I am going out on a limb here ...



  • cgfol1
    cgfol1 Posts: 179 Member
    Once a week I put EVOO through my hair and sleep with it in. Then I shampoo and condition the next morning. It makes my poor chemically treated hair soooo soft and silky
  • blackgold86
    blackgold86 Posts: 171 Member
    How is olive oil not natural??

    Like everything.. Moderation!

    I cook with it regularly as a spray or as a dressing
  • Moosycakes
    Moosycakes Posts: 258 Member
    I don't get why people think coconut oil is so healthy... I mean, it's fine if people use it on their skin or whatever, but actually putting it in your body...? It's FULL of saturated fat. So unhealthy for your heart and general wellbeing. I suppose it's just one of those fad superfoods that pop up every now and again.

    I personally only ever consume high quality avocado, rice bran and extra virgin olive oils :) Never butter. I don't trust any solid fats because they have the highest levels of saturated fat in them.

    The sat fats in coconut oil are medium chain fatty acids, and they are good for you. Google could have told you that.

    I did Google, and found that many health organisations recommend restricting your consumption of coconut oil because they restrict the risk of heart disease:

    For ease of use, all page numbers noted are PDF page numbers, not page numbers of the booklets.

    (Focus on pages 37-38. Note the graph on page 38, it shows coconut oil having the highest percentage of saturated fat out of every other listed fat source. Also note the first footnote in the graph which shows that the saturated fats in the oil are actually short-chain fatty acids, accounting for their solid nature.)

    http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publications/2005/9241546727.pdf (World Health Organisation, go to p. 32)

    http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/FatsAndOils/Fats101/Tropical-Oils_UCM_306031_Article.jsp (American Heart Association)

    http://www.eatright.org/Media/content.aspx?id=1590&terms=coconut+oil#.UL_8A2eZeSo (Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics)

    http://www.nhs.uk/livewell/healthyhearts/pages/cholesterol.aspx (NHS, for the Brits :D)

    In short, all of these organisations recommend a highlevel of restriction of coconut oil in a healthy diet- it is not a health food.

    I understand that coconut oil is okay to use in MODERATION, but it seems like some people on this site use it in EVERYTHING, and that is worrying.
  • kaputch1980
    kaputch1980 Posts: 21 Member
    Just learning the benefits of Coconut Oil, can someone tell me how you use it? Is it an oil that withstand high temp, or like evoo is there a low temp needed? Can you use it in everything, or just somethings? I am interested in trying it out next cooking venture, oh and is the conversion the same (1 TBSP=1 TBSP)?

    Thank you :smile:
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I don't get why people think coconut oil is so healthy... I mean, it's fine if people use it on their skin or whatever, but actually putting it in your body...? It's FULL of saturated fat. So unhealthy for your heart and general wellbeing. I suppose it's just one of those fad superfoods that pop up every now and again.

    I personally only ever consume high quality avocado, rice bran and extra virgin olive oils :) Never butter. I don't trust any solid fats because they have the highest levels of saturated fat in them.

    You do know you have been lied to about saturated fat, right? They do not want to back track on nearly 60 years of telling people that saturated fat is bad while everyone has gotten fatter and sicker, so they continue their lies and their agaenda.

    Here are some articles written by Doctors about how important Saturated fat is to the human body.

    There is research coming out that show people that have higher cholesterol and eat higher fat way of eating (yes saturated fat) decrease the chances of getting Dementia, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, etc

    I will tell you this. Breast milk is comprised of majority saturated fat for a reason. Nature does not make mistakes.



