How do I stop? New here and I need advice.



  • LFDBabs
    LFDBabs Posts: 297 Member
    Hi. I'm 5'3", started on here about a year ago at 223. I'm down 17lbs. I obviously have a will power problem, but I am determined to make some substantial changes in 2013. Tired of gaining and losing the same 5-7lbs. Feel free to add me if you'd like. Good luck on your journey.
  • TheVoiceOfGodlove
    TheVoiceOfGodlove Posts: 11 Member
    You can add me! I am in the same boat - about 5 feet tall and about 155 lbs (at least it's pretty well-distributed and hubby never complains)! Still, diabetes and heart disease run in my family and I refuse to let that become my "destiny". I hate exercise, and unfortunately lost my job recently and am home most of the day, so unless I count calories, I am a disaster waiting to happen!

    Let me give you a little tip that is completely painless. I've always been overweight and had made a habit out of complaining about my weight or my looks for MANY years. Even though I found a guy who loves the way I look and tries to make me feel beautiful, I still found myself saying "I'm fat" and "I'm ugly". Last November, I really felt God telling me (yes, I'm a Christian) that I needed to stop speaking negatively about my body. We teach our youth group that WORDS HAVE POWER, and even if we're unhappy about something, cursing it rarely (if ever!) helps! I took my decision seriously and have been trying very, very hard to refrain from saying negative things about my looks. Slowly, I dicovered that, even though my weight hasn't changed dramatically, my attitude towards myself HAS. I feel more optimistic about weight loss, rather than it being this awful punishment for my being a bad person who eats too much. I feel more confident about my body and in my own skin.

    Give it a shot - the next time you find yourself saying "I'm ugly" or something like it, find something you like about yourself instead. Or, just zip your lips! It's as challenging as the weight-loss itself, but it's really worth it. After all, if you develop a habit of speaking negatively about your body at your current weight, what's to keep you from doing the same when you reach your goal?

    I wish you success! God bless!
  • wagener1
    Add me too and we can help each other. I am a stress eater it seems and lately it has been stressful. I need to be at least 150 but I am hanging at 170.
    I love healthy eating just don't seem to get a chance to do it as much as I want. I meet clients at the worse places, it is their choice and then I am fighting to get something healthy.
    I really can feel your fear and defeat but don't let it get to you. I tell myself when I get up. Hanging in there and can do it. Sometimes I really do then other times like today, not so good.
  • dmmg114
    Thanks so far for all the good suggestions, words of encouragement, and friend requests! I like the idea of rewarding myself with money to save if I DONT spend money on unecessary food. Also the mental tricks, positive self talk, and pre logging meals sound helpful too. I know I need to find that willpower and i think I really DO have a fast food addiction that I need to somehow overcome.
  • krickan03
    krickan03 Posts: 57 Member
    Feel free to add me! If you have not tried it, try making your food diary public and write EVERYTHING in it. Before you go spend money on junk remember that you have to write that in your food diary and everyone can see it. This may be a little extra motivation. I also agree with some earlier posts of rewarding yourself every time you resist temptation. Pick a reward that works for you!
  • an8e
    an8e Posts: 33 Member
    I had to do little swaps at a time- it needed to be gradual, so I could get used to living my life without feeling like I was depriving myself (and then going on a binge).

    I cut back on the sugar in my coffee 1/4 of a teaspoon at a time: now, I'm sugarfree. (honestly I never thought that would happen)

    I swapped choclates for sugar free dark chocolate.

    And pizza-- I LOVE pizza, I have it every week, but I make it at home, swapping for healther ingredients, packing it full of protein (chicken) and always after a big cardio class= Tuesday night pizzas in my house!

    Im now at a point where I rather make my own food and know whats in it, than by takeout (also never thought I would see that day).

    Most importantly: MCDONALDS NOW MAKES ME PHYSICALLY SICK IF I EAT IT unreal, right? But it didnt happen overnight, it took about six months of consistency, making little swaps at a time that I could live with.

    Good luck
  • imcatbear
    I love the money jar idea! I may have to extend it to holiday sweet leftovers and savory snacks-my weakness. My healthy eating has stalled and I am having a hard time with the winter weather. January is a bad month for me, in general. Now that I think about it, my NSV is even having holiday cookies around in January...sorry, I digress.

    I started getting myself off the junk food by allowing one thing a day into my diet. Then I allowed fast food but removed soda, then the fries. The baby steps worked for me. It's an idea.
  • janeymay79
    janeymay79 Posts: 6 Member
    Add me I can help and give you encouragement!:bigsmile:
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    Are you logging what you eat? I used to do what you do and felt that there was no relation between what I ate and what I weighed. Even though I knew that was ridiculous, it felt disconnected to me. The logging keeps me honest.

    I had to really change my attitude about cooking. I caught myself saying to a friend "I like to cook, but I never cook for myself. I only cook for people I like." And I thought "wow, that is messed up." So I started to see cooking nice meals for myself as a way of taking care of myself. Now I experiment with new recipes and ingredients, and cook myself meals I would only have made for company in the past. Of course, it means I have had to embrace leftovers, but I'm almost always happy to eat something yummy for lunch when everyone else has boring sandwiches.

    Good luck. You're on the right track.
  • spozzybear
    spozzybear Posts: 216 Member
    I think you answered your own question actually. It takes A LOT of willpower and pure want and desire. Your desire to lose weight and be healthy and energetic has to outweigh your desire to get instant self-gratification from empty, fatty, unhealthy calories (i'm not a clean eating freak, just trying to help you out and make the bad food sound gross and disgusting, :happy: .
    Bottom line you have to want it more than anything else. Take it one day at a time and don't give up. Happy trails!

