How much cardio do you do?



  • bsix3
    bsix3 Posts: 291
    If 20 minutes is all you have time to do then keep doing it. ANY time spent exercising is better than nothing!!
  • I do an hour a day going between the treadmill and eliptical.
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    30-60 mins 5 times week usually just a nice brisk walk, trying to avoid high impact stuff til i get closer to my goal weight
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    I only do Cardio 1-2 times a week. How long I do Cardio depends on what I do e.g. Spinning 30-45 min, Running 20-25 min, Biking (outside)-60+ min.
  • BAFilek
    BAFilek Posts: 139 Member
    Weekend mornings - run 1 hour or more
    Monday and Friday morning -total conditioning or circuit which combines weights and cardio for 45 mins plus 15-30 on treadmill, eliptical or stair stepper
    Wednesday morning and Friday evening - 20 mins cardio, 20 mins weights and 20 mins core in a Triple Threat class
    Maybe an additional class on Tuesday evenings

    They say that cardio doesn't help lose weight. I started running 5 years ago and lost 40 pounds back then, and kept it off.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I do between 0 and 60 minutes conditioning per week. Usually closer to 0; Ideally closer to 60.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    About 30-40 minutes, 2-3x a week. I don't do it for the burnz, I do it because I A. Enjoy it B. I get antzy on rest days C. I'd like to be one of those people that runs a gazillion 5ks for charity.
  • I used to do a lot and now I do a little. Too much cardio = too much cortisol = negative impact on HPA axis = amenorrhea = infertility. UGH! I miss it though.
  • CarmenSandiegoInVA
    CarmenSandiegoInVA Posts: 235 Member
    30 mins of Cardio usually intervals of some form. And I do 45 mins to an hour of strength training 4 days a week.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I like to kick this **** out of my heavy bag between sets and I also use KB's a bit. I'd estimate about 1-2hrs a week in total.
  • I did an hour today burning about 600 calories but noticed that when you do that it's hard to get back to your net goal in calories so next time probably will do just 40 minutes.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I do ~1 long run a week, and a bunch of short runs, but I use my time wisely. I do more when there's more daylight to work with.
  • waylandcool
    waylandcool Posts: 175 Member
    At least 30-45 minutes a day. Running and Ellipitcal during the week and 45-60 minutes of fast walking on the weekend. I try to do it 5 or 6 times a week.
  • I do 60 minutes of cardio 3 days a week (mostly jogging, some walking. Min. 5 miles), 45 mins 2 days a week (3.5 mile min), & 30 mins 1 day per week. Combined with 5 days a week strengthen training, I've dropped 17 lbs in 10 weeks (165-148) & seen great results!
  • 15-20 min HIIT 3x a week and 1x 45 min Zumba class, and occasionally a 5km walk

    30-45 min strength training 4 days a week
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    The one with the puppy! sorry :}

    ha ha... thought you were talking about the guys above your post!
  • 6 days a week....1 rest day from cardio (besides walking about 3 miles for work!)
    Run 4x a week at least 35-40 minutes
    Bike at least 45 minutes 2x a week

    I love cardio. I love feeling my heart pumping and being drenched with sweat. It makes my body feel so good!!
    Not that I am judging, but I am always surprised when people say they only do cardio 2x a week -- you're missing out on the fun!
  • snowbike
    snowbike Posts: 153 Member
    Weekdays every day : 60 mins cycling (road)
    Weekends at least one +4 hour MTB ride on one day, the other is rest day.
    3 evenings in the week I do mix of Hiit 20 mins each time split 2 x 10 min with rest for 5 mins and 3 longer 30-50 min cross trainer cardio sessions
    Also one spinning class (45 mins)

    Also do 2-3 weight sessions a week .

    When the spring comes the gym cardio (non hiit) will swap for evening mtb/road sessions.

    Ive notice the amount of cardio I do is causing me a problem... no one will ride bikes with me any more as I go too fast for too long :D

    Ive now resorted to riding with people half my age :D
  • f1ctional
    f1ctional Posts: 235
    30 mins a day at least, sometimes I go 45 mins to an hour depending if I am feeling froggy.
  • jdholland5508
    jdholland5508 Posts: 162 Member
    Last year I had to chase my dog cause he was running away. Ever since then I have avoided it.