Anybody doing low-carb?

I have lost wt on low carb before...lots of contradictory info. I think it is easy to stick to...thoughts?


  • brigeweeks
    brigeweeks Posts: 18 Member
    Me!! Love your picture,too. Love to fish myself. Low carb is the way to go for me. My body doe not process carbs well and they make me sluggish and irritable. It works for me.
  • amy32lynn
    amy32lynn Posts: 157 Member
    i have my carbs set at 10% i try to stick to them but sometimes i go over ..... i like it so far :):drinker:
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    attempting Primal at the moment, so no carb - feeling great but finding it hard to find healthy snacks.
  • suz2411
    suz2411 Posts: 33
    How do you set your carbs, protein,sugar etc on MFP?
  • sharon4219
    sharon4219 Posts: 16 Member
    I have been doing low card since October, I feel so much better!
  • ChaoticMum
    ChaoticMum Posts: 115 Member
    I am living a Primal lifestyle, not necessarily a low carb lifestyle. I have my carb goal at 50-100g a day for weight loss. I tend to hang out just below the 100g mark and want to keep them for sure above the 50g. I find it works for me. I have no problems with it since I've cut out all grains. I get my carbs from veggies and fruits, some from nuts. I work more on getting healthier fats and proteins into me. By cutting out the grains, it automatically reduces your carbs.
  • brigeweeks
    brigeweeks Posts: 18 Member
    Go to your food tab, click on settings to chose the items you want to track. then click on "Goal" and enter goal numbers for each item.
  • ChaoticMum
    ChaoticMum Posts: 115 Member
    How do you set your carbs, protein,sugar etc on MFP?

    If you go into goals on your home page, you can choose the custom option and adjust your percentages for your macros and then whatever else you want to track.
  • I personally haven't had trouble sticking to it so far. I've lost 10lbs in the first two weeks. I just balance everything and log everything I eat. I don't eat any pasta grains or anything of the sort. I made chicken Alfredo the other day and had it over broccoli instead of pasta
    I don't go over 50g a day either.
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    i have been eating under 50 g Carbs for 7 days now and i really am considering making it into a lifestyle.This is such an amazing way to eat delicious stuff and never feel hungry or sluggish.
  • xxTracey
    xxTracey Posts: 85 Member
    I find it so difficult to not go over my carbs, i've logged in my breakfast lunch and snacks today and im already over without even adding my dinner! but i dont have any rice or pasta or anything its all like fruit, veg, soup, healthy snacks and im still going over! :( x
  • cboutin89
    cboutin89 Posts: 79 Member
    Im doing low carb as well. I am surprised I am still sticking with it. Its not as bad as I thought. I eat mostly protein/vegetables/fruit and once in a while I will have the complex crap lol. When I snack I stick to fruits/nuts/yogurt/ or dark chocolate. I think its a simple diet to follow. I have lost about 15 pounds so far with low carbs. It gets the job done.
  • Rehfer
    Rehfer Posts: 5
    I've been following a low carb plan now since Aug 2012. Hit 75lbs lost this morning and still have 25 - 40 to go. So far the plan has been easy for me to follow. I eat very little fruit, very little sugar from any source including natural sources in fruit and fruit juices, low daily salt, tons of lean protein with fat % 10 or below and between 20 and 50 net carbs a day. I excercise 40 mins of walking at a brisk pace on a treadmill 5 - 6 days a week. Plan is called Dr. Poon's metabolic diet.
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    The trick to a low carb diet, is finding variety in your foods, so you don't get bored and start eyeing that pizza place across the street. There are groups on here that share recipes, and a site called Linda's Low Carb (?) that a lot of people go to for new recipe ideas. You can eat a chicken salad for lunch every day, but can you do it for the rest of your life? There are a ton of other easy, quick low carb ideas out there for meals and snacks.

    Good luck!
  • YES, And its terrible, by he end of day im craving carbs
  • jenns1964
    jenns1964 Posts: 384 Member
    I have been low carb since starting MFP. on 12/9/12. I find it simple to follow and I feel so much better.
  • yes i have and lost a good bit of weight also...look you the PALEO diet it is a good one!
  • wdisneynut
    wdisneynut Posts: 1 Member
    I did it when I was younger and it worked great, but now that I am menopausal, I can't seem to shed those pounds. Anyone else out there with the same problem?
  • I did low carb 3 yrs ago and lost 55 lbs in less than 3 months. I limited myself to less than 60 carbs per day. It was easy but got very boring when it came to the food.
  • Rehfer
    Rehfer Posts: 5
    Here is a blog with some low carb recipes (some are borrowed from Linda's site mentioned above) and some are the creation of the blogger The blogger is following the POON METABOLIC DIET and has lost over 100lbs in a year. She has become a running fanatic in the process. People following the poon diet have access to a private facebook group where there are tons of other recipes created by the patients for the patients. If you choose to use some of the recipes from poonapalooza you should know a phase 1 recipe has <1g of net carb, <10% fat, 0g sugar from any source and sodium <170mg per serving. A phase 2 recipe would have <5g of net carb, <10% fat, 1g sugar from any source and sodium <230mg per serving. There is much variety but being the simple guy I am I can eat the same thing everyday for lunch and I eat the same thing everyday for breakfast. Most dinners are lean meat and green leave veggies like greens. I can't stand salad and it's hard to find a dressing that meets the tight nutritional guidelines of the poon diet.