Fit in the Sun !

naslubs14 Posts: 24
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Hello Annemarie, Dee, Stephanie, Connie, & who ever else would like to join our group!

We will start logging our information here.


Today: xx cal
Total: xx/xx cal

Weekly (on Tuesdays)

If you met your cal burned for the week
If you want to share your weight loss progress

Good luck!


  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Woohoo! So glad to have another group. :smile:
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Today: 668
    Total: 1016 / 2500
  • Lost one pound since my last weigh in! And under my calorie goal for today :)

    Thank you all for doing this group and helping me to focus!
  • naslubs14
    naslubs14 Posts: 24
    Today 322
    Total 800/2000

    Great Job ladies!! I am really digging the support :happy:
  • Wasn't able to get any workout in today.....Just was a very long day watching people around me do things the hard way....Finally got done for the day and I am mentally drained....Need sleep to recharge....
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    Today was my strength training day with my personal trainer, and I have no idea how many calories I burned. According to MFP's "strength training" under the cardio section, I burned 205. Who knows.

    Add stretching for a total of 233.

    Total for the week:
  • yogamazinglife
    yogamazinglife Posts: 29 Member
    Yesterday (22.04.10) burned 262cals. Don't remember what that gives me for the week so far. I think I'll do my weekly totals on Tuesday.

    My 262 count isn't the total calories I told MFP. I walk alot which isn't counted in my 1270 daily cals so I have to put it down (especially if it's brisk walking and longer than 30 minutes) but I don't really count it as actual exercise. I add to MFP so my body doesn't go into starvation mode but I'm so used to it now that to me, it's not working out. So the totals I tell you girls will be actual time spent getting my heart rate up or working my muscles.

    How does everyone feel about rest days? Today is my 'rest day' but I hate when it comes along. Rest days make me feel unproductive and restricted. I cant eat as much beacuse I'm not burning as much so it keeps me more preoccupied with what I eat. And silly me, my rest day in my current schedule falls on a Friday! That was just bad planning :P Try to get some yoga in tonight so at least I feel a bit more productive.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Dee - Rest days can be irritating sometimes, however, I know they are much needed. With my workout plan, I try to kill myself every day. :laugh: I do heavy lifting Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and Tuesday and Thursday are hard interval classes (Boxing & "Boot Camp" classes). Saturday, I do what I feel like, then Sunday is usually my rest day. :smile: This Sunday I will be doing a 6 mile walk for Multiple Sclerosis, so depending how I feel, I may skip having an off day this week.

    healthy_is_best (sorry don't know your name :blushing:) - Strength training is generally relatively low. Though when I use my Heart Rate Monitor and Heavy Lift, I will burn from 290 - 350 calories in 35 minutes. So, I would just stay with MFP's estimate for the approx amount unless you have a HRM. :smile:

    Well, I hope everyone has a great start to their Friday, or are already enjoying their Friday (Dee). :wink:
  • naslubs14
    naslubs14 Posts: 24
    Ugh I ate terrible AGAIN yesterday! It is so hard to stay under my calorie goal (which, btw, if you haven't figured it out... I went over my goal). It’s nearly impossible to follow this plan when I go out to eat, and I hate missing fun time w/ friends so I am kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place.

    Also - I wanted to ask if you guys had any advice on fat-burning cardio exercises. I do the elliptical now but was thinking of trying cycling….
  • naslubs14
    naslubs14 Posts: 24
    BTW - are you guys noticing it's cutting off the posts? Maybe its just my comp or something but Stephanie's and my posts both seem to be cut short.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Also, Dee - I zig zag my calorie intake (so some days are much higher than others) for my weekly average of 1500 calories. On my off day, I get about 1700 calories without exercise to work with - I scheduled it that way. So maybe look into zig zagging your calories. :smile:

    Becky - sorry that your eating has been terrible. Yes, it can be very hard, especially when you're close to when you started (I have gotten used to it since I have been doing this since June 2009! :laugh: Maybe if you have your goal at 1 lb a week you can change it to 0.5 lb per week loss - it'll give you about 250 more calories to work with. Also, don't fret so much if you go over a little bit - since it will still be at a deficit from your maintenance calories. You may even just be eating at or under maintenance when you go over - since your goal is a 300-500 deficit. So you'll probably be okay. :flowerforyou: Hang in there.

