Food Diary Advice - Can someone "look" over my shoulder?

A little over two weeks in... Seeing some results...

I was hoping some folks would be willing to check my diary to see if I'm headed in the right direction w/number of calories... Balance of macros, etc. I'm all ears if there are suggestions on what I should tweak.

Been able to cut soda out completely... Haven't reached for a packet of equal either for coffee or oatmeal... Those two alone have been big accomplishments... Very hard to do.... I'm still craving a Coke Zero from time to time. However, I know if I reach for one, its all over. :)


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you dont have a huge amount of wieght to lose, from your ticker, so my main piece of advice would be to eat your exercise calories back. netting 1000 cals is not doing you any good... and will just encourage your body to burn muscle instead of fat.
  • susannahsutton1
    Track sodium instead of potassium. If you go over your sodium and don't drink more water, your body retains water and therefore weight. Eat back your exercise calories, else you'll feel all week and feeble in a couple of weeks time.
  • GoddessG
    GoddessG Posts: 175 Member
    I don't know your actual weight, but it looks to me like you aren't getting enough protein. Most people should be 80g or over.

    Try switching your protein shakes. Mine (Nectar by Syntrax) have 100 cal,, 0 carb, 25g protein. When I increased my protein, weight loss resumed.

    Also: You didn't record your water intake. when I started tracking mine, I noticed results - and when combined with protein increase, I really noticed results.

    PS: Syntrax Nectar shakes are available in GNC stores and at Amazon with free shipping. Syntrax makes two types of shakes. The "Nectar" line are 0 carb. They also have a "Matrix" line. I've only bought one of them, but the one I have is 5 carbs per scoop. Sometimes, if I really want a treat, a scoop of "Cookies & Cream" from that line is decadence. Half a scoop is a desert. I found a full scoop delicious, but too filling.
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    Eat back your exercise calories.
    Track sugar instead of potassium.

    Your diet looks pretty damn good tho.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    More fruit and veggies and more variety - nine servings a day in the full rainbow of colours - stop repeating they only count as one serving each however much you eat. Start with two servings at breakfast and nine plus is not difficult. I don't see three servings of dairy a day nor any oily fish - both dairy calcium and long chain omega-3s have been linked to lower bodyfat in studies as well as all the other health benefits. Chicken breast is a poor source of micronutrients.

    Don't see much mineral and fibre rich food and you are not even taking any mineral supplements. Eat more beans, lentils, seeds, nuts, wholegrains and dairy, your diet looks low in magnesium and calcium at the very least. If you are choosing to limit starchy carbs you must eat far more seeds and nuts, don't underestimate how much it can be hundreds of grams to get the recommended daily amount of some minerals. Seeds tend to be richer sources than nuts: you cannot get all the nutrients you need from protein and produce.

    There is no reason for you to need vitamin C if you eat plenty of fruit and veggies, high doses are pee'd out and downregulate absorption, rebound scurvy has been noted when people stop mega doses. Oily fish can be a great source of vitamin D as well as long chain omega-3s, protein and useful amount of most of the B group vitamins so you could quit all the supplements or switch to a simply multivitamin/ mineral insurance policy - randomly supplementing small groups of micronutrients is rarely a good idea, they work synergistically and in opposition so you can cause imbalances.

    NB I have assumed here your supplement regime was self prescribed because I can't see the logic in it; if any of your supplements were recommended by a medical professional who is aware of how you are eating at present and/ or has run blood tests obviously don't drop those.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Not sure what kind of results you're looking for other than weight loss, but I would increase your protein goal. The foods you're eating look pretty good, but don't rely too much on the protein shake (I have one every day, post-workout but that's it). I agree with the other posters, don't be afraid to eat back your exercise calories, that's how this program is designed to work. Truly you can have up to 50% of your calories from protein (I'm shooting for 40% protein personally because I'm trying to build muscle and burn up the fat on my tummy) and also tracking sugar is a good idea.

    Overall, if you're avoiding soda and artificial sweeteners and eating lots of fruits/veggies and lean meats, you're doing well. Eat those goals and enjoy! Don't get stuck in a rut eating the same things and get bored. I tend to do that and then I get lazy and start to slip up.
  • djdube525
    djdube525 Posts: 69 Member
    Track sodium instead of potassium. If you go over your sodium and don't drink more water, your body retains water and therefore weight. Eat back your exercise calories, else you'll feel all week and feeble in a couple of weeks time.