  • Codefox
    Codefox Posts: 308 Member
    I love Olive Oil for most cooking but sometimes I don't want the flavor. You should try Grapeseed Oil when you cook your eggs. Very similar nutritional properties and it has a neutral flavor. Sometimes olive oil just doesn't seem appropriate for the cooking application but I do use it for most of my cooking! Not a fan of butter so I grease pans with OO or GS instead
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    Oh geeze I LOVE olive oil and go through a ton. I use it on my hair/face/cuticles/food/whatever. Salad me up :)
  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
    Thank you for this post. Now I know what the heck the EVOO is that I see posted all the time. I use EVOO, I just never knew I did!! :bigsmile:
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Grapeseed oil and butter are the oils/fats I use most often for cooking - unless I'm making bacon, then I use bacon grease for things like frying eggs or making the gravy for my biscuits. I occassionally use peanut oil - especially for stir fried stuff.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    I love EVOO. I talk sweetly to it before rubbing it all over myself and making gentle but passionate love to it.
  • Evy79
    Evy79 Posts: 30
    At the end of the day olive oil is just fat. Excess fat that we really just don't need (especially if you're already carrying around some extra lbs- like me!). It just takes up a lot of your calories and doesn't have any nutritional value- no vitamins, phytochemicals, fiber, protein, etc. I water sautéing my food to avoid taking in extra calories and fat. We should stick to natural fat sources- nuts, seeds, avocados, etc. I learned all of this in Dr. Fuhrman's "Eat to Live" book. I would highly recommend this read! It will also blow your mind about meat and dairy!

    Eating fat doesn't make you fat. In fact, the more fat you eat the more your body will shed body fat. There is a saying.........It takes fat to burn fat.

    And since when is expeller pressed extra virgin olive oil not natural? It is just the oil extracted from the olive itself and does have much nutritional value, just as coconut oil does even though it is extracted from the coconut.

    Absolutely! Fat is not the enemy and cutting it out of your diet is not the solution, fat is the best source of energy in the human body. Just get a nice mixture of the good fats, the only fats you need to be worried about are trans fats (hydrogenated fat) & damaged fats!
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    At the end of the day olive oil is just fat. Excess fat that we really just don't need (especially if you're already carrying around some extra lbs- like me!). It just takes up a lot of your calories and doesn't have any nutritional value- no vitamins, phytochemicals, fiber, protein, etc. I water sautéing my food to avoid taking in extra calories and fat. We should stick to natural fat sources- nuts, seeds, avocados, etc. I learned all of this in Dr. Fuhrman's "Eat to Live" book. I would highly recommend this read! It will also blow your mind about meat and dairy!

    Dietary fat doesn't equal the same thing as body fat. You NEED dietary fat everyday and olive oil is a healthy version. Olive oil is a pretty natural type of fat ... however natural doesn't always mean good. Sure it is extra calories to the day but you really don't need a lot. Fat is essential to your body.
  • I LOVE olive oil!! I put that *kitten* on everything! :happy:

    I do, however, prefer to use non-stick cooking spray when making eggs and omelets as it doesn't have any calories.
  • Thank you for this post. Now I know what the heck the EVOO is that I see posted all the time. I use EVOO, I just never knew I did!! :bigsmile:
    :laugh: Well i am glad i was here to help.
  • At the end of the day olive oil is just fat. Excess fat that we really just don't need (especially if you're already carrying around some extra lbs- like me!). It just takes up a lot of your calories and doesn't have any nutritional value- no vitamins, phytochemicals, fiber, protein, etc. I water sautéing my food to avoid taking in extra calories and fat. We should stick to natural fat sources- nuts, seeds, avocados, etc. I learned all of this in Dr. Fuhrman's "Eat to Live" book. I would highly recommend this read! It will also blow your mind about meat and dairy!

    I re-read my post again and my wording is awful! I was writing specifically to olive oil fat, not fat in general. What I really should have suggested is to ingest lesser amounts of olive oil since it doesn't have as much nutritional value as other healthy fat sources like avocados, nuts, seeds, etc. I try and use those as my primary fat sources (plus the fat in meat and fish!). I never said we didn't need fat, or that it equals body fat. I definitely understand that it has an important function in health- giving us energy and keeping us fuller longer, among other things. Sorry for the confusion!