    As for cardio - running, jump rope, and boxing are the ones I do. :smile: If you aren't strength training, I highly suggest it.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    BTW - are you guys noticing it's cutting off the posts? Maybe its just my comp or something but Stephanie's and my posts both seem to be cut short.

    Huh, that's not happening to me. :ohwell:
  • Ugh I ate terrible AGAIN yesterday! It is so hard to stay under my calorie goal (which, btw, if you haven't figured it out... I went over my goal). It’s nearly impossible to follow this plan when I go out to eat, and I hate missing fun time w/ friends so I am kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place.

    Also - I wanted to ask if you guys had any advice on fat-burning cardio exercises. I do the elliptical now but was thinking of trying cycling….

    Hi! I know exactly how you feel I have been over my calories pretty much everyday since I started...don't worry, little by little you'll get better at counting your calories even when you are out with friends...they are so many low calorie options nowadays at restaurants and the light low calorie budlight ;) Is a slow process but you'll get there..I keep telling myself that and I am doing better everyday...yesterday I had a 7 cal deficit ;) not much but it means a lot to me =D
  • yogamazinglife
    yogamazinglife Posts: 29 Member
    Steph, the zig zagging is a good idea. It's hard for me to schedule my calorie intake. I can schedule my breakfast, snacks and lunch but dinner can often be a free for all. My husband is the cook in our house so some nights I'm at the mercy of whatever idea he has in his head. I've told him over and over again I'm eating healthy but if I insist too much he feels 'punished' because I've chosen to change my lifestyle. I know it doesn't sound supportive but I get where he's coming from. Every once in a while he gets into healthy eating and working out with me but that soon tails off. So maybe I'll make a schedule for him, say 3 nights a week he can make dinners that are over xxx calories and the rest of the time they have to be under xxx calories. Maybe this will entice him to get more creative.

    becky, I've recently got into P90x and the Kenpo workout I think is a massive calorie burn. An hour of any kickboxing type activity is about 600 cals for me. I'm only starting my 5th week tomorrow so I haven't noticed a great difference but my arms are definately more toned as well as my legs.

    Does anyone else find it hard to include everything they eat? That sounds weird but I always forget about small things like I grabbed a few grapes on my way out of the kitchen or someone offered me a small piece of chocolate or something. I like to leave a bit of calories at the end of the day to account for that. I am a big fan of grazing and eating without thinking about it is one of my biggest weaknesses.

    What kind of workouts do you girls have planned for the weekend?
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Today: 348
    Total: 1364 / 2500
  • naslubs14
    naslubs14 Posts: 24
    Thanks for all the support and encouragment everyone! It truely means more than you know :flowerforyou: I was just telling my roommate (as we took a long walk together) how this site (and this group :wink: ) is motivating me so much! I did a lot better with my calories today, so you're definatly right... I'll get there evenutally!

    Dee - the way I tackle the little things is that I will sometimes over state what I ate by a little so that I account for anything that I may have missed. Pretty much the same system your on it seems.

    My daily calories burned are:

    Today: 719
    Total: 1519/2000

    Maybe I'll up my weekly goal to compensate for some of the mistakes I made this week... we'll see how it goes :tongue:
  • naslubs14
    naslubs14 Posts: 24
    Oh and by the way, it was just cutting off the posts at my work comp. I work at a government job and I swear some of the blocks the put on the internet are the strangest things... :ohwell:
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Today: 348 + 748 / 1096
    Total: 2112 / 2500

    Well, it has been a really stressful evening.. so I went for a 4-5 mile run.. looks like I am almost at my goal already.
  • today 432
    total 1580/3500
  • naslubs14
    naslubs14 Posts: 24
    Today: 771
    Total: 2290/2000

    Met my goal for the week... shooting for 3000 by Tuesday
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