Gained Back Half My Lost Weight - Looking for Buddies!



  • Ms_Ash_Bash
    Ms_Ash_Bash Posts: 7 Member
    I completely understand! I lost about 25 pounds when I graduated college and managed to keep it off through my Masters. Then I moved back home to continue school and gained 17 back in 8 months :( Feel free to add me! I have been going through the message board adding random people and they have been amazingly motivating so far :)
  • MamaCat99
    MamaCat99 Posts: 15 Member
    Ditto, ditto, ditto and ditto. I never used to have a weight problem and now I have been struggling to keep it under control for several years. I a finally determined and this time I am hoping to find some support through MFP. Please add me if you want support and can offer the same.
  • Fibergurl
    Been there before as well. Looking to get the 30 off I lost 7 years ago
  • lizfiz50
    lizfiz50 Posts: 179 Member
    I'll be your huckleberry:)

    I just started so I need buddies:)
  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    Don't give up! You can do it!! Lots of wisdom on this site!
  • karensdream
    karensdream Posts: 135 Member
    As you can see from all of the previous posts, we have all been there. That circular, yo-yo weight loss and gain is what keeps us stuck. I read somewhere that you have to repeat a new behavior many times before it becomes a habit. So I keep this in mind and continue to make the changes a little at a time, and will do so until I finallly get it right., Failure for me is not an option at this point. I wish you the best of luck on your journey! Know that you are not alone. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • I lost over a hundred pounds and gained 52 lbs back. Am down 11 lbs now and on to a healthy lifestyle. Add me if you would like.
    I have also hired a personal trainer for an hour a week and he keeps me in check.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I lost 40 in 2010, here I am in 2013 and I'm just 22 pounds down......please add me too, anyone on this thread.
  • 1lisalou
    1lisalou Posts: 44 Member
    I did it too!! I was 4 lbs away from my goal weight and I gained about 13 lbs in the past few months. Not a huge gain but, to be so close and let myself down...ugh! I'm over being disappointed and now time for action! Just joined this site and I'm excited. Time to lose the rest of this weight for the LAST time!!
  • FitLifeDiva
    FitLifeDiva Posts: 34 Member
    Let me jump on this bandwagon and add my gained back story. I lost 70 pounds 3 years ago and I slowly starting to put it back on and I already feel uncomfortable. Support is needed here as well!
  • 6ee8ee
    6ee8ee Posts: 25
    Yup. I've been there, done that, many times before. I'm like a yo-yo. I've gotten to the point where I when I needed bigger or smaller clothes, I would pack up the old ones, put em in a large tote and label them with the size and store them in my shed. A few months ago I moved out of state though and ended up giving away all of those clothes! So, now that I have gained more, I need BIGGER clothes, AGAIN, but I am refusing to buy more. I'm going to lose this weight and keep it off once and for all! I'd love t have you as a friend, and anyone else, really. The more friends with similar goals, or that can offer support the better! :) So, ANYONE; feel free to add me!
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Wow, so glad I stumbled onto this thread as it's great to know I'm not alone... I, too, have put weight back on. I lost over 130 lbs in 2011, but put back on 38 in 2012. Like others, I had gotten rid of clothes and now have a closet full of clothes that don't fit. Those I won't get rid of as I'm determined to get back in them. I'd appreciate any support, too. Thanks, and good luck to all.
  • pbfatty
    I gained back 10+ of the 60 lbs I had lost over the holidays. All you can do is get back on that horse!!
  • vmac62
    vmac62 Posts: 3
    just signed up so plz add me!
  • janey2412
    I've just joined mfp never heard of it before but read it in a NEW diet book called 5:2 is anyone trying this way of loosing weight? :smile: I am getting a bit of a kick start this weekend . going to boot camp for 3 days I think I'm going to die! either that or find a local pub on one of their treks (only joking) I've dieted most of my life loosing weight then putting it back anyone out there tried or following this 5:2 weight loss plan sounds good but then so do Atkins,cabbage soup, low gi and all the others I've tried :noway:
  • nicky31
    I have gained back the 30 ive lost! add me as a friend for support! :) I lost 35 pounds b4 logging into mfp and once me and my family moved i gained EVERYTHING back! NIGHTMARE!