I'm desperate

I will be forty in 2 months and my blood pressure is extremely high. I am 80lbs overweight, I take 5 pills a day, and I feel sluggish on most days. My physician informed me that the only way I can overcome my problem is to loss the weight. I have been struggling with my weight for about 19yrs. I have always said this is the year to do it, but I never hold up to it. I have been to WW about 10 times, took diet pills, Quick weight Loss Centers,etc. I need this to work for me so I AM "SCREAMING" out for help/support. If anyone have suggestions please share them with me. Thank you all in advance and congratulations to those who have stayed on track!!!!


  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    Set your diary to lose 1 pound a week and eat back your exercise calories. Slow and steady wins the race :) A moderate calorie deficit will make it easier to stick with it long term. Allow yourself to have the occasional treats just make sure it fits within your calorie goals, if you don't feel deprived of things you love to eat you'll be less likely to quit.
  • Janey142
    Janey142 Posts: 50 Member
    This so much easier to stick to than WW and you get heaps more support i feel. You get a calorie limit, stick to that and eat whats good for you and treats if you have enough calories spare :) no point calculating , no gimmicks and it really is a lifestyle change. well done for joining the site you will be glad you did!
  • lkocher01
    lkocher01 Posts: 10 Member
    I understand how you feel. I have really gained a lot of weight over the past 6 years. It seems like it just crept up and I know this sounds silly, but it's like I didn't see it and I didn't get it. I have to do something. I can't stand to be in this body anymore. I know what you mean about getting sluggish and feeling so tired all the time. I feel the same way. I know it's about my overall health. I will be there with you if you want. We can try to help each other. I am going to aim for small goals. I want to be healthy and happy and active. I don't want to be tired and feeling pain in all of my joints anymore. I just want to try for a loss each week if I can. I have a long history of being overweight, and yo-yo dieting. I know what to do, I just need to really do it and try to take it one day at a time. Make sure you are eating real food and not junk. Even though you may be staying within your calorie goal, you can still be eating the wrong things. Make sure you get good protein and nutrition and do something active every day. I work in an office, so it's a lot of sitting. I have to make time to work out and when I do I know that I feel better afterwards. What do you find are your biggest obstacles right now?
  • Vercell
    Vercell Posts: 437 Member
    you can add me for tips and motivation
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    sounds like you have some good motivation now. You are at a point where you have to make a decision to either make some changes and get healthy or to continue to fold to instant gratification and allow your health to decline.

    1) throw all that other stuff you mentioned out the window (struggling with weight for 19yrs, this is the year to do it, but never hold up to it, been to WW about 10 times, took diet pills, Quick weight Loss Centers,etc. None of that matters. Today is its own day. From now on, you need to get comfortable with the concept that it doesn't matter what you did yesterday - today you can make the right choices.

    2) baby steps. You aren't going to lose 80 lbs this month. Or next month. It is going to take time. It will probably take a year or more. Set a REASONABLE goal, like 1 lb/wk of fat loss. Set up your MFP goals and be honest with yourself about activity levels and food intake. 1 lb/wk seems slow, but to really make a change, you need to change your lifestyle and habits. Going on a crash "diet" or some fad to lose weight quick isn't the key (plus as you have seen, they don't work)

    3) start exercising. But eat back your exercise calories. The entire point of exercise is to maintain your muscle mass, not to lose weight quicker. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories your body burns, which means that you lose weight easier. You will also look better in the end. Do cardio AND lifting weights.

    4) Realize that you are more important. Whatever causes you to make questionable decisions about food/exercise/health that have gotten you into your situation are, in the scheme of things, less important that your health.

    5) Quit making excuses that allow you to fail. If you set reasonable goals, are honest with your logging, and have realistic expectations, the only thing left that can cause your to fail are excuses that you make. Realize them for what they are and stick to it. No more excuses.

    You can do it. You are no different than anyone else. It really just comes down to whether or not you are really willing to work for it.

    btw - I am in no way accusing you of anything, just the things I listed tend to be what most people struggle with. Pick and choose what applies to you! =]
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    I agree with irishkissesxx.

    I would also add that a great place to start (after setting your weight loss goal at 1 or 1.5 lbs a week - definitely not more than that) is just to track.

    Make a goal for yourself just to track everything your put in your mouth for a week. This will give you a good idea of how much you really eat calorie-wise, and will help you spot where you can restrict your calories without it hurting too much (e.g. a tbsp less of peanut butter, one less slice of toast, skip the muffin, etc.).

    Also, know that tracking gets SO much easier with time. If you have the smart phone app for MFP, it's great! It remembers the foods you've eaten before and using autocomplete prompts to suggest your foods to you. The result is that after a few weeks it takes seconds to log everything and only a minute or two to log things you haven't eaten before. The barcode scanner helps too :).
  • Maris_Swan
    Maris_Swan Posts: 197 Member
    Start with small, achievable goals. If you try to do too much, if can be overwhelming and you will get discouraged. Also, come here for support! :) everyone starts somewhere. best of luck!
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    You *can* do this. Read through the forums on food tips, focus on making small changes, and realize that it took you more than a day to put on the weight, it will take more than a day to take it off. And above all, DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED. Change is hard, even harder to those of us used to the "quick fix". This will be a journey, take your time and find the small pleasures.

