Everything is "cardio"
    Certain levels of heart rate burn fat, other levels burn calories in general. Some levels of exertion get us in better "shape" for events and things we would like to accomplish, bars we have set for ourselves or set by others.
    How much cardio do I do? By popular definition, not much. Should maybe do more, but doing less is working out fine.
    Best wishes for everyone's activity and achieving their goals.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    30 min about 2 times every 6 months that isn't considered weightlifting...

    ^^ This. Cardio makes me miserable; I like to pick things up and put them down!
    We're all different. My sister is a vegan marathon runner and I eat lots of lean meats and prefer lifting. I admire people who can do long cardio sessions - and enjoy it!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
  • Theohariti
    Theohariti Posts: 34 Member
    Oh my goodness! Your profile picture. I could die!
  • Theohariti
    Theohariti Posts: 34 Member
    The one with the puppy! sorry :}
  • BigRedgw2010
    BigRedgw2010 Posts: 127 Member
    I do two hours a day 5 times a week.
  • JUP1T3R
    JUP1T3R Posts: 31
    I swim about 1000 Meters 2x a day and run anywhere from 3-5 miles. It has been proven that if you do the correct cardio exercise then you can burn as many calories in 20-30 minutes as you would in an hour. As we all know everyone's bodies are different, but when it comes to calorie burning relatively the same. I recommend High intensity interval training to anyone who hates running. It take 20-30 minutes tops and you can burn more calories than you've ever imagined. Also balancing strength training and cardio is going to yield the best results. If you have never done interval training please feel free to message me and ask about it or you can go and look it up on the internet.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I have heard that going past 30 mins of cardio at a time doesn't do much. I normally do 45 mins on my elliptical every morning. I'm wondering if 30 mins would do the same job or if that extra 15 mins really makes a difference? Opinions?

    It really depends on your goals. If your goals are a reasonable level of fitness and heart health then 30 minutes with your HR above 120 is all you really need. If you want to run a marathon, this requires a lot of cardio endurance training, etc, etc, etc. A lot of people do tons of cardio because they think it helps them build a better deficit for weight loss and don't end up properly fueling their bodies...a lot of people do tons of cardio so they can eat tons more food. If you want to significantly change body composition you have to lift heavy.

    Personally, I do 30-45 minutes 5 times per week depending on the particular exercise I'm doing since I don't do the same cardio every day and I lift heavy, full body compound lifts 3 times weekly.
  • Strength2Succeed
    Strength2Succeed Posts: 126 Member
    I recommend High intensity interval training to anyone who hates running. It take 20-30 minutes tops and you can burn more calories than you've ever imagined.

    ^ Totally agree!! Did it today on the treadmill!
  • CraigR901
    30 mins everyother day
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I have heard that going past 30 mins of cardio at a time doesn't do much. I normally do 45 mins on my elliptical every morning. I'm wondering if 30 mins would do the same job or if that extra 15 mins really makes a difference? Opinions?
    Doesn't do much...for what? :smile:

    Burn that much more.
    Hmm. So you stop burning calories? I'm not sure I believe that.
    But then, I don't run for just calorie burning reasons, so it won't affect me either way.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member

    I'm more into weight lifting, I lift 5 days a week for around 45 mins, I start every morning with fasted cardio, I have been doing 45 mins, but I'm thinking of dropping down to 30 mins.

    Then 30 is fine. Or less. Up to you.

    Are you doing splits or total body workouts? 5 days a week for strength isn't necessary if you're lifting heavy. I have to have 24-hour rest cycles between lift days. Just changed up my routine in December from 5 days to 3 for strength and already seeing big changes both in strength and appearance.

    I do cardio mainly because I find it addictive.
  • JosieJo2000
    JosieJo2000 Posts: 162 Member
    I do 45 mins to an hour 5-6 times per week. I try to shake things up by cycling, jogging, swimming, group fitness classes and resistance stuff. I like high intensity stuff too, especially sprints.

    I haven't looked into the science, but basically the more cardio I do the more I can eat. There might be more efficient ways of achieving the same thing but I enjoy the cardio stuff I do, and it makes me feel fit. Such a great feeling not getting out of breath!
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    30 min about 2 times every 6 months that isn't considered weightlifting...

    ^^ This. Cardio makes me miserable; I like to pick things up and put them down!
    We're all different. My sister is a vegan marathon runner and I eat lots of lean meats and prefer lifting. I admire people who can do long cardio sessions - and enjoy it!

    My situation is similar, except backwards. I discovered that while cardio is great for building my lung strength & helped me stop using my inhaler (except for very rare occasions now), weight lifting is definitely my fit. If I do too much cardio I start to gain weight, but body responds to strength better. Ironically, my Baby Sister runs and does more cardio-based workouts and she is super slim. I am Plant Strong (whole-foods plant-based lifestyle) and Sister is a Carnivore :wink: . We're both strong in different respects with completely different builds, but still both strong.

    You just need to find your "fit". If intense cardio is working, keep up with it. No reason to change if it works.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Sometimes 12 minutes of lazy arsed low intensity cardio after lifting.
  • meribethd
    meribethd Posts: 92 Member
    I do 3-4 days of cardio, usually 30-60 min if it's just a cardio day but 20 of a HIIT if I'm piggybacking on a weight training day.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Zero. Zilch. Nada. I am not doing any cardio during my current cut. My deficit comes solely from eating 250 calories below 2900 (my actual TDEE) and my exercise is just lifting. I will, however, reintroduce 15 minutes of running when I go back to maintenance and do another surplus period.
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    I do 30-60 minutes of elliptical and about 20 minutes on the rowing machine about 4 days per week

    It gets boring lol
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I used to do 15-20 minutes a day of jump rope, every day. But ever since I upped the ante on my resistance training and transitioned from conventional weight training to training with 80 lb sandbags, I stopped doing any kind of cardio at all on non-lifting days.
  • LethainIowa
    90 minutes a day..7 days a week. I'm on the track every morning at 6:45am.