    I have been drinking water very regularly... I need to think of some more healthy, calorie dense food options.
  • djdube525
    djdube525 Posts: 69 Member
    More fruit and veggies and more variety - nine servings a day in the full rainbow of colours - stop repeating they only count as one serving each however much you eat. Start with two servings at breakfast and nine plus is not difficult. I don't see three servings of dairy a day nor any oily fish - both dairy calcium and long chain omega-3s have been linked to lower bodyfat in studies as well as all the other health benefits. Chicken breast is a poor source of micronutrients.

    Don't see much mineral and fibre rich food and you are not even taking any mineral supplements. Eat more beans, lentils, seeds, nuts, wholegrains and dairy, your diet looks low in magnesium and calcium at the very least. If you are choosing to limit starchy carbs you must eat far more seeds and nuts, don't underestimate how much it can be hundreds of grams to get the recommended daily amount of some minerals. Seeds tend to be richer sources than nuts: you cannot get all the nutrients you need from protein and produce.

    There is no reason for you to need vitamin C if you eat plenty of fruit and veggies, high doses are pee'd out and downregulate absorption, rebound scurvy has been noted when people stop mega doses. Oily fish can be a great source of vitamin D as well as long chain omega-3s, protein and useful amount of most of the B group vitamins so you could quit all the supplements or switch to a simply multivitamin/ mineral insurance policy - randomly supplementing small groups of micronutrients is rarely a good idea, they work synergistically and in opposition so you can cause imbalances.

    NB I have assumed here your supplement regime was self prescribed because I can't see the logic in it; if any of your supplements were recommended by a medical professional who is aware of how you are eating at present and/ or has run blood tests obviously don't drop those.

    Wow... lots of good advice... some comments...

    I was all concerned about fruits due to easily exceeding the allotment of "sugars"... I think I just need to proceed as that being nonsense. Veggies are a little bit trickier... long story made short... mid July 2009, I suffered from several pulmonary embolisms... was put on coumadin, and then tried coming off 6 months later more PEs. I'll be on coumadin for life... so all those great green leafy veggies are out to Vitamin K.

    Vitamins have been self prescribed... was thinking winter... flu season... couldn't hurt? Many multi vitamins have vitamin K... need to find one without. I have been looking for a good, clean omega 3 tablet. I'll read up on your link.

    I have been eating some almonds... may need to up those... Beans are one food I've been meaning to integrate... need to research recipes.

    Thanks for the thoughtful reply!
  • djdube525
    djdube525 Posts: 69 Member
    I don't know your actual weight, but it looks to me like you aren't getting enough protein. Most people should be 80g or over.

    Try switching your protein shakes. Mine (Nectar by Syntrax) have 100 cal,, 0 carb, 25g protein. When I increased my protein, weight loss resumed.

    Also: You didn't record your water intake. when I started tracking mine, I noticed results - and when combined with protein increase, I really noticed results.

    PS: Syntrax Nectar shakes are available in GNC stores and at Amazon with free shipping. Syntrax makes two types of shakes. The "Nectar" line are 0 carb. They also have a "Matrix" line. I've only bought one of them, but the one I have is 5 carbs per scoop. Sometimes, if I really want a treat, a scoop of "Cookies & Cream" from that line is decadence. Half a scoop is a desert. I found a full scoop delicious, but too filling.

    Hi... thanks for the comments!

    Currently... I'm at 198.5lbs... 6'1"... shooting for the 175-180 weight range.

    I thought I was recording my water intake... I'm drinking over 8, 16oz glasses of water a day... I haven't budged from that.

    Thanks for the tip on the shakes!
  • djdube525
    djdube525 Posts: 69 Member
    Eat back your exercise calories.

    I've heard this from several others... what I've noticed... MFP tends to over inflate exercise calories. For example, I went on an easy 30 mile bike ride this weekend... MFP came in at ~1900 calories burned... my Garmin HRM calculated 820. So... that's why I haven't been eating all of them back... although I could get a bit closer than what I have been.

    Some days are awfully low (net)... other seem close, but subtract out that glass (ehem or two) of wine and you really see a big delta.