    O, and something I wish I had done in the beginning: Take measurements AND photos. You'll be amazed when the scale doesn't move but you compare measurements and pics....

  • funnygurl826
    Your story hit close to home for me. I am 34, I have diabetes, starting to get high blood pressure. I am on 5 meds and insulin
    every day. I am 295 lbs. I feel if I do not do this now, i will fail myself, my family, and I really need to be here for my family. I
    just started this back yesterday, and If I can be of any support to you I will. You are on the right track by deciding to do this for
  • colibri25
    colibri25 Posts: 24 Member
    Reading you inspired me to go on... Someday I feel discouraged.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Learn as much as you can about good nutrition, and learn to cook.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    A good start - track evrything you eat, and start walking as much as you can comfortably 3 times a day...maybe only 5 min. at a time to start, but it should increase over time.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    This time last year I was in the same situation! You can do it, just take it one day at a time. One meal at a time. One workout at a time. Don't overwhelm yourself thinking of the 80 pounds, just think about 1 pound at a time. You will be successful!!
  • monjacq1964
    monjacq1964 Posts: 291 Member
    have you ever thought about weight loss surgery?
  • Maridar
    Maridar Posts: 164 Member
    Don't be scared!! Be scared for your health. if you live by yourself, keep healthy food and snacks at home only. I feel sluggish when I eat a white baget, white bread, cookies, etc. just processed white flour I think and sugart make me feel that way, although I do indulge sometimes, like today:( I feel OK though not like a criminal:) because I watch my calories on MFP.
    MFP is a great source, read success stories, recipes, go to skinnyrecipe.com there is lots of good yammy and healthy food out there waiting to be discovered by you!!!
    And agree, take one day at a time. I am just learning, my mistake is always wanting results tomorrow am or right now, which never happens:) Good luck, sister, take good care of yourself!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I used to have high blood pressure its now normal. I followed a moderate carbs diet (120g per day) and got some exercise. It very quickly turned around! Some great advice on here. I did not eat back my exercise calories, my dietitian says that's ok until near goal weight so at 80lbs to lose you can stand a bigger calorie deficit.

    I mostly ate 1400-1500 but have now switched to 1700 and I feel better for it... So maybe give that a try. Go to the doctor regularly to get it checked... You'll see it decreasing and it will encourage you!

  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    have you ever thought about weight loss surgery?

    I really don't think that's needed. Just a healthy sensible approach to diet and exercise!
  • aliciapenny
    aliciapenny Posts: 51 Member
    Weight Watchers is the program that uses the point system correct?
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Your story hit close to home for me. I am 34, I have diabetes, starting to get high blood pressure. I am on 5 meds and insulin
    every day. I am 295 lbs. I feel if I do not do this now, i will fail myself, my family, and I really need to be here for my family. I
    just started this back yesterday, and If I can be of any support to you I will. You are on the right track by deciding to do this for

    I had type 2 diabetes and reversed it. It is possible. Estate moderate carbs (120g maybe per day) exercise and create a deficit of around 1000 calories. At your weight you could even withstand a bigger deficit. Maybe try 1700 cals with 120g carbs and 120g protein. You'll feel full and satisfied and the weight will fly off!

  • BrittanyAnnL
    I wish you luck on your journey! I am a lazy person by nature. I eat semi healthy with the occasional binge on fried foods or burgers. I decided that I was going to stop making excuses for not exercising.... Too busy with work, too tired, too busy with my son, too hot outside, too cold outside, no money for the gym, etc. etc.

    It may seem dumb but I made collages of motivational words/pictures/goals and posted them by my alarm clock, and refrigerator.

    A little at a time I am getting out of my comfort zone and running/walking. I think the only way to lose weight is 1.) watch what you eat. Fill up on the healthy stuff... make substituions for the things you cant live without and get motivated. I LOVE chips and salsa... but the chips are horrible for you so I have started eating my salsa with wedges of bell pepper, celery, or broccoli. Its not chips and salsa but it cures my cravings... Eat strawberries when you want something sweet. Eat whole wheat pasta with light sauces when you want pasta, have a burger without the bun and top it with grilled onions, mushrooms when you are craving a burger.

    2.) Start exercising. A little at a time. I have chose to run (or work my way up to running) so either in the morning or at night 3 times a week I put on my running shoes, turn up my music on my iphone, and get out there are just do it. The more you think about it the more you are going to procrastinate. You may feel out of breath, dizzy, sore, but give it a few weeks and you WILL be stronger. Even if you walk the entire 30 minutes you ARE TRYING, and thats what matters :)

    I may not be a ton of help but its just taking it one day at a time.. good luck.