The FIlm Challange

Good Afternoon MFP!

Ive set myself a challenge.. 1000 films in 350 days! But I need a hand in building the ultimate list of films so im looking for everyone or even a few people on MFP to provide me with a couple of films they love or hate to watch!

Many Thanks!

PS: im not a sad guy with no life lol.. im a massive film nut, and i wanted to have a side goal with the weight loss and this is it! I still work 9 hours a day and train for 3 hours a day as a amateur mma fighter!


  • napkinpoem
    Neverending Story, Catch Me If You Can, The Departed, Natural Born Killers, Step Brothers, Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter (frigging awesome), Prometheus, Seeking a Friend for the End of the World, Battleship, Inception, Good Will Hunting, Gladiator, We Bought a Zoo, Contagion, Saving Private Ryan, The Green Mile, Pulp Fiction, Philedelphia, Forrest Gump, Public Enemies, The Hunger Games, Harry Potter movies, Lord of the Rings, Blades of Glory, Old School, The Other Guys, Anchorman, Everything Must Go, Despicable Me, Talladega Nights, Wedding Crashers, The Princess Bride, Beetlejuice, Willow, The Invention of Lying, World's Greatest Dad, Patch Adams, Jack, IRobot, I Am Legend, Hancock, What Dreams May Come, Dead Poet's Society.......

    Well, I personally love all of these. Lol.

    Some of my favorite actors: Will Ferrell, Tom Hanks, Robin Williams, Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio.
  • DaisyAliceB
    DaisyAliceB Posts: 17 Member
    Things I like...(Off the top of my head)
    -A Scanner Darkly
    -Sin City
    -Ponyo (or anything else by studio Ghibli)
    -Pan's Labyrinth
    -Pulp Fiction
    -American Beauty
    -Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
    -Flash Gordon
    -A Clockwork Orange
    -The Secretary
    -Donnie Darko
    -From Hell
    -District 9
    -Before Night Falls
    -The Nightmare Before Christmas
    -Big Fish
    -The Orphanage
    -I Spit on Your Grave (original is better than remake)
    -The City of Lost Children
    -Silence of The Lambs
    -Moulin Rouge!

    And then obviously, every single superhero movie (with the exception of the new Spiderman because it is wrong).
    The Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
    All the Star Wars movies (INCLUDING the new ones).
    The Harry Potter series (because I am 6).

    I must have hundreds more I could think of, but this is long enough!
  • jlwbeans0823
    jlwbeans0823 Posts: 178 Member
    Out of the Past, Looper, Noises Off, District 9, The Raid: Redemption, Soapdish, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Trilogy, The Taking of Pelham 123 (Original with Robert Shaw), Chud, Gross Pointe Blank, Nowhere Boy, The African Queen, Gaslight, Fido, Session 9, Near Dark, Wait Until Dark, Chuck Berry Hail! Hail! Rock n' Roll, The Warriors...I could go on and on, but this is a pretty good mixture. Have fun, you should publish your list once you get it compiled!
  • louisel809
    radio...with cuba gooding :)