What do YOU guys do when you can't finsih your food?

Okay, so I need some input. I have gotten very dedicated to weighing and measuring out all my food
so that I know exactly how many calories I am putting into my body. I'm not sure how to enter my
food if I can’t finish it. I got up this morning and ate an apple with a tablespoon of peanut butter (5:30
a.m.) and then went to spin class. I wasn’t hungry, I just wanted the PB for protein and I didn’t want to
go work out on an empty tummy. By the time I came home and hour and a half later I was starving.
So I had a bowl of cereal with almond milk (7:00). I packed my lunch and went off to work. I busted
into my snack at around 10:00. Light N Fit Vanilla Yogurt (4 oz.), 1/4 cup sliced strawberries and 1/4
cup of granola. I measure all of this out and mix it together. It’s now 11:00 a.m. and I still have not
finished my snack which I started an hour ago, my hunger has been satisfied and I don’t want to force
myself to eat. I have no idea how much I have eaten of everything since they were mixed together and
wouldn’t even know how I would begin to go back in my food diary and fix it. Should I just leave it as
is? I mean all together the calories (had I eaten it all) would have come to 258 calories. I ‘probably’
ate half of it. Should I just keep it as is and just know that I have roughly 100-150 extra calories that I
can play with (if I want to). What would you guys do? Any input would be great.

Side note - Also I don’t log my exercise anymore, because I feel that MFP gives WAY to many
calories for exercise and that really messes with my head.




  • sweetrevenge
    (it's cutting off half of my post for some reason)


    So I had a bowl of cereal with almond milk (7:00). I packed my lunch and went off to work. I busted
    into my snack at around 10:00. Light N Fit Vanilla Yogurt (4 oz.), 1/4 cup sliced strawberries and 1/4
    cup of granola. I measure all of this out and mix it together. It’s now 11:00 a.m. and I still have not
    finished my snack which I started an hour ago, my hunger has been satisfied and I don’t want to force
    myself to eat. I have no idea how much I have eaten of everything since they were mixed together and
    wouldn’t even know how I would begin to go back in my food diary and fix it. Should I just leave it as
    is? I mean all together the calories (had I eaten it all) would have come to 258 calories. I ‘probably’
    ate half of it. Should I just keep it as is and just know that I have roughly 100-150 extra calories that I
    can play with (if I want to). What would you guys do? Any input would be great.

    Side note - Also I don’t log my exercise anymore, because I feel that MFP gives WAY to many
    calories for exercise and that really messes with my head.
  • sweetrevenge
    I give up. I can't seem to get my post up and I am getting VERY frustrated.
  • themetra
    themetra Posts: 174 Member
    Stuff that I eat everyday, I save as a meal, and if i don't finish it, I would put in that I ate half, or 2/4 or whatever.

    That's what I do with tuna fish.
    1 can 5oz tuna .....
    1.5 tbs mayo....
    2 pickles....

    saveit as "my tuna", and if I eat half I l choose the meal, and put in .5

    Hope that helps
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Ah, don't worry about the posts. MFP is being really weird anyway (don't know if you can see the weird stuff on your screen like I and a couple others I know can - weird!).

    I've done this when I make something that I THINK will be good and then end up not liking...I just try to figure out how much of it I actually ate OR I'll leave the whole amount since I would have eaten all of it, had I liked it anyway. If you're satisfied, you don't have to worry about leaving extra calories to eat something else instead.

    Just go about your day and if you end up hungry earlier than usual and you left the whole amount of calories in your log, maybe tweak it just a tad and have a smaller calorie snack (carrot & fat free ranch is 60 cals).
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Put what you don't finish in the fridge for later; if you eat it then you're good to go. If you don't and you only ate 1/2, then adjust your diary accordingly. That's what I do.
  • sweetrevenge
    Thanks guys! I think I will just leave it on my food diary and not worry about it and allow myself to go over like 100 calories if I need to especially since I worked out this morning (spin class) and just didn't log it. If my earlier post would have worked, you would have seen where I said "Also I don't log my exercise anymore because I feel that MFP gives WAY to many calories for exercise and that really messes with my head.
  • sweetrevenge
    Thanks guys! I think I will just leave it on my food diary and not worry about it and allow myself to go over like 100 calories if I need to especially since I worked out this morning (spin class) and just didn't log it. If my earlier post would have worked, you would have seen where I said "Also I don't log my exercise anymore because I feel that MFP gives WAY to many calories for exercise and that really messes with my head.
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    I simply don't finish it... I will not eat until I'm stuffed anymore... I do not need a clean plate. I have "un" conditioned myself from that way of thinking. If I'm hungry I eat it all... If I"m not I don't... If there's enough left over I keep it. If not I throw the rest out.
  • zionjeannine
    zionjeannine Posts: 26 Member
    Hello, maybe you can try to log your exercise at the end of the day before bed when you have calculated all your eaten calories. I do that so I don't get distracted by the workout calories as well. So you keep a record of your workouts. Also you can ask your class/spin class instructor how many calories you burn and pick the low end. Like if they say 300-500 for example, log the 300 if you want to be safe. When you log the exercise you can also adjust the time and calories not just except the numbers it gives you...so add it the way you want it.