    Definitely this ^^^
    It's a slow process. Just try to cut down gradually. If you try to go cold turkey, you're setting yourself up for failure. Junk food is an addiction, but you will find that with perseverance, the less you eat it, the less you want it.
    I used to crave fatty foods, but now when I eat them, I feel so sick! If you stick at it, eventually you will find yourself craving healthy foods instead. It's a mind-set :flowerforyou:
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    If you keep getting too temped to buy fast food all the time, try not to have any extra money on you when you go out.

    Edit: & what someone said about Mc D's is true: If you don't eat junk for awhile, when you actually do eat it cuz you think it's what you want (be it cuz it's a cheeseburger or it's cheap) you'll feel sick. That happened to me when I used to get $1 cheeseburgers at BK.
  • jeanpeirce
    Here is my opinion - it is all about the tracking - be HONEST with myfitnesspal, and choose your calories. You can eat the pizza, but not a lot of pizza. I have found that once I put the calories down in writing, I can decide if a food is worth the calories. I get 1200 calories a day. I am 5'2" and I lost 30 pounds following that advice. So, some days having a piece of pizza is worth the calories, some days I would rather have a glass of wine and 3 oz of steak. The other trick I have found works very well, is to cut out my "allowed" portion before I start eating. So, in a restaurant, first I order a salad and have the balsamic vin. on the side. Dip into the dressing rather than pour it on. Then, I cut that steak in half, cut the potato in half, and cut the veggies in half too. I am conciously making the choice of when to stop eating. I felt really hungry for about a week of this, but that passes and you get used to the amount of food. So, have the pizza, but have one slice and a salad. Eat is slowly and enjoy the treat. Make it a treat. Also, if you get something fattening, and it doesn't taste absolutly delish, don't waste the calories. I have my chocolate, but I have one piece of good chocolate every day at 2pm. I take small bites and I know exactly how many calories are in that piece of chocolate. Good Luck!!!
  • onyx1972
    onyx1972 Posts: 133 Member
    find a prize n then everytime u want fast food put the money towards that prize..a purse, new shoes, jewelry, new clothes etc... n remember ur health is more important than any fast food restaurant
  • 6ee8ee
    6ee8ee Posts: 25
    I've had this problem before too. Try to limit your funds. Don't carry as much money as you. If you don't have the extra money to buy, you won't buy. I also did this mostly when I was at work, because I didn't want to eat in a lunch room packed with people, if this is your case, try your car or find a local cafe or place where you can bring your own food and sit and eat. :)
  • msmith3518
    msmith3518 Posts: 15 Member
    You can add me too! Try to take it one day at a time - and do reward yourself each day you do not go out and buy fast food - maybe a relaxing pedicure if you're not ready to buy new clothes. As for the fast food addiction I believe it - mine is sugar - I gave up all processed & artificial sugar the day after Christmas - I switched to coconut sugar in my coffee (doesn't have glycemic impact)- I used to use Truvia - at first I had to use about 1 1/2 Tbl of coconut sugar for my travel mug size coffee to be sweet enough - now I use 1tsp and it tastes fine. Your tastes will change give it time. Good luck!
  • sassytoadegree
    Omg i do the exact same thing, my husband is constantly *****ing at me about it, sometimes it hard when your a social eater( go out to eat with freinds) its not will power as much as its just easier to get somthing quick. Im lazy when i cook and i dont like to cook either, but im slowing down on how much i eat out and the way i cook. just dont try and stop cold turkey or your gonna give up like i do all the time. this place is great for helping you stay on track. If you can find freinds and people that can relate and talk to about it , it really helps keep you motivated! theres nothing worse then going it alone.
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    You can add me too, I understand what you are going through. I'm trying hard to toe the line. You sound like you have the exercise part handled. I liked the comment of making your food diary public. It makes this place an accountability place as well as a supportive place. I'm hoping it works for me, I'm also new here let's help each other.
  • donnalou61
    You can do it, just take it one meal, one day at a time. I had lost 94 lbs, been struggling a little and gained some back, now trying to get back focus and get back on the road to being healthy. Will power will only get you so far, need to try to make it a lifestyle and sit down and make a list of WHY you want to lose weight and get healthy and what do you really want to happen (not just in general terms). Food can be so powerful, I know. Wish there was a easy fix. I definitely agree, have to rid ourselves of the negative self talk (I have had trouble with that), surround yourself with positive people, listen to music, have quiet time and build your confidence and love yourself. Feel free to add me everyone.
  • murdledoe
    murdledoe Posts: 98 Member
    You are welcomed to add me as a friend. I love cooking and I know how to cook low fat and all natural. Cooking was my hobby, but I fell into what you have fallen into. It just got easier to pick up fast food then go home after work and cook. I was only cooking at home twice a week on my days off. It has now been 1 1/2 weeks since I have had fast food and I can not believe how much better I feel. I don't feel sluggish and bogged down. I am preparing meals so that I can have enough for left overs. Last night I marinated boneless, skinless chicken and tonight I am adding this to my spinach salad. So simple and so worth it.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I didn't read through all the replies, so this may have already been suggested. BUT when you think you want to go out and get your fast-food grub on, come in here and ask us to kick you in the pants! We will talk you out of it!