THinking about buying a juicer to start juicing?!?



  • Crookey21
    Crookey21 Posts: 311 Member
    i have the Nutribullet and man that thing is amazing!!!!
  • RandiLandCHANGED
    RandiLandCHANGED Posts: 630 Member
    We have a Vitamix. I love it for super thick protein shakes, sorbet, sauces, etc but I couldn't get into the vegetable juicing. My husband likes it but it all tastes gross to me.
  • robin68562
    robin68562 Posts: 116 Member
    I have one sitting in my cabinet collecting dust, if you'd like to buy it. It's a lot cheaper just to buy juice ready-made.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    The whole "juice only counts once no mater how much you drink" is only true if you're drinking BOTTLED juice like V8.. if you're putting vegetables into the juicer you can count all the servings because all the nutrients are preserved.. you're only discarding the cellulose. If you want to make smoothies instead then that's great, but don't do it because you think that you can't count feshly extracted vegetable juice as vegetables... also if you've ever tried putting half a pound of kale in a smoothie, you'll quickly understand why people who go heavy on the greens like to do juicing instead of blending. For me smoothies are for FRUIT and juicing is for vegetables (and apples.. I hate apples in a smoothie)... but whatever works for you and gets more vegetables into your belly is what you should do.

    Here is my cost and my favorite juice recipe

    2 cucmbers= 1.00
    5 celery ribs= .50
    half pound kale .50
    one granny smith apple .50
    one lemon .50
    small piece of ginger.. next to nothing.

    This makes about 32 ounces in my omega 8006 juicer and costs $3.00

    I bought my juicer 7 months ago and have used it every day since.

    My juicer also makes nut butters, almond milk, frozen sorbets and can be used as a coffee/spice grinder and a pasta extruder. You don't need to buy any attachments, it comes with it all. Also it has a 15 year warranty which is pretty impressive. The drawback to my juicer is that you have to cut up your vegetables before putting them in, and you have to push them down with a tamper.. also, it is not really efficient on carrots.. but I don't juice a lot of carrots so it's a tradeoff I'm willing to make.
  • robin68562
    robin68562 Posts: 116 Member
    we bought one, and would love to use it more, but for the amount of juice you get from most fruits makes it too expensive per glass of juice, but the biggest pit fall it the amount of cleaning time every time you use it .. so make sure whichever one you pick its easy to clean. ours breaks into about 5 parts and some bits are a real pain to clean ...

    I think I have the same one and it's an absolute pain to clean. All those tiny little holes? And the filters that you have to buy for it don't help at all. I have to use a vegetable brush to clean them out and they're still clogged.
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    I watched a movie on Netflix about juicing and instantly went out to buy one. I didn't make it one whole day. I never felt full and it wasn't as tasty as I had hoped. Best of luck!

    I did the same thing! haha

    After buying and trying the juice detox.... I lasted 3 days... I only like to juice occasionally. I think it is a pain to clean out all the fibrous material from the fruits and vegetables. and after making one have to clean it out again.... I'd rather just eat the produce. Also, it gets expensive buying all the fruits and vegetables to make one drink that doesn't feel you up. I would find someone to borrow a juicer and see if you like it before wasting your money.
  • FirstCoastLisa
    Juicing is not meant to replace meals. Juicing does it work at the cellular level in our bodies. I am working with a personal trainer and asked him about juicing and this is how he explained it. Juicing gives you all those micro nutrients that gets directly into our cells and that is where the magic happens as far as health, vitality and energy. When you feed the body on the cellular levels everything improves. I juice once in the AM. I make 40 oz of juice and put it in 8 oz mason jars and have a serving 5 times through out the day. The improvements are too many to even mention but everything from fuel for my workouts to my skin, hair and nails.

    I make a green juice using cucumber, kale, spinach, celery, romaine,broccoli and half an apple. I keep the green content very high and keep the sugar content very low. I could not eat this many vegetables in a day. I would be eating all day long continuously not to mention the bathroom end of things.

    Another note on the benefits of juicing, my sister was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma (incurable) in November. She read Chris Karr's book, Crazy Sexy Diet. The title makes you think that the girl doing the writing might have been a stripper or something but quite the contrary, she was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and change her prognosis all through her diet and one of her strongest weapons was juicing. My sister had never juiced a day in her life. She followed the green juice recipe for 6 weeks and had another round of tests that was going to determine if she was going to have to start a chemo treatment. Her tumors had not grown and their metabolic activity had diminished by half. The only changes she made in her diet was that she started juicing, ate more dark green vegetables, cut way back on dairy and red meat. Her doctor told her that all those things had an effect but that he felt the juicing probably had the greatest benefits as those nutrients are used on a cellular level.

    Not trying to give hoscience here just an experience that I know about first hand and I know that I feel 150 times better on a day that I drink my juice than a day that I don't (which those don't happen anymore).

    Juicing is an investment in me. I did my research and purchased a slow auger juicer the Omega Vert. The omega uses an extraction process that does not make the juice get hot so therefore you get juice with the active enzymes intact and that is what you need. I read that some juicers (centrifugal) work in a way that heats the juice up and that you don't want to get the full benefit of the nutrients. My juicer was $347 at Bed Bath & Beyond and I had one of their 20% off coupons. The really good juicers never go on sale. I got mine for about $275. Omega gives a 10 year warranty on their products.

    YMMV but for me juicing is an important part of my plan.
  • dtban
    dtban Posts: 111 Member
    Try this recipe it is sooooooooooooo yummy and very filling.

    put in a blender:
    1 ripe banana (so it is sweet not sour)
    1 table spoon of peanut butter
    1 handful of baby spinich (don't worry when it is blended it has no taste)
    1 cup of cold water or milk or half milk half water
    6 to 8 ice cubes
    blend until smooth and drink and enjoy

    this is very delicious...unless you dont like banana and peanut butter. if so, substitute whatever you would like to add flavour...ex: strawberries and blueberries?
  • AmberSpamber
    AmberSpamber Posts: 391 Member
    Juicing is not meant to replace meals. Juicing does it work at the cellular level in our bodies. I am working with a personal trainer and asked him about juicing and this is how he explained it. Juicing gives you all those micro nutrients that gets directly into our cells and that is where the magic happens as far as health, vitality and energy. When you feed the body on the cellular levels everything improves. I juice once in the AM. I make 40 oz of juice and put it in 8 oz mason jars and have a serving 5 times through out the day. The improvements are too many to even mention but everything from fuel for my workouts to my skin, hair and nails.

    I make a green juice using cucumber, kale, spinach, celery, romaine,broccoli and half an apple. I keep the green content very high and keep the sugar content very low. I could not eat this many vegetables in a day. I would be eating all day long continuously not to mention the bathroom end of things.

    Another note on the benefits of juicing, my sister was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma (incurable) in November. She read Chris Karr's book, Crazy Sexy Diet. The title makes you think that the girl doing the writing might have been a stripper or something but quite the contrary, she was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and change her prognosis all through her diet and one of her strongest weapons was juicing. My sister had never juiced a day in her life. She followed the green juice recipe for 6 weeks and had another round of tests that was going to determine if she was going to have to start a chemo treatment. Her tumors had not grown and their metabolic activity had diminished by half. The only changes she made in her diet was that she started juicing, ate more dark green vegetables, cut way back on dairy and red meat. Her doctor told her that all those things had an effect but that he felt the juicing probably had the greatest benefits as those nutrients are used on a cellular level.

    Not trying to give hoscience here just an experience that I know about first hand and I know that I feel 150 times better on a day that I drink my juice than a day that I don't (which those don't happen anymore).

    Juicing is an investment in me. I did my research and purchased a slow auger juicer the Omega Vert. The omega uses an extraction process that does not make the juice get hot so therefore you get juice with the active enzymes intact and that is what you need. I read that some juicers (centrifugal) work in a way that heats the juice up and that you don't want to get the full benefit of the nutrients. My juicer was $347 at Bed Bath & Beyond and I had one of their 20% off coupons. The really good juicers never go on sale. I got mine for about $275. Omega gives a 10 year warranty on their products.

    YMMV but for me juicing is an important part of my plan.

  • crazybonnie
    I was in the same position as OP. I've been searching for a juicer for weeks (I am a beginer) and searching. I found some juicer reviews here and helped me a lot to get my final decision. I'll share what I have found:

    Get yourself an Omega because this one keeps more nutrients than other (such Breville juicers - which juice super fast). If you want to keep more/as much nutrients as possible, get yourself a masticating juicer (Omega or another one). I bought myself an Omega VRT 350 and it's worth all the money (super expensive, but I juice heavy).

    I juice apples, lemons, oranges, veggies and a lot more. I love it. And no, I don't do it because I am fat or something (I am not), but because I want to be healthy and get as much fruits and veggies possible in my body (with limit of course).

    Hope